第一句子大全 > 标签 > ethics
英语阅读就是让你“说”英语 不是“英译汉”:Work ethics

英语阅读就是让你“说”英语 不是“英译汉”:Work ethics

英语阅读就是让你“说”英语,不是“英译汉”:Work ethics一、以下这篇“原版英语”如何“阅读”?我们把它“英译汉”一百遍“读懂”(它的中文),也不如我们用英语“读懂”它一遍,用英语“说”它一遍。Business Culture:How ...

2023-08-03 #经典句子

冲刺2022研究生!2014年考研 英语一 Text 2 长难句解析

冲刺2022研究生!2014年考研 英语一 Text 2 长难句解析

...yourself/sth (from sb/sth) v. 隔绝,隔离,脱离rather than 而不是ethically adv. 道德上地,伦理上地*ethic adj. 道德的,伦理的*ethic n. 道德标准,伦理标准2. 拆分句子①标点符号:, . ! : — 等②连接词:and, but, or, that, which......a. 首先进行标...

2022-12-17 #经典句子



...g to public databases. The patients involved in the database have obtained ethical approval. Users can download relevant data for free for research and publish relevant articles. Our study is based on open source data, so there are no ethical issues and other conflicts of interest.这里说的是纯...

2023-05-20 #经典句子

条件 让步 比较 方式状语从句

条件 让步 比较 方式状语从句

...lking life he will take his code for granted, as the businessman takes his ethics.as引出方式状语从句( the businessman takes his ethics.)Beethoven"s music tends to move from chaos to order as if order were an imperative of human existence.as if 引出方式状语从句(order were an imp...

2023-09-16 #经典句子

文化误译:探索cultural mistranslation的英语短句和例句大全

文化误译:探索cultural mistranslation的英语短句和例句大全

...7.Misreading in Translation of Culture Images:A Perspective of Translation Ethics从翻译伦理看文化意象传译中的误读8.Cultural Misreading in Literary Translation-A Case Study of Red Sorghum;从葛浩文英译《红高粱》看文学翻译中的文化误读9.A Tentative Study on Cultural...

2024-02-05 #大杂绘

每日一题|英语一真题重点词汇及长难句|2017Text4 来源0769ink

每日一题|英语一真题重点词汇及长难句|2017Text4 来源0769ink

...倒n.倾覆,破灭,垮台,革命,毁灭31. corruption [krp()n]n.腐败32 ethic [eθk]n.[pl.]道德体系,道德准则,伦理标准;行为准则n.[pl.]伦理学,道德学33. automobile [tmbil]n.汽车34 compromise [kɑmprmaz]v.妥协,折中n.妥协,折中35 contemptuous [kntemptus]adj.蔑视的,鄙...

2023-10-24 #经典句子



...要和我玩,就说,OK,let"s go.... 刘洺菻Steven:考试分不清ethic 和 ethnic ... 狂写1000词的essay 讨论zhongzu问题,已经能想象到professor 改卷时笑抽的表情 *ethic [eθk] n.伦理 ethnic [eθnk] adj.种族的,部落的;某文化群体的-熙熙Ciu-:刚来...

2023-05-27 #经典句子

每日精选心情文案 句句美好大方 让你的朋友圈活跃起来吧

每日精选心情文案 句句美好大方 让你的朋友圈活跃起来吧

...才有底气昂首挺胸地生活。Don"t do anything against morality and ethics. Only by maintaining the bottom line of life can you have the confidence to live with your head held high.身为有家之人,你对伴侣有承诺,你对孩子有义务,所谓的动心,丢掉了一个人最起...

2023-10-14 #经典句子

励志的梦想句子 励志走心 读读受益很多

励志的梦想句子 励志走心 读读受益很多

... example in a society full of rumors and have the courage to firmly uphold ethical beliefs. The superior eye retains the ability to stare at the sun even when staring at earth.#句子#

2022-11-26 #经典句子

第二版新视野大学英语2 翻译

第二版新视野大学英语2 翻译

...古代“东方文明”的根本Unit 3Filial piety is the basic code of ethics in the ancient Chinese society. Chinese people consider filial piety as the essence of a person’s integrity, family harmony, and the nation’s well-being. With filial piety being the core of Confucian ethics, it has b...

