
抒发情感的温柔小短句 温情而文艺 适合收藏


I think, always some people do not think of me 卿寻幸福去,我仍在原地,霜雪飘落时,人已分两地,如今徒追忆,难把君影觅,寒风刺骨痛,心碎谁来系

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原来 我的多情在你那是自作多情

The original I love in you that is love


I think, always some people do not think of me.


When the frost and snow fell, people were already in two places. Now the acts of recalling, it is difficult to find your shadow. The cold wind is bitter and the heart is broken.


To win an unloved heart is to enter an undefended city.


I try to smile strong lonely build a wall.


With a turn to leave, with a lifetime to forget.


When I learn to control my temper, IT proves that I know what is unnecessary.


I think love can fill the regrets of life, but it is love that makes more regrets.


Honey, you know what?When we sat looking at each other, it was the most beautiful moment in the world. I wouldn"t take it for a village chief.


I"d give anything just to touch you one more time!


Love is when others worry you"ll be fat while I worry you won"t have enough to eat.


In this world, no one can really feel another person"s pain.

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