第一句子大全 > 标签 > assume


assume一词,它是法律英语的常见词,在法律英语中有三层含义:1承担......责任Where any losses are caused due to Party A’s early termination of this agreement, Party A will fully assume such losses, and fully pay formality fees to Party B.由于甲方提前终止协议造...

2023-12-15 #经典句子

英文写作词汇积累:可替换“I think……”的21个表达

英文写作词汇积累:可替换“I think……”的21个表达

...feel....8. I honestly believe that.....9. From my point of view......10. I assume......assume: 假定,假設;臆斷,想當然地認為Ex: I assumed (that) you knew each other because you went to the same school.你們不是上同一間學校嗎?我還以為你們兩個認識呢。11. I consi...

2020-07-15 #经典句子



...述句,宾语从句照样变成陈述句。例如:Should advertisers assume that people are happy to be tracked and sent behavioural ads?Why do so many Americans distrust what they read in their newspapers?3)宾语从句的位置:3种位置:a、动宾:(动单宾:及物动词+从句...

2008-07-24 #经典句子



...sary exercise in modesty. The reader wants to know who did the thinking or assuming, the author, or some other expert.最后舒尔茨博士得出的结论是:“first-person pronouns in scientific writing are acceptable if used in a limited fashion and to enhance clarity.” In other words, don’...

2013-10-03 #经典句子

2016年考研英语 英语一Text 1(第二部分) 长难句解析

2016年考研英语 英语一Text 1(第二部分) 长难句解析

...请看:1. 单词和词组tell sb (sth) v. 告诉某人(某事)take/assume/shoulder responsibility for v. 为…负责signal n. 信号;标志;指示灯;红绿灯 adj. 重大的;显要的 v. 发信号;表明*sign v. 签名;签字;打手势 n.标志;迹象;指示牌;手势tap...

2022-11-21 #经典句子



...人可能认为这是事实,但我不是。我认为…It may be true as assumed by others, but I don"t. I believe that 从句例:别人可能认为这是事实,但我不是。我认为只要有坚定的决心和意志,胜利终究会属于你的。It may be true as assumed by others, but I ...

2023-11-08 #经典句子



...人可能认为这是事实,但我不是。我认为…It may be true as assumed by others, but I don"t. I believe that子句例︰别人可能认为这是事实,但我不是。我认为…It may be true as assumed by others, but I don"t. I believe that if you have strong determination and perse...

2023-01-18 #经典句子



...技术高超的人He’s an artist in the kitchen. 他是位烹饪大师。assume 假定;设想承担(责任);就(职)呈现;具有(特定的性质、外表或程度)assume a manner/air/expression etc假装[装出]…的态度/样子/表情等he assumed full responsibility for all ...

2009-10-03 #经典句子

广电总局 中宣部接连发文 直指违法失德 “饭圈”乱象等问题

广电总局 中宣部接连发文 直指违法失德 “饭圈”乱象等问题

...,严禁选用未成年人参加选秀类节目。Gaming platforms must assume primary responsibility to install anti-addiction systems and improve real-name registration technology, it said.压实游戏平台主体责任,推进防沉迷系统接入,完善实名验证技术。Penalties should b...

2016-07-04 #经典句子

适合新的一周发朋友圈说早安的励志句子 精辟有韵味 点赞量满满

适合新的一周发朋友圈说早安的励志句子 精辟有韵味 点赞量满满

...own up, we will become gentle and polite, and strive to be brave enough to assume the responsibilities we should assume, so that a person should grow up like it!假如现在的你感到迷茫,假如你实在看不清自己的未来,那么,你就比别人更努力一点,坚持的更久一点...

2022-11-23 #经典句子

每日视频学英语21期:It says the wrong message to our kids

每日视频学英语21期:It says the wrong message to our kids

... due respect, let"s leave the creative suggestions to the mothers who have assumed the heavy lifting, shall we? 恕我直言,让我们让我们把这些有创造性的意见留给那些承担了重任的妈妈,好吗?with all due respect: 尽管(对您)尊敬之至 due: 应得的 respect: ...

2023-11-16 #经典句子

英文语录:While there is life there is hope.

英文语录:While there is life there is hope.

...It"s never too late to mend.亡羊补牢,犹未晚也Never expect,never assume,and never demand.Just let it be,because if it"s meant to be,it will happen the way you want it to.永不期待,永不假设,永不强求顺其自然,若是注定发生必会如你所愿图文来源于网络 侵...

2016-10-18 #经典句子

句式“I take it……”

句式“I take it……”

"I take it" is a phrase that means "I assume" or "my understanding is that..." We use it toexpress what we think is true, and to ask forconfirmation. For instance, in today"sdialogue, Josh said, "I take it digitalmarketing uses different strategies?" Herehis assumption is that "digital marketinguses...

2013-11-14 #经典句子

《权力的游戏》角色最经典的那些台词 一句就是一生!

《权力的游戏》角色最经典的那些台词 一句就是一生!

...n I’m trying to understand a person’s motives, I play a little game. I assume the worst. 有时候,当我想知道一个人的动机时,我会玩一个小游戏。我会想象最坏的可能性。

2011-08-25 #经典句子

英语习语:take for granted「认为是理所当然 而不重视」

英语习语:take for granted「认为是理所当然 而不重视」

...21 Sep 2020Meaning:We can say somebody takes something for granted if they assume it"ll always be there for them, and they don"t seem thankful for it.可以说,如果某人认为某种东西永远存在他们身边,那认为是理所当然的事情,此并不感激、并不重视。For example:...

2007-04-06 #经典句子

小学英语语法-连词分类详解 附例句分析!

小学英语语法-连词分类详解 附例句分析!

...……3.分词连词:Provided 只要,providing只要,given假如, assuming假定,seeing因为4.短语连词As if 仿佛, as though 仿佛,even if即使, even though即使,as long as只要,in case以免,now that既然,so that以致二、按照性质分类: 按照其性质...

2023-11-27 #经典句子



... interviewers place greater emphasis upon education background. However, I assume the ability of job applicants should gain more attention.There are three main reasons to support this view. First and foremost, education background is merely a measure of one’s ability. To put it another way, the ca...

2024-01-17 #经典句子

“一月大 二月小 三月大”的英语你会说吗?

“一月大 二月小 三月大”的英语你会说吗?

...1days.The odd months have 31 days and the even months have 30 days in them,assuming it"s not a leap year that has only 28 days in February.So,the odd months are January,March,May,July,September,and NovemberSo,the even months are February,April,June,August,October and December.2) 把英语阅读当...

2008-03-17 #经典句子

收集的励志唯美句子 意味深长 触动心灵

收集的励志唯美句子 意味深长 触动心灵

...自然,如果注定要发生,那就如你所愿。Don"t expect, don"t assume, don"t insist. Go with the flow. Ifit"s meant to happen, it"s what you want.最喜欢的一句话:不要紧张。深呼吸。坚持住。拿着它。Favorite quote: Don"t be nervous. Take a deep breath. Hold on.Take it....

2022-11-19 #经典句子



...……allowing for / considering... 考虑到……counting... 算上……assuming / supposing... 假定……taken as a whole 总的来说compared with... 与……相比较举例:Judging from his accent, he must be from the south. 听他口音,肯定是个南方人。Taken as a whole, there i...

2023-06-13 #经典句子