
深夜独自伤神的情感文字 温柔而高级 适合收藏


Time is the most precious of all things, but if wasted, it is the greatest waste 爱情希望恐惧和信仰构成了人性,它们是人性的标志和特征

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Time is the most precious of all things, but if wasted, it is the greatest waste.

爱情希望恐惧和信仰构成了人性,它们是人性的标志和特征。——罗· 勃朗宁

Love, hope, fear and faith constitute human nature. They are the signs and characteristics of human nature.-- Lou Browning


It pains me to smell a little of you.


Falling in love is like shooting. It"s accurate, but it"s mostly by feel.


I want to have how brave, dare to always remember for you, I want to have how strong, can bear your injury again.

思念是一种很玄的东西,如影--随行 无声又无息出没在心底,转眼--吞没我,我的思念在发芽。

Missing is a very mysterious thing, such as shadow - accompanied by silent and stirless haunt in the bottom of my heart, in an instant - engulfed me, my thoughts in the germination.


I"m gonna hold your hand down the aisle.


Even perfunctory are not willing to give me you, now embrace who in the arms.


"My heart beats faster when I meet you."


Lonely reality told himself, true or false, a play.


If I could turn every time I think of you into a single flower, there would always be a garden of flowers around me.


When a mouse crosses the street, everyone shouts at it.

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