第一句子大全 > 标签 > Specially



2023-08-30 #经典句子



...The government has a responsibility toimprove the lives of its citizens,especially thosewho are uniquely vulnerable.易错点:部分学生写成…improve citizens living standard…,这种用法是错误的,没有improve sb sth这个句式,这是双宾语动词使用方法,improve不是...

2024-01-19 #经典句子



...Aigulie经常跟我分享她的馕"可知,应用used to do sth..82.specially改为special.考查形容词形式.用形容词修饰名词kind.83.them改为it.考查人称代词.指代Nang,为不可数名词,故用it.84.or改为and.考查并列连词.前后两个句子...

2023-07-01 #经典句子

译林版八年级英语下册U7 必考点 重点 难点一一点拨

译林版八年级英语下册U7 必考点 重点 难点一一点拨

...核心语法,冯老师为同学们一一高效点拨高频词汇/短语especially“特别,尤其”,相当于particularly,也可以换为in particular注意该词和specially“专门,特地”区别hold和take place的区别举例说明:The Olympic Games are held every four years.=The ...

2023-08-01 #经典句子

祝新人新婚快乐祝福语 浪漫温馨 收藏备用

祝新人新婚快乐祝福语 浪漫温馨 收藏备用

...们发来人民的祝福。Congratulations on your country"s recognition, specially sent you people"s blessing.12.为你祝福,为你欢笑,因为在这特殊的一天,我也和你一样欢乐,新婚快乐。I wish you well and laugh for you, because on this special day, I"m as happy as you,...

2012-09-16 #经典句子

晒结婚证发的朋友圈句子 洋气可爱 太有趣了!

晒结婚证发的朋友圈句子 洋气可爱 太有趣了!

...nts performed well during their relationship, they issued this certificate specially to encourage and make persistent efforts.我的第二杯半价变成无限续杯了。My second half price has become infinitely renewed.初见乍欢,久处仍怦然。At first glance, I was still surprised for a ...

2023-01-15 #经典句子

满满都是遗憾的温柔句子 句句入心 值得你去欣赏

满满都是遗憾的温柔句子 句句入心 值得你去欣赏

...你留的位置已经布满了灰尘。When will you show up? The space I specially reserved for you is covered with dust.我要的不只是生活会好起来,自己也要好起来。What I want is not only life to get better, but also myself.我绝对不会和差点意思的人周旋,因为我...

2023-05-10 #经典句子

慰藉心灵的句子 伤感深情 刺骨入心!

慰藉心灵的句子 伤感深情 刺骨入心!

...。In the vast sea of people, you will meet the person who can treat you specially.我们活在生活的枷锁中太久了,总要有一个契合的灵魂和你相遇在一起。We live in the shackles of life too long, there must be a fit of the soul and you meet together.你们可以说彼此想...

2023-05-06 #经典句子

超Nice的置顶温柔句子|烟火像星辰 所愿都成真

超Nice的置顶温柔句子|烟火像星辰 所愿都成真

...你的左右,因为我对你的爱是任何人都无法替代。I will specially accompany you in such a moment, because no one can replace my love for you.我喜欢这种形成大海是因为你是我全部的愿望。I like the sea because you are all I want.神仙文案|能接受你所有负...

2023-01-28 #经典句子

生日文案‖首先我要天真 其次我要淘气 最后才是生日快乐

生日文案‖首先我要天真 其次我要淘气 最后才是生日快乐

...日子,你是永恒。See the meteor in the sky? It was a fireworks show specially reserved for you. On this once-in-a-year day, you are eternal.图片来源:爱壁纸的大可爱。想了解更多精彩内容,快来关注剑穗挂着新流苏

2009-10-13 #经典句子

抚慰伤心的情感小短句 满怀爱意 现实在理!

抚慰伤心的情感小短句 满怀爱意 现实在理!

...u", "Always be a good friend" and "Always believe in you". Such spells are specially used to summon "separation", "change of heart", "betrayal" and "doubt". So, never say forever.1000我夕阳般的忧伤像一只失望的鸟,那只失望的鸟飞入我夕阳般的忧伤。我们可以忍受心中...

2024-01-20 #经典句子

被神明贩卖的温柔仙句|星星还在燃烧 我寻找着我的太阳

被神明贩卖的温柔仙句|星星还在燃烧 我寻找着我的太阳

...,我都会特别的想见你。In fact, every time in order to see you, I specially meet you.看到你的眼神,我真的说不清楚了。When I look at you, my eyes are not innocent.我喜欢你就像南城的小猫,放荡不羁我喜欢你就像北城的石桥,年久失修。I like you like the c...

2023-12-22 #经典句子

英语六级应试技巧大全 想拿高分赶紧看!

英语六级应试技巧大全 想拿高分赶紧看!

...; since,due to; because of……)c、.强调规律——含义强调(specially,especially,indeed……)解释规律:(which is,that is,which means……)举例强调(for example,for instance,such as……)结论强调(above all,in short,in a word……)重复强...

2023-09-01 #经典句子

看一眼就印象深刻的情感句子 看完让人赞不绝口

看一眼就印象深刻的情感句子 看完让人赞不绝口

...不知道怎么一直都可以完整保存在那In fact, I didn"t save it specially, but I don"t know how to keep it completely there all the time

2022-12-23 #经典句子

英语逻辑关联词汇总 Part 2

英语逻辑关联词汇总 Part 2

...rily 主要in particular 尤其是surely 一定in any case 不管怎么样especially 特别是clearly 显然without any doubt 毫无疑问to repeat 重复no doubt 毫无疑问needless to say 不用说undoubtedly 无疑absolutely 绝对still 仍oddly enough 奇怪的是of course 当然after all 毕...

2010-08-14 #经典句子




2023-05-12 #经典句子

温暖人心的治愈系句子 干净走心 简单唯美!

温暖人心的治愈系句子 干净走心 简单唯美!

...的自己,就一定存在。There must be such a character in the world, specially prepared for you.There is only one thing in the world that only you can do.As long as you believe in a better self, it must exist.都市的生活里,没有不孤独的人,只有适应了孤独的人。终于,...

2022-12-29 #经典句子

一些很有野性的句子 又酷又拽 个性的你值得拥有!

一些很有野性的句子 又酷又拽 个性的你值得拥有!

...want to say is you don"t like it, anyway my appearance my character is not specially prepared for you.我说改天就是不想见,我说下次再说,那就是你不要再问了,我说等到以后,那就是明显的拒绝,我希望你能够懂。I said another day is don"t want to see, I sa...

2022-11-22 #经典句子

二十四节气芒种精美祝福文案 种下心愿 收获幸福美满 快乐相随

二十四节气芒种精美祝福文案 种下心愿 收获幸福美满 快乐相随

...你幸福快乐天天有,健康平安至永久!Grain in Ear arrived, specially for you to plant a seed of blessing, on happiness soil, pouring auspicious water, fertilizer, a good bud, open lucky flowers, harvest happy fruit. Wish you happiness every day, health and peace forever!三、芒种,...

2009-08-11 #经典句子

举一反三!中考常考英语知识点的“30条固定用法” 优秀不在话下

举一反三!中考常考英语知识点的“30条固定用法” 优秀不在话下

...考书中)查找;got up起床;stayed up熬夜;stood up起立。15.specially特别地; 专门地; 特意地; 格外地;obviously明显地;luckily幸运地;especially尤其是。16.be expected to do意为预料,表示一种可能性17.It’s + adj.+ of sb. to do sth表示聪明...

2023-09-06 #经典句子