
温情动人的情感文字 满怀爱意 值得一看


People leave their names and ask questions 已经凉的心还能捂热吗?Has been cool heart can cover heat?我会努力奋斗,不停地想要成功,都是因为我想成为那个配得上你的人

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People leave their names and ask questions.


Has been cool heart can cover heat?


I will work hard, and I will keep trying to succeed, because I want to be someone worthy of you.


Love, is their own complete, I do not lack anything.


Truly love a person will feel, when you accompany me, I never envy anyone.


Gawking at the screen, but can not wait for your answer, their love can only be wishful thinking.


When the tears fall down, just understand, love is not chase and possession!


I summon up courage to forget the distance, how to tell you, love has slowly burned.


Relationships don"t need promises, terms and conditions.It just needs two people: one who can trust and one who is willing to understand.


Are you young after all? I don"t know this world is cold and hot, sunrise and sunset people get together and scattered


Sometimes I want to kill you.Other times?Other times, I want to love you forever.


You know what"s most important to me? It"s the first word of that sentence.

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