
词汇量不高 如何有效阅读英文原版书?


英语·阅读能力英文来源:英国莱斯特大学官网中文来源:CNKI学术搜索微信公号整理翻译版权权归原作者所有Improving your reading skills will reduc

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「来源: |英语 ID:yingyu9」








Improving your reading skills will reduce unnecessary reading time and enable you to read in a more focused and selective manner. You will also be able to increase your levels of understanding and concentration. This guide shows you how to read with greater efficiency and effectiveness by using a range of different reading skills.


Reading for study


You already use a range of reading styles in everyday situations. The normal reading style that you might use for reading a novel is to read in detail, focusing on every word in sequence from start to finish.


If it is a magazine you are reading, you might flick through the pages to see which articles are of interest. When you look in a telephone directory for a particular name, you purposefully ignore all other entries and focus your attention on spotting the name you want. These everyday reading skills can be applied to your studies.


To improve your reading skills you need to:


have clear reading goals;树立清晰的目标;choose the right texts;选择合适的文本;use the right reading style;使用正确的阅读模式;use note taking techniques.掌握记笔记的技巧。

Reading goals


Clear reading goals can significantly increase your reading efficiency. Not everything in print will be of use to you. Use reading goals to select and prioritise information according to the task in hand.


Reading goals can be:


an essay or seminar subject;论文或者研讨会主题;a report brief;报告简报;a selected subject area;选定的学科领域;a series of questions about a specific topic.关于特定主题的一系列问题。Use your reading goals to help you identify the information that is relevant to your current task.


Choosing a text


You will need to assess the text to see if it contains information that is relevant to your reading goals.


Check the date of publication. Is the information up-to-date?检查出版日期,确认是否包含最新内容。Read the publisher"s blurb at the back or inside sleeve for an overview of the content.阅读封底的简介或浏览目录。Check the contents page for relevant chapters.查看相关章节的内容。Look up references for your topic in the index.在索引内查找主题相关的内容。If the text does not seem relevant, discard it.如果文本内容与主题不相关,毫不犹豫的放弃它。Once you have selected a text you can use the following techniques of scanning and skimming to help you identify areas for detailed reading.




Scanning is the technique you might use when reading a telephone directory. You pass your vision speedily over a section of text in order to find particular words or phrases that are relevant to your current task. You can scan:


the introduction or preface of a text;书籍介绍或封面文字;the first or last paragraphs of chapters;章节的第一段或最后一段;the concluding or summarising chapter of a text;章节的结论或总结;the book index.书籍索引。2.Skimming


Skimming is the process of speedy reading for general meaning. Let your eyes skip over sentences or phrases which contain detail. Concentrate on identifying the central or main points. Use this technique to:


pre-view a selection of text prior to detailed reading;在详细阅读前预览选择的文本;refresh your understanding of a selection of text following detailed reading.详细阅读后用跳读来加深对文本的理解。

Detailed reading and note taking


Once you have selected useful information, you can begin to read in detail. Note taking techniques provide a useful aid to reading. Use:


underlining and highlighting to pick out what seem to you the most central or important words and phrases. Do this in your own copy of texts or on photocopies - never on borrowed texts;通过划线或高亮的方式来找出你认为重要的词语或中心内容。在你复印的文本或者影印本上这样做——千万不要在借来的书上这样做;keywords to record the main headings as you read. Use one or two keywords for each main point. Keywords can be used when you don"t want to mark the text;用关键词来记录主要标题。每个要点使用一到两个关键词。当你不想为文本做标记的时候,你可以使用关键词的方法;questions to encourage you to take an active approach to your reading. Record your questions as you read. They can also be used as prompts for follow up work;提问题会鼓励你积极阅读。并且在你阅读的过程中要记录下问题,在随后的工作中,可以用来推进任务;summaries to check you have understood what you have read. Pause after a section of text and put what you have read in your own words.通过总结的方法来检验你理解了多少阅读内容。在读完一部分内容后要暂停一下,并用自己的语言来复述总结。These techniques encourage an active engagement with the text as well as providing you with a useful record of your reading. Avoid passively reading large amounts of text, it does not make effective use of your time. Always use a note taking technique to increase your levels of concentration and understanding.


Increasing your reading speed


It is more important to improve your reading skills than your reading speed. Being focused and selective in your reading habits will reduce the time you spend reading. If, in addition to using a range of reading skills you want to increase your reading speed, then the following technique will be of use.


The average reading speed is about 240-300 words per minute. For the average reader, the eye fixes on each word individually.


It is easy for your eye to recognise 4 or 5 words in a single fixation without a loss of understanding.


The key to increasing your reading speed is not to increase the speed at which your eyes move across the page, but to increase the word span for a single fixation. A simple way of developing the habit of taking in more than one word per fixation is to take a page of text and divide it length ways into three with two lines drawn down the page. Using a pen or pencil as a pointer, read each line of text by allowing your eye to fall only in the middle of each of the three sections, as indicated by your pointer.


Developing your reading speed


Don"t worry about how quickly you are reading but instead, concentrate on reading the line in only three fixations.不要担心你阅读的有多快,相反,要把注意力放在每三词一停顿的阅读方式上。As this becomes more natural, practise without drawing lines.当越来越适应这种阅读方式后,尝试不用笔指着阅读。Later, reduce the number of fixations to two per line.随后,将停留的次数减少到每两行一次。Once this increased word span becomes a comfortable habit, an increase in your reading speed will occur.一旦你习惯了这种阅读方式,你的阅读速度会大幅提高。



Have a clear focus for your reading. Set your reading goals.对于阅读有清晰的目标。为自己设立阅读目标。Survey the text before you spend the time and effort involved in detailed reading.在你花费时间和精力仔细阅读文本前,对其进行调查。Scan and skim to select the text for detailed reading.通过浏览和跳读的方式来选择需要精读的文本内容。Scan and skim after detailed reading to reinforce your understanding.精读过的内容通过浏览和跳读的方式来加强理解。Use a form of note taking whilst reading in detail, to keep you concentrating, aid understanding and provide you with a record of your reading.在精读时记笔记是确保自己集中注意力、帮助理解并留存阅读记录的有效方式。Using clear reading goals and a variety of reading skills is more important than increasing your reading speed.在阅读时有清晰的阅读目标和使用阅读技巧比阅读速度更重要。To improve your reading speed, don"t increase the speed of the eye across the page, but increase the number of words the eye recognises in a single fixation.为了提高阅读速度,不要增加眼睛在纸面上浏览的时间,而是要增加每次停留时眼睛看到的单词广度。

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