
温文尔雅的情感文字 简单而高级 治愈内心



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Come to the world in spring and dance lightly. The spring is gentle, it has the innocence of a child, and its smile is transparent. The spring breeze warms the world overnight. It seems that many beautiful things have been revived in an instant, including those promises made together. They sprout again, and the spring news in the garden is beaming.


There is always a moment, because a person"s words, like being poured a pot of cold water, swish, cold from head to foot.


Just like now, I watched you smile, be silent, be proud, and be lost, so I was happy with you and sad with you, but I always stood in the present and you stayed in the past forever.


No love, even jumping fart is the reason for breaking up.


It turns out that all my luck is not enough to make you fall in love with me, only enough to make me meet you.


How many shallow turns are deep feelings that others can"t understand.


Cool mushroom, don"t be silly. He said he loved you but didn"t say he only loved you.


A person has only one heart, but two atria, one is happy and the other is sad. Don"t laugh too loudly, or you will wake up the sadness next to you. Don"t be too sad, otherwise it will affect the happiness around you.


Life is afraid of the recurrence of tragedy. In my life, the more beautiful things I am, the more untouchable I am. I haven"t forgotten anything, but there are some things that are only suitable for collection. Can"t say, can"t think, but can"t forget. Instead of waiting for others to love you, learn to work hard and love yourself more.


Long road of life, walk and cherish. When you meet everything, do it with all your heart. As for the result, you will follow God"s will. Success is not ecstatic, and failure is not blaming others. When you meet every fate, treat it sincerely. As for how long you can accompany it, let it be, cherish it, and never stay.


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