第一句子大全 > 标签 > Poetry
英文翻译 诗和远方?是Poetry and far away吗?你的答案是什么

英文翻译 诗和远方?是Poetry and far away吗?你的答案是什么

...翻译呢?当我们直接搜索诗和远方时;搜索给出的翻译是Poetry and far away;显然是没有达到我们预想的那种意境效果。那我们看看其他的翻译是否能吸引到你。TOP1:Life is not only about compromise, but also poems and dreams.Top2:When life gives you l...

2015-04-24 #经典句子

特别暖心的晚安文案短句 温暖阳光 沁人心脾

特别暖心的晚安文案短句 温暖阳光 沁人心脾

...是半诗半烟,手执烟火为生,心存诗情为爱。Life is half poetry and half smoke, holding fireworks for a living, the heart of poetry for love.世上最美妙的事情就是,每天醒来都是一个新的开始,完全免费,永远不会断货。The most wonderful thing in the wor...

2023-07-23 #经典句子



...歌Waiting for a loud morning, once again embrace the sun to recite soft poetry to you形成久久不散的心口回声,这就是风的气息,雨点声,梦境与梦境的耳语是,这句话毕竟安慰了许,仍有很长的时间。还有你这一生,不再放荡,只愿给你一个安...

2023-01-17 #经典句子



...s simple enough to say thatsince books have classes — fiction,biography, poetry — we should separate them and take from each what it is right that each should give us. Yet few people ask from books what books can give us. Most commonly we come to books with blurredand divided minds, asking of fi...

2012-10-23 #经典句子

深情的诗意句子 想见你 不远万里

深情的诗意句子 想见你 不远万里

...iry, the cloud ghost will fall to the ground.Like wine, like flowers, like poetry and picturesque beauty.Intoxicated in poetry, ask for love and never regret.身知行路难,心识愁滋味。红尘三千劫,人生一场醉。彤笔点朱唇,匀红描绿翠。明月唱当年,春风歌我辈...

2022-11-14 #经典句子



...ical Hemingway’s Hero5.论Robert Frost的诗歌创作On Robert Frost’s Poetry6.《了不起的盖茨比》中的象征Symbolism in The Great Gatsby7.华滋华斯诗歌的自然观On William Wordsworth’s Naturalism8.论叶芝诗歌中的宗教思想On Religions Thoughts in W. B. Yeats’ Poetry...

2019-08-30 #经典句子

送给自己的治愈文案 高冷又文艺 让人记忆深刻

送给自己的治愈文案 高冷又文艺 让人记忆深刻

...not be so cruel.雨是揉碎的诗,诗是绵延的雨!Rain is crumpled poetry, poetry is continuous rain!我还在原地等你,你却已经忘记曾来过这里。I"m still waiting for you where we used to be, but you"ve forgotten you were ever here.

2010-06-24 #经典句子

治愈金句 荆棘在盛开 自私的人越来越多 善良的灵魂在减少!

治愈金句 荆棘在盛开 自私的人越来越多 善良的灵魂在减少!

...起来像玫瑰花瓣,但有时它们更像草地。Words can be used as poetry,they can be used as poetry.they can be useddd as code,sometimes they can be used as code,sometimes they seem like rose petals,but sometimes they are more like a sward.3、下雨时,大雨伞总能证明它们的价...

2013-12-09 #经典句子

简短又高级的温柔句子 精致入心 值得细品

简短又高级的温柔句子 精致入心 值得细品

...when you sleep, and waking up is a new life. And the new fire and try tea, poetry and wine every spring.怀念浪漫的宇宙,又惜人间的日常。Love the romantic universe, but also cherish the daily world.并且会用新火试茶。诗酒逢春。暮色乍拆秋千,空锁庭花雨。And wi...

2023-05-05 #经典句子



...线的意义A plan to revive Britain’s rural railways gathers steamThe poetry makes more sense than the economics复兴英国乡村铁路的计划正在酝酿之中诗歌比经济学更有意义Paragraph 1:IN THE SILENT ticket office, beneath the half-moon windows of the booths, a large green si...

