第一句子大全 > 标签 > Exotic
春节常用语的英语表达——An Exotic Chinese Lunar New Year

春节常用语的英语表达——An Exotic Chinese Lunar New Year

...paper-cuttings for window decoration窗花/剪纸洋味新年添姿彩 An Exotic Chinese Lunar New YearChinese Lunar New Year is approaching soon. 2021 is the year of ox 。What do people do in the lunar new year? People make dumplings and stick paper-cuttings for window decoration in northern Chi...

2015-05-30 #经典句子

英文阅读5——Global wildlife trade higher than was thought

英文阅读5——Global wildlife trade higher than was thought

...计高出约50%。The wildlife trade - in the likes of horns, ivory and exotic pets - is the number one cause of animal extinction, tied only with land development. 野生动物贸易-像角,象牙和外来宠物等-是导致动物灭绝的第一大原因,仅与土地开发有关。Prof David ...

2015-03-22 #经典句子



...就能喜欢上这种与另种文化交融的情绪 理解这种感觉为exotic(具有异域风情的)还未够,应像是完全浸入了这种语言文化里的烟火水壤里,像本土人般生活着想起钱钟书先生的《谈中国诗》And leaves the world to darkness and to me.--Thom...

2023-09-23 #经典句子

考研英语作文朱伟VS写作160篇 基础薄弱选后者!

考研英语作文朱伟VS写作160篇 基础薄弱选后者!

...Multicultural 多元文化的Heritage 遗产Confucics 孔子Taoism 道家Exotic culture 异域文化Coexistence 共存Cross-culture 异域文化Cultural tolerance 文化包容性Cultural identity 文化认同Academic activity 学术活动Traditional handicraft 传统工艺Oriental cultural 东方文...

2024-01-05 #经典句子

听了很温柔有安全感的句子|匆匆离去 奔向这座城市的深处

听了很温柔有安全感的句子|匆匆离去 奔向这座城市的深处

...ng nursery rhymes, whether to remember the past, old age, red window pale, exotic, here is very reassuring.备忘录里的温柔句子|路旁坏了的长明灯,照亮这个黑暗的地方一眼心动的温柔句子|十二月的天色,也散尽了芳香吧温柔到爆的神仙句子|偶然...

2022-12-29 #经典句子



...怪的economical 经济的enlightened 开明的;文明的evil 邪恶的exotic 异国的fallacious 荒谬的fashionable 时髦的feasible 可行的fictitious 虚假的flexile 灵活多样的fruitful 有成效的glamorous 富有魅力的gorgeous 辉煌的humane 人道的ignorant (of) 无视的;无...

2023-12-07 #经典句子

让人感同身受的文案 干净入心 值得细品!

让人感同身受的文案 干净入心 值得细品!

异乡的繁花似锦,寂寞是我独自的情歌。Exotic flowers, loneliness is my own love song.在这个生活中,我走错了不少路看错了很多人,承受了很多背叛落魄过的狼狈过不去不过也没关系。In this life, I have gone wrong many ways to see a lot of people, b...

2022-12-10 #经典句子




2013-02-02 #经典句子

满眼都是遗憾的句子|望着自己走进烟雨 走向失落的过往

满眼都是遗憾的句子|望着自己走进烟雨 走向失落的过往

...the small town, has too many past events, too many old things, lies on the exotic bed, the rain hits the banana, falls the big bead, the small bead, The hotel in the dust carries the past rush, bears fatigue and tears.岸边的小巷并不深,闾阎不大,但却成了执念,家还安好吧,...

2022-12-31 #经典句子



...hat we even think they’re boring. Not a bit of it! Families are the most exotic things on earth. If you dig enough in your own family, you’re sure to come up with all the stuff you could want for a great novel. Surprising characters, dramatic or funny stories passed down for generations, or a fa...

2007-11-24 #经典句子



...rg/nobel_prizes/physics/laureates/2016/press.html[2] Nature: Physics of 2D exotic matter wins Nobel.http://www.nature.com/news/physics-of-2d-exotic-matter-wins-nobel-1.20722[3] 果壳网:物理学奖:平面世界里的奇幻现象http://www.guokr.com/article/441761/[4] 拓扑为何http://iscient...

2023-08-27 #经典句子



...ndicate more meaning that complete sentences in English. As a result, this exotic ink format allows for discreet statements and slyly distinct philosophical messaging.每一个神圣的汉字背后都有摄人心魄的深度,自然而然,汉字能展现一种自信优雅精明练达的气质。...

2012-12-09 #经典句子



...经济market economy4. 城市化 urbanization5. 丝绸 silk6. 外国商品 exotic product7. 时钟clock8. 烟草tobacco9. 商业中心commercial center10. 印度洋 the Indian Ocean11. 经典名著classical novel12. 宋朝The Song Dynasty13. 最先进的经济体the most advanced economy14. 首先...

2007-03-27 #经典句子

英文文学中简单经典的30句话 句句穿心!

英文文学中简单经典的30句话 句句穿心!

...切都会好起来的,如果不好,那就还没到最后。—The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel by Deborah Moggach《涉外大饭店》-作者德博拉·莫加奇

2022-11-15 #经典句子

看《Friends》19集学英语:The One Where The Monkey Gets Away

看《Friends》19集学英语:The One Where The Monkey Gets Away

...not like them? 怎么了?你不喜欢他们?[11:19.-3]Marcel is an illegal exotic animal. 马修是非法的外来动物[11:26.26]I"m not allowed to have him. If they find him,they"ll take him away. 我是非法饲养.万一被他们找到他们就会带走它[11:31.57]Well,now,see, you never ever t...

2008-11-03 #经典句子



...和背景的猎奇,称为“后殖民的异国情调”(postcolonial exotic)。作为教授后殖民文学的学者,熟谙后殖民理论和术语的古尔纳,却并没有完全遵循有关非洲的后殖民写作套路。古尔纳在他叙述中并没有陷入到身份政治或者后殖...

2024-01-03 #经典句子



...录;引用exchange /ks"tend/ n./ v.交换;交流;兑换;交易所exotic/g"ztk/ adj.异国的,异国情调的;外来的2. e, ex 表示 “外部,外,超出”expert /"ekspt/ n.专家 adj.熟练的;内行的explode/k"spld/ v.爆炸;激增explosion n.爆发;激增explosive adj.爆...

2011-07-26 #经典句子



...sity 3 solo travel4 swap stories 5 globalized world 6 foreign travel81 exotic places 2 lovely dream 3 multinational excursions4 pleasant experiences 5 foreign travel 6 valuable open-mindedness7 ample opportunities 8 disorienting diversity 9 local folklore10 swap storie...

2024-01-12 #经典句子