第一句子大全 > 标签 > silver
一线希望英语怎么说?silver lining出自著名诗人约翰·弥尔顿诗句

一线希望英语怎么说?silver lining出自著名诗人约翰·弥尔顿诗句

...以说little hope。如果要想用上高级一些的表达,不妨记住silver lining。silver lining这个表达出自约翰·米尔顿1634年的诗《Comus科玛斯》:Was I deceived? or did a sable cloudTurn forth her silver lining on the night?是我被欺骗了,还是紫貂云在夜里露...

2023-08-13 #经典句子



...的作文都能用到这个句型,非常实用。3There is, however, a silver lining.There is, however, a silver lining.这句话来自英文里的一句俗语:Every cloud has a silver lining. 直译是每一朵云都有银边,喻指「黑暗中总有一线光明」。我们来看美剧《绝...

2023-06-23 #经典句子

随手即录短视频 塞宾Silver领夹式麦克风让作品更惊艳

随手即录短视频 塞宾Silver领夹式麦克风让作品更惊艳

...向性话筒虽然很专业,且携带并不方便,而塞宾SmartMike Silver无线领夹式麦克风号称专业Vlogger设计的,究竟能不能满足我们需要呢?塞宾SmartMike Silver包装采用了硬壳设计,最吸引人的是2020年的CES创新大奖图标,那话不多说,我...

2020-06-15 #经典句子

“富二代”用英语怎么说?翻译成“second rich”也太搞笑了吧!

“富二代”用英语怎么说?翻译成“second rich”也太搞笑了吧!

... to marry into the purple.很多女孩都想嫁入豪门。▲ born with a silver spoon出生富贵,富二代这是一个非常经典的谚语:“一个人出生时嘴里含着银勺子”就是想表达这个人出生于富贵人家。有人可能会有疑惑,为什么是“银勺子”,而...

2008-11-27 #经典句子



...hnology.有力指出罪魁祸首。钥匙3:借用“二次元”提起“silver bullet”你会想到什么?名侦探柯南——银色的子弹,还是银制子弹呢?不难想到是一种“致命武器”。不妨举个例子,neither approach is a silver bullet.我们是不是可以理...

2023-06-20 #经典句子



...en we believe that a new job, bigger house or better car will be the magic silver bullet that will allow us to finally be content, but the reality is these things have little lasting impact on our happiness levels.——2016考研英语(二)真题本段话题:物质带来的幸福感并不持...

2023-06-10 #经典句子



...。The world is in a state of panic. It's just a picture of breaking silver. It's just that the silver pieces can solve the world's melancholy, make parents well-being, and protect their children's growth. But the broken silver also broke the childhood thought, let the youth dye ...

2023-10-23 #经典句子

涨知识|英文版“塞翁失马 焉知非福” 咋翻译?来看土狗解析

涨知识|英文版“塞翁失马 焉知非福” 咋翻译?来看土狗解析

...uck comes good luck.坏运气背后是好运。大佬2:Every cloud has a silver lining.*黑暗中总有一丝光明。大佬3:What you lose on the swings you gain on the roundabouts.*你在环岛上得到在秋千上失去的东西。(失之东隅,收之桑榆。)土狗:The woe now may b...

2023-11-25 #经典句子

英文外刊 词汇掌故 生活总是有希望的

英文外刊 词汇掌故 生活总是有希望的

... always hope. And that brings us to our last expression: Every cloud has a silver lining.生活总是有希望的。这带出了我们最后一个表达: 黑暗中总有一线光明(Every cloud has a silver lining)。This expression means there is always something hopeful in even the most difficult ...

2020-04-03 #经典句子

深夜发的伤感句子 心酸落寞 句句虐心

深夜发的伤感句子 心酸落寞 句句虐心

...压弯了脊梁。The world is in a panic, but it"s just a few pieces of silver. But this broken silver can solve the melancholy of the world. It can make parents healthy and protect their children"s growth, but the broken silver also breaks their childhood thoughts, and makes the young people suffe...

