
原版英语英译英微阅读:Two's company three's a crowd 电灯泡


也就是说,我们要学并学好英语,那么,我们究竟要学和记住的是什么?Four is any number of things not related to the original idea Twos

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原版英语英译英微阅读:Two"s company,three"s a crowd 电灯泡

见到英语Two is company, three"s a crowd,你能“说出”多少英语,“说”怎样的英语?这是



Four is any number of things not related to the original idea. "Two"s company, three"s a crowd" is the entire idiom, meant to express the idea that two people can relax and enjoy each others" presence, but more can cause discomfort.

Helpfully extending the idiom to four does nothing to extend its intended meaning.

比如,我们要学的英语是上面的Two"s company, three"s a crowd.

那么,我们要学并记住的一定是英语Two"s company,three"s crowd这句原话原句。


Okay.I got you.The idiom is meant to express the idea that two people can relax and enjoy each others" presence, but more can cause discomfort.



我们“学”但并不一定“记住”了英语的原话原句:Two"s company, three"s a crowd,但是,我们一定记住了它的中文解释:两人好作伴,三人有点乱。

这种只记英语原话原句,和只记英语原话原句的中文含义的“学法”,将来忘了英语原话原句时,你就等着用它的中文含义与人沟通交流吧,if any,如果可以的话。

I have some more examples for you to remember Two"s company,three"s crowd:

1.Two"s company,three"s crowd is a polite way to ask someone to go away=to leave=to leave me/us alone

2.Two"s company,three"s crowd means two people are relaxed and enjoying each other"s company but another person would make them feel less comfortable

3.Two"s company, three"s a crowd means A third person would make a group of people awkward or uncomfortable, especially when the other two are lovers or close friends.

是否让你想起另外一句英语:a spare wheel?

4.Yes,Two"s company,three"s crowd can also mean You"re a third wheel between two lovers.

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