
抒发情感的温柔小短句 干净而美好 适合收藏


The turning of time pales the rings of memory I still stand under Bodhi and wait for you The pitiless nature of heaven

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The turning of time pales the rings of memory. I still stand under Bodhi and wait for you. The pitiless nature of heaven has made human nature miserable. I"m still sitting in the maple tree.


In the journey of life, all the joys and sorrows are hidden in it. There is always a smile for us, a breeze for us to enjoy the cool, and a sunshine for us to keep warm. As long as we have a quiet heart and feel at ease, we will be able to dance, smell the fragrance of the years and find happiness from time to time.


Smoke is coming up. I"ll wait for you at the door. It"s sunset. I"ll wait for you by the mountain. The leaves are yellow. I"ll wait for you under the tree. The moon is bent. I"ll wait for you at five. Here comes the drizzle. I"ll wait for you under the umbrella. The running water is frozen. I"ll wait for you by the river. Life is tired, I will wait for you in heaven. We are old and I will wait for you in the afterlife. It"s not only love, but also responsibility and habit to stay old together. Network.


It is not a person"s age but a person"s heart that waits for old age, but what love takes away is not a person"s effort.


Waiting, sometimes it is simply a kind of suffering, especially long time no see.


You"ve seen the world all over, in fact, just to wait for someone.


Ff: I"ve never heard anyone say to wait for me or care about me, because I think separation is a waiting without a return.


There is a kind of waiting called Gao Yan, a kind of refusal called Xiao Huanyun, a kind of perfect lover called Gao Zhan, and a kind of persistence called Lu Zhen.


Some memories will eventually be buried in the bottom of my heart; Some words are destined to have nowhere to talk; Some people are destined to brush their shoulders. Love is too beautiful, and the beauty stuns the gray heart. Inadvertent actions easily capture a heart that walks freely in the world, and attachment begins to become persistent, just for a look back and a smile. Fate always brings too many surprises, and also brings too many unspeakable losses, in the heart that you and I can"t touch.


Being single is the Chinese paper ζ that I am waiting for to marry after many years.


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