2023-06-22 #经典句子

抚慰人生的句子 温柔治愈 独特而优美 滋润心灵!

抚慰人生的句子 温柔治愈 独特而优美 滋润心灵!

...没有人真正关心破碎的心,只有诗歌。The broken heart bleeds poetry,but hey,nobody really cares about teh broken heart but only about the poetry.六、如果你有机会让别人开心,那就去做吧。有时人们可能会默默挣扎。你的善举一定会让他们高兴。If you...

2023-01-21 #经典句子

日本援助物资上的中文古诗火了 你知道它们的含义吗?

日本援助物资上的中文古诗火了 你知道它们的含义吗?

...cluded in the Complete Tang Poems, the largest existing collection of Tang poetry.如题所示,这首佛诗被绣在长屋亲王命人制作的1000件袈裟上,送往中国唐朝,这是他邀请中国僧人来日本的一份诚意。这首诗也被收录进了现存最大的唐诗集《全唐...

2023-11-19 #经典句子

让人感同身受的句子 句句现实扎心!

让人感同身受的句子 句句现实扎心!

...我也有诗和远方,只不过诗很烂远方一片黑暗。I also have poetry and the distance, but the poetry is very bad, the distance is dark.我以为我二十多岁,会去看山海大河,落日余晖,没想到,到了谈婚论嫁的年龄,我还在寻找自己的路上。I thought ...

2022-12-05 #经典句子

最近微信很有态度的心情句子 别让他沉沦 别让他随波逐流

最近微信很有态度的心情句子 别让他沉沦 别让他随波逐流

...吴彼。从那以后,没有了牵挂,没有了情感。Flowers into poetry, fertilizer acacia, lose leisure, aloes forlove of poetry, drunk lying Wu PI. Since then, no care, no emotion.随着岁月的流逝,我的思想根深蒂固。As the years went by, my ideas took root.老人不回复,...

2022-11-25 #经典句子

「早安」超清新的治愈系早安句子 干净独特 人见人爱!

「早安」超清新的治愈系早安句子 干净独特 人见人爱!

...though I am not very gentle, I will take care of you, and we will not have poetry and poetry until we have passed through this uninterested day. distance. good Morning!大部分的时候,我鲜活可爱又生动,就像早起的鸟儿,跳来跳去,也喜欢早市的花和卖早餐的喊叫声...

2023-06-15 #经典句子

适合发朋友圈的句子 句句唯美走心 总有一句适合你!

适合发朋友圈的句子 句句唯美走心 总有一句适合你!

...Distant memory extends beauty, drunk flowers asperse into mistyrain; Tang poetry and Song poetry, frankly speaking affection, grief烟雨蒙蒙,你的影子若隐若现,她的思念如细雨,落在你身上,落在你心里。Misty rain, if your shadow is hidden, her thoughts like adrizzle, f...

2022-12-02 #经典句子



...类型,学生们最后也许想写自己的诗了。1.why people write poetry2.while others do not3.though strange4.With so many different forms of poetry to choose from1.When I was taken off the school football team because I was unfit,I knew ___________.当我因为身体不健康而被校...

2023-12-05 #经典句子



life is not only to be survive right now,but also the poetry and place farther days away。生活不止眼前的苟且,还有诗和远方。Take nothing for granted. Know that in life, the harder you work, the luckier you"ll get. 没有什么理所当然。只有一种,人生中你愈努力,...

2022-11-16 #经典句子



...爱能推翻帝国,爱让两颗心结合,冒出熊熊烈火I will have poetry in my life, and adventure, and love. Love above all.我要生命充满着诗,充满着冒险,以及爱,爱情至上Not the artful postures of love, but love that overthrows life.爱情不是虚假的,而是刻...

2022-12-19 #经典句子



...问津的日子才配拥有诗和远方Through the days of no one,To have poetry and distance——科比 ·布莱恩特

2008-09-10 #经典句子