第一句子大全 > 标签 > holiday


...语又应该怎么说呢?1. 调休“调休”可不要说成“change a holiday”哦。正确的表达应该是“leave in lieu”。in lieu(of sth.)=instead of 替代。“leave in lieu”可以理解为“替换的假期”。例如:They took cash in lieu of the prize they had won. 他们...

2024-01-16 #经典句子



...rest.2)从“五一劳动节”学“假期”英语五一假期 May Day holiday黄金周 golden week小长假 short holiday市内游 城市名+City Tour周边游 Tour around+城市名法定假日 legal holiday(休息一两天的)短假a brief holiday假期综合症 holiday mood暑假/寒假 s...

2012-12-17 #经典句子

适合放假时发的句子 俏皮可爱 写给刚放假的你!

适合放假时发的句子 俏皮可爱 写给刚放假的你!

...、放假模式逛吃逛吃模式已启动,请看管好卡里的余额。Holiday mode has been started. Please take care of the balance of the card.2、为什么假期过得特别快呢?因为没有上午!Why does the holiday pass so fast? Because there is no morning!3、放假了,我的腰...

2022-12-03 #经典句子

五一假期发朋友圈的可爱句子 幽默搞笑 把快乐带给你!

五一假期发朋友圈的可爱句子 幽默搞笑 把快乐带给你!

...期到,我有一颗起床的心,可是床和被子不同意。May Day holiday to, I have a heart to get up, but the bed and quilt do not agree.五一假期到,我喜欢每个月的一号,因为一切好像都可以重新开始。The May Day holiday comes, I like the first of every month, bec...

2023-01-26 #经典句子

“调休”可不能译成“change holiday” 那“调休 请假”用英文怎么说?

“调休”可不能译成“change holiday” 那“调休 请假”用英文怎么说?

...另外的时间再休息”,根据字面意思很容易翻译为change holiday,如果这么翻译,就太过浅显了,那它的英语到底怎么说?其实,在英文中就可翻译为:change one"s shift to get leave later. 这么表达稍微有那么一点点长,但是比较好理解...

2023-11-06 #经典句子

暑假发朋友圈被秒赞的小句子 俏皮可爱 值得分享!

暑假发朋友圈被秒赞的小句子 俏皮可爱 值得分享!

...不疼了,背也不酸了,视力恢复正常,颈椎也不突出了。Holiday, my waist does not ache, back is not acid, vision returned to normal, cervical spine is not prominent.2、所谓放假,家里招嫌,出门没钱,每天特闲。The so-called holiday, in the home is disliked, no ...

2023-01-09 #经典句子

春节假期结束发的可爱句子 幽默有趣 皮一下很开心

春节假期结束发的可爱句子 幽默有趣 皮一下很开心

1.假期结束,清空假期慵懒,一切向前看。The end of the holiday, empty holiday lazy, everything forward2.从朋友圈撤退倒计时中。The countdown to the retreat from the circle of friends3.聚会,假期结束前的最后挣扎。Party, the last struggle before the end of the h...

2022-11-26 #经典句子

有寒假英语作文作业的同学有福了 5篇关于我的寒假英语作文范文

有寒假英语作文作业的同学有福了 5篇关于我的寒假英语作文范文

...的同学可以参考本文。我的寒假英语作文 My Life in Winter HolidayIhave a great time during the winter holiday, because I enjoy myself as well asfocus on my study. As it’s known to all, the Spring Festival is the mostimportant in winter holiday that would occupy much time to celebrat...

2024-01-08 #经典句子

属于五一假期结束的文案 句句生动有趣 值得一看!

属于五一假期结束的文案 句句生动有趣 值得一看!

...您的五一小长假结束倒计时,是否续费?Tips: Your May Day holiday is counting down, do you want to renew it?三,我的五日限定结束My five-day deadline is over四,人生得意须尽欢,胡吃海喝须尽兴,被碳水包围的快乐五天Oh, let a man of spirit venture whe...

2023-07-14 #经典句子

五一假期发的句子 沙雕可爱 幽默有趣

五一假期发的句子 沙雕可爱 幽默有趣

...waste again.放假了,世界那么大,买个地球仪到处去转转。Holiday, the world is so big, buy a globe around.五一假期快乐,朋友圈旅途开始。Happy May Day holiday, circle of friends journey begins.放假攻略,除了玩手机就是睡觉喽。Holiday strategy, in additi...

