第一句子大全 > 标签 > Lies
英语刊物精读:畅销外刊小说《大小谎言》(Big Little Lies)

英语刊物精读:畅销外刊小说《大小谎言》(Big Little Lies)

...n就属于这类题材。今天再介绍一部类似的作品:Big Little Lies小说作者是澳大利亚知名女作家Liane Moriarty,除了这部小说,她还写过其他几本畅销书,比如The Husband"s Secret,What Alice Forgot以及Truly Madly Guilty。她的很多作品都关注中...

2023-09-29 #经典句子

比衡中解析还详细 一道高考英语模拟题引发长难句详解

比衡中解析还详细 一道高考英语模拟题引发长难句详解

...y chance to multiply their income, believing that is where their happiness lies.大概猜测一下,句子真正的主语是Some people ,后面whose接的一个定语从句修饰主语。谓语是appreciate 。或者appreciate being given才是一个完整的复合谓语?最搞不懂的就是...

2023-10-07 #经典句子



...。比如:“疾病/病毒潜伏期”:I only know the word:The virus lies/stays dormant for quite a long time.你也只学会和记住be dormant这个英语词,但你很难保证每次都能随时说出be dormant这个对应的英语词。1) 英语be dormant英语体验:1. The virus can rem...

2023-11-28 #经典句子

英语知识点 not……but……用法

英语知识点 not……but……用法

...cai老师的英语课堂,相信你能有所收获!"The value of life lies not in the length of days, but in the use that we make of them." —— MicheldeMontaigne该句话可译为:生命的价值不在于活了多少天,而在于我们如何使用这些日子。——米歇尔·德·蒙田...

2023-07-08 #经典句子

名人名言英语:生活的艺术在于 好好把握 每一次的放手与坚持

名人名言英语:生活的艺术在于 好好把握 每一次的放手与坚持

All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on. Havelock Ellis生活的艺术在于,好好把握,每一次的放手与坚持。哈夫洛克·霭理士哈夫洛克·霭理士 (1859—1939)英国著名性 心理学家、思想家、作家和文艺评论家,世界性 ...

2015-06-19 #经典句子

久久不能忘怀的语录 句句惊艳 蕴含人生感悟!

久久不能忘怀的语录 句句惊艳 蕴含人生感悟!

...别人,也在于自己。Life should be down-to-earth. People"s growth lies in learning and experience. People"s cultivation lies in understanding and retreat. People"s happiness lies in getting and letting go. The secret of life lies not only in others, but also in yourself.4.不能四书五经...

2023-09-03 #经典句子

可以治愈心灵的文字 句句真话 句句扎心!

可以治愈心灵的文字 句句真话 句句扎心!

...境的好坏,而在于你是否选对了位置。The emptiness of life lies not in the loneliness of people, but in the loneliness of hearts. The wisdom of life lies not in observation, but in discrimination. Looking for life is not in the water before the mountain, but near. The realm of life lie...

2007-03-23 #经典句子



...d go somewhere and sit down. Just talk this out.C: So you can tell me more lies? No. I"msick of lies. I"m sick of liars.词链精解大家在视频中找到这个表达了吗?那就是:take pity on xx 可怜xx; 同情xx; 对xx不忍心原句:After everything she"s done to me? I begged for his ...

2022-12-25 #经典句子



...est of any democratic society, he wrote in a Wall Street Journal column", "lies not in how well it can control expression but in whether it gives freedom of thought and expression the widest possible latitude, however disputable or irritating the results may sometimes be..."【词汇突破】Wall St...

2022-11-23 #经典句子

让你一眼就心动的文案 适合发说说

让你一眼就心动的文案 适合发说说

...赤裸裸的真实。——网易云音乐热评《拆》 A long time ago, lies and truth bathed in the river. Lies first wash well, put on the clothes of the truth and leave, but the truth will not wear the clothes of lies. Later, in people"s eyes, only wearing real clothes of lies, but it is diffi...