2022-12-06 #经典句子

初中英语 阅读表达专项训练 第1讲

初中英语 阅读表达专项训练 第1讲

...ne day, while slicing(将……切片) the bread, her mother found several silver coins inside the loaf.Quite surprised, she showed her daughter what she had discovered in the bread.So, the next day,the children went backtothe store. The little girl also returned. She showed the silver coins to the ...

2023-08-02 #经典句子

一些温柔干净的简短句子 唯美大方 选一个发朋友圈

一些温柔干净的简短句子 唯美大方 选一个发朋友圈

...两,能解世间万种慌张。The world"s panic is just trying to break silver, but this broken silver can solve thousands of panic in the world.

2023-01-22 #经典句子

值得写在备忘录中的宝藏句子 世上没有真的感同身受

值得写在备忘录中的宝藏句子 世上没有真的感同身受

...,压弯了脊梁。The world is in a panic, but it"s only a few taels of silver. It happened that a few taels of silver can relieve the sadness of the world, help parents to be healthy and protect their young children to grow up. However, the few taels of silver have also broken the thoughts of c...

2023-06-28 #经典句子

“bread and water”“面包和水”?还能更文艺一点吗?

“bread and water”“面包和水”?还能更文艺一点吗?

...跟老王研究英语习语,让你的英语更上一层楼!born with a silver spoon in one"s mouth这个习语的字面意思不难理解,就是“含着银匙出生”,这个“银匙”在英语中有特殊的含义,就是“财富”,尤指“遗产”。我们中文中有类似的说...

2007-05-19 #经典句子

2021元宵祝福语 用美好心情迎接今天!

2021元宵祝福语 用美好心情迎接今天!

...花合,星桥铁锁开。灯树千光照,明月逐人来。Fire tree silver flowering, star bridge iron lock open. Lights and trees shine, and the moon comes from person to person.干了这碗元宵,愿你我白嫩Q弹,无惧岁月煎熬!Dry this bowl of Lantern, may you and I white tender...

2023-12-04 #经典句子

黑不是黑 白不是白丨你真的了解英文里的颜色吗?

黑不是黑 白不是白丨你真的了解英文里的颜色吗?

...不好看,那些优雅、时尚的老头老太,就顶着满头银发(silver hair)。 头发花白,英文中还可以用salt & pepper来比喻。其字面意思就是盐和胡椒。引申可以形容头发花白,比如奥斯卡影后梅丽尔·斯特里普(Meryl Streep)在电影《穿普...

2018-02-26 #经典句子



...r 中国新年其他:China 中国 tell 告诉 colourful 丰富多彩的 silver 银色的 ribbon 缎带 celebrate 庆祝 lantern 灯笼 candy 糖果 jiaozi 饺子二.重点句型1. --When is Thanksgiving ?感恩节是什么时候?--It’s in November. 在十一月。2. --I like the colourful...

2023-12-10 #经典句子

描写的冬天的唯美句子 温暖动人 越看越爱

描写的冬天的唯美句子 温暖动人 越看越爱

...ent. The sky and the earth are the same color. You can only see a piece of silver. It seems that the whole world is decorated with silver.2.雪后,那绵绵的白雪装饰着世界,琼枝玉叶,粉装玉砌,皓然一色,真是一派瑞雪丰年的喜人景象。After the snow, the continuo...

2022-11-14 #经典句子

英文版“金窝银窝 不如自家的狗窝” 咋翻译?看土狗怎么办

英文版“金窝银窝 不如自家的狗窝” 咋翻译?看土狗怎么办

...st, home is best.(by 汉英大词典)土狗翻译:Both a golden ax and a silver ax are not comparable to my own iron ax.大佬1的翻译译文:不如归去。大佬2的翻译译文:东好西好,还是家里最好。土狗的翻译译文:金斧子、银斧子,都比不上我的铁斧子...

2023-08-26 #经典句子

直击内心的感悟句子 现实露骨 耐人寻味

直击内心的感悟句子 现实露骨 耐人寻味

...方是明亮的银色。然后你带着微笑走向我Above it is bright silver. And then you walk to me with a smile大家先来告诉你。Let"s tell you first.了解自己的缘分Understand your fate在几个亿之后After a few billion爱慕可以抵得过漫长的彼此保护从未说出口Lov...

2023-02-01 #经典句子