2023-12-11 #经典句子

分享:2021届高考英语话题作文指导练习 我最喜欢的电影

分享:2021届高考英语话题作文指导练习 我最喜欢的电影

...剧片dracula movie恐怖片sowordsmen film武侠片detective film侦探片ethical film伦理片affectional film爱情片western movies西部片film d"avant-garde前卫片serial系列片trailer预告片cartoon (film)卡通片,动画片2)电影词汇表达肯定的表达:fabulous惊人的outsta...

2023-07-10 #经典句子

治愈系句子|成熟是你终于意识到 没有人会永远留在你的生命里

治愈系句子|成熟是你终于意识到 没有人会永远留在你的生命里

...ways have a smile in your face,not because to show you"re too happy.its an ethic way to see how your haters reacts.只是因为我用微笑来掩饰我的痛苦,并不代表我一直都很坚强,即使我也有崩溃的时候。Just because i"m smiling to hide my pain doesn"t mean i"m always st...

2023-06-06 #经典句子



...t promoting Ivanka Trump’s jewelry line in a likely violation of federal ethics rules, because “Catholic guilt” and “maternal guilt” always make her feel bad.这本词典既适合平时翻阅,也适合作为工具书查询,书中很多问答读完后都会有拨云见日之感。对于...

2023-09-02 #经典句子



...只有一件事情让我关心:‘这可行吗?’”8. “takes work ethics very seriously. I do what I am paid for, and I do it well.”8. “非常注重职业操守的人。我做雇主付钱让我做的事,并且做到最好。”9. “can make decisions rapidly if needed. Everybody can m...

2023-11-13 #经典句子

广电总局 中宣部接连发文 直指违法失德 “饭圈”乱象等问题

广电总局 中宣部接连发文 直指违法失德 “饭圈”乱象等问题

...Penalties should be increased for actors who have engaged in illegal or unethical behavior, and agencies which condone such behaviors promptly punished, said the circular.加大对违法失德艺人的惩处,及时对纵容违法失德行为的经纪公司等机构进行惩戒。The ideological an...

2016-07-04 #经典句子

你的一生 我只是借了一次 从此人山人海 不问归来——情感语录

你的一生 我只是借了一次 从此人山人海 不问归来——情感语录

...connection, but there is a deep love of desperate concern. (Aristotle, new ethics, love) when I miss you, I can"t help but contact and miss you madly. Don"t bother, but insomnia also hurts.真的,我真的很尊敬我的对手。很快上了年纪也不会出现。是被骗去陕西挖煤的吗?...

2011-11-21 #经典句子

如何积累英语词汇?大量阅读 被动记忆 念念不忘 必有回响~

如何积累英语词汇?大量阅读 被动记忆 念念不忘 必有回响~

...场,有一句话:In December the propaganda department announced a new ethics committee to scrutinize video games.宣传部门在12月宣布成立新的道德委员会详细审查视频游戏。只要关注过国内新闻的都知道这个消息,这里相当于《经济学人》作者把中文...

2023-06-17 #经典句子



...板:社会类话题医患关系We believe with the promotion of medical ethics, the relationship between doctors and patients will become more harmonious.我们相信随着医德的提升,医患关系将变得更加和谐。男女平等Women will contribute to the society as much as men do, as w...

2022-11-18 #经典句子

收藏|超全奥运相关英文表达 速来get!

收藏|超全奥运相关英文表达 速来get!

...Antonio Samaranch首席女祭司(希腊) the high priestess体育道德 ethics in sports兴奋剂 doping奥林匹克博览会 Olympic Expo奥林匹克圣火和火炬接力的神圣感、纯洁性和唯一性the sanctity, purity and exclusiveness integral to the Olympic Flame and the Olympic Tor...

2011-02-17 #经典句子



...sition for women.Living independently and demonstrating an intense work 21 ethic;the Harbey Girls became known as a transformative force in the American 22 West.A、NO CHANGEB、ethic:C、ethic,andD、ethic,The clause before the semicolon is not a complete thought; therefore, the semicolon i...

2023-09-29 #经典句子