2009-09-19 #经典句子

朋友圈有哲理的人生感悟说说 句句真谛 充满正能量

朋友圈有哲理的人生感悟说说 句句真谛 充满正能量

...快乐;幸福在于知识。Ignorance never brings happiness; Happiness lies in knowledge.5.果断放弃是面对生活的清醒选择。Giving up decisively is a sober choice to face life.6.自然的觉醒往往是在遇到现实之后。The awakening of nature is often after meeting reality.7....

2017-03-08 #经典句子

鼓励孩子加油的句子 勤奋上进的励志格言 句句精辟!

鼓励孩子加油的句子 勤奋上进的励志格言 句句精辟!

...o refuse - and that is the way to grow.Wisdom comes from diligence, genius lies in accumulation.7、萤火虫的光点虽然微弱,但亮着便是向黑暗挑战。Although the firefly"s light spot is weak, but bright is to challenge the dark.8、天下大事,必做于细。做事认真专一,...

2022-12-21 #经典句子

写给自己的哲理句子 干净走心 值得分享!

写给自己的哲理句子 干净走心 值得分享!

...;人生的质量,在于内容,也在于积淀。The attitude of life lies in enterprising and contentment; The happiness of life lies in getting and letting go; The quality of life lies in both content and accumulation.生命的乐趣是要自己寻找的,谁也没有义务要为你做什么...

2023-01-26 #经典句子

带着忧伤的情感文案 抚慰心绪 宠溺如一

带着忧伤的情感文案 抚慰心绪 宠溺如一

...永远无法想象爱情会消失。It is understandable that people hate lies, but who dares to say that they will never lie? And absolutely, people often have promises not to lie, and when they tell a lie, some lies have never been exposed for a lifetime, and some lies cannot be concealed until da...

2018-03-07 #经典句子

被伤心包围的情感文案 简单高级 单纯文艺!

被伤心包围的情感文案 简单高级 单纯文艺!

...这里,我知道你的爱,我会离开,我不会爱。A year"s plan lies in spring, and a day"s plan lies in morning.一年之计在于春,一日之计在于晨。In countless sleepless nights, I believe there will be people and people who like me start to close their eyes habitually and mis...

2016-02-05 #经典句子

值得细品的人生感悟句子 句句触动人心

值得细品的人生感悟句子 句句触动人心

...The facts themselves are very clear and need no further explanation; Only lies are preached for fear that others will not believe them.很久很久以前,谎言和真实在河边洗澡。谎言先洗好,穿了真实的衣服离开,真实却不肯穿谎言的衣服。后来,在人们的眼里...

2022-11-17 #经典句子

朋友圈走心的哲理句子 简单干净 值得分享!

朋友圈走心的哲理句子 简单干净 值得分享!

...想在于远大,生活的艺术在于选择。The true meaning of life lies in innovation, the ideal of life lies in greatness, and the art of life lies in choice.任何事都是从一个决心、一粒种子开始。以欢喜心做事,即使忙碌,也不会感到辛苦。Everything starts wit...

2022-11-11 #经典句子

有哪些励志的句子 通透睿智 人见人爱

有哪些励志的句子 通透睿智 人见人爱

...led gaffe is actually saying the truth by accident. People should not tell lies, because it takes ten or more lies to tell a lie, but sometimes people cannot tell the truth completely. If the truth doesn"t work, use diplomatic ambiguity instead!女人喜欢一个男人的时候,最喜欢听他说...

2022-11-12 #经典句子



...第一口,心里的悸动在于第一眼。The sweetness of watermelon lies in the first bite, and the palpitation of heart lies in the first sight.4.期待夏天橘子汽水一样的心动。Looking forward to orange soda in summer.5.希望这个夏天凉快一点,西瓜甜一点,你爱我多...

2022-11-22 #经典句子

微信朋友圈说说的好句子:创造机会 而不是等待机会

微信朋友圈说说的好句子:创造机会 而不是等待机会

天才在于积累,聪明在于勤奋。Genius lies in accumulation, cleverness lies in diligence.一个有上进心的人总会比一个懒惰的人得到更多。An ambitious person will always get more than a lazy person.昨天还是过去了,微笑着迎接新的一天。Yesterday is gone, s...

2022-11-29 #经典句子