2023-01-02 #经典句子



...一个梦想,那就是不上班。说到假期,你的第一反应还是holiday?Nonono~假期的说法有好几种。请假的方式也有很多,今天就让我们来一起看看吧!假期的说法Holiday Holiday是holy和day的合写,最初的意思是特殊的宗教节日。后来,用...

2013-02-22 #经典句子

母亲节的最美句子 温馨迷人 句句让人暖心!

母亲节的最美句子 温馨迷人 句句让人暖心!

...want to use my life"s hospitality for you to have a dream to pillow, happy holidays! mom!6、母亲节快乐,我们家的女王大人。Happy mother"s day, our queen.7、小棉袄我会努力努力再努力,早点成为你的防弹衣。妈妈,节日快乐!I will try my best to be your bulle...

2022-11-30 #经典句子

这段重阳节的英语阅读 你“读懂”了吗?Chongyang Festival

这段重阳节的英语阅读 你“读懂”了吗?Chongyang Festival

...r"s Chongyang Festival, or Double Ninth Festival, falls on October 25. The holiday, celebrated as a ritual to worship ancestors and pray for longevity, is observed on the ninth day of the ninth month of the Chinese lunar calendar. An exhibition marking the ancient Chinese festival opened on Friday (...

2016-07-10 #经典句子



... Mother"s Day in Modern History has a sad twist with itMother’s Day is a holiday honoring motherhood that is observed in different forms throughout the world. In the United States, Mother’s Day 2021 will occur on Sunday, May 9. The American incarnation of Mother’s Day was created by Anna Jarvi...

2023-01-02 #经典句子

父亲节发的朋友圈句子 句句很暖心 字字很感动!

父亲节发的朋友圈句子 句句很暖心 字字很感动!

...is Dad"s shoulder, and the first gust of wind in life is Dad"s back. Happy holidays, Dad!小时候总是很怕你,被训斥从不敢回嘴,有一天我与你顶撞了几句,才突然觉得自己长大了。节日快乐老爸!When I was a child, I was always afraid of you. I was scolded and n...

2022-11-12 #经典句子

适合清明节假期发的句子 新颖个性 治愈暖心

适合清明节假期发的句子 新颖个性 治愈暖心

....9.放假了,腰不疼背不酸,视力正常,脊椎也不突出了。Holiday, back pain is not acid, normal vision, spine is not prominent.10.放假的时候买个地球仪吧,世界那么大你还可以转一转的。Buy a globe on holiday. You can go around the world.11.放假没有文案...

2022-11-24 #经典句子

2019新年英文祝福都在这里了 超实用哦!

2019新年英文祝福都在这里了 超实用哦!

...师朋友们吧!给父母亲Mom and Dad: Thank you for everything this holiday season!爸爸妈妈:在这个节日里,谢谢你们给与我的一切!I"ll be home to enjoy this New Year with you.新年我会回家跟你们一起过呦~A present from me is on the way. Hope you"ll like it.我...

2020-11-15 #经典句子



...绍的是智力和环境的关系。(B)If you’re looking for travel or holiday shop or online travel agent, look no further. Book a flight, holiday, city break, hotel or car rental from our excellent travel section.Hotelopiaw+w=w.hotelpoia.co.ukHotelopia offers both business and leisure travelers ...

2023-12-02 #经典句子



...其服务质量和保持长期稳定的服务关系至关重要。On Post-holiday SyndromeHave you ever had a feeling of depression caused by fatigue, loss of appetite and irritability upon returning to school or working from holidays? If so, don’t panic; you just suffer from the so-called post-ho...

2024-01-08 #经典句子

暑假结束发朋友圈的句子 俏皮大方 赶紧收藏!

暑假结束发朋友圈的句子 俏皮大方 赶紧收藏!

...期,一般是山河湖海,还有一半是美女的自拍。Interesting holidays are usually mountains, rivers, lakes and seas, and half of them are self portraits of beautiful women.9、每逢假期胖三斤,每逢开学瘦三斤,作业你放了我吧!Every holiday fat three catties, every...

2022-12-13 #经典句子