
可以治愈心灵的文字 句句真话 句句扎心!



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Most people in the world live in masks. The smile on our face is not necessarily a real smile, but more polite or perfunctory between people. A deadpan face must be a true portrayal of our hearts. The world is too pompous, and I am more pompous in front of people. Only by being loyal to your heart can you get along with yourself peacefully.


If you don"t try to do something beyond your ability, you will never grow.


Everyone wants to change the world, but no one wants to change himself.


The emptiness of life lies not in the loneliness of people, but in the loneliness of hearts. The wisdom of life lies not in observation, but in discrimination. Looking for life is not in the water before the mountain, but near. The realm of life lies not in following, but in self-pursuit. The taste of life lies not in the external packaging, but in the internal quality. The success or failure of life lies not in the environment, but in whether you choose the right position.


Life is an undefeated flower, and frustration must be the nutrient for raising flowers. A life without setbacks is an incomplete life. Flowers without nutrition will wither sooner or later.


Only by cherishing what you have at this time will you have less regret and hate in your memory.


Give blindly, what will you get? Pain again and again, so many examples for so many years are not enough to make you awake? Do you really have no brain? Stupid? Stupid? Don"t think too much, don"t add unnecessary troubles to yourself, learn to be a masked person, you know?


When you encounter difficulties in your life, you will complain and talk about pain. Work setbacks, you flinched, said difficult; Always complaining about others, sighing all day, admiring others" achievements and pessimistic about their own way. In fact, life is not satisfactory, you can take your time, because experience needs to be accumulated; Life is unhappy, don"t worry, life is a hodgepodge. The success of others today is due to their past achievements. Although you are unhappy today, you are still young, and you have a future.


When everything quieted down, I suddenly found that habit is a terrible thing, which makes people unable to quit and forget.


If you really love someone, you should love him as he is, love his good and his bad, love his good and his bad, and don"t want him to be what he wants just because you love him.

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