第一句子大全 > 标签 > independent


...有区分,所以每个部分的题型也是可以大致进行区分的。Independent task 1Independent task 1是Free Choice题,要求考生就某一常规话题用英语做45秒钟的陈述。这道题主要讨论的是people、place、object、event (人、地、物、事)这几个大方面。...

2017-04-19 #经典句子

在内心委屈时看的治愈文案 温柔又文雅 有感而发

在内心委屈时看的治愈文案 温柔又文雅 有感而发

...r and whether you are single or not. Working hard is to make yourself more independent. Only when you are financially independent can you be independent in personality, and only when you live independently can you be independent in thought.努力是为了当你看到你喜欢的东西时,你不用...

2013-02-12 #经典句子

英语中句子:定义 结构 类型和有用的例子

英语中句子:定义 结构 类型和有用的例子

...r, and or。Michael studied at the US and Elizabeth studies in China. (The independent clauses are “Michael studied at the US” and “Elizabeth studied in China” and are joined by the conjunction “and”) They are independent clauses since they express a complete idea.Mary is cooking, but Mo...

2022-11-14 #经典句子

英语伴读:Be independent of parents.儿大不由娘

英语伴读:Be independent of parents.儿大不由娘

两只黄鹂鸣翠柳,英语世界走一走一行白鹭上青天,阅读苦海大无边Hello,小伙伴们,我是Owen, 百家号陪伴英语李军的原创作者,今天给大家分享的是一篇讨论父母们和子女们在保护与被保护,控制和摆脱,约束和自由中心理活...

2023-07-11 #经典句子



...个2010年的一个考研长难句:Demand comes mainly from two sources: independent mom-and-pop grocery stores which, unlike large retail chains, are too small to buy straight from producers, and food service operators that cater to consumers when they don’t eat at home. 需求主要来自两...

2022-11-15 #经典句子

有主见的人 用英语怎么表达

有主见的人 用英语怎么表达

...步。有主见的人具备独立自主的能力,所以我们可以用 independent 来一定程度表示一个人是有主见的,常用于搭配 independent of sb/sth,例如:She"s a very independent-minded young woman.她是个很有主见的年轻女子。I need you to make a decision indep...

2007-01-22 #经典句子

蔡英文首次承认有美军在台湾 汪文斌:搞“台独”死路

蔡英文首次承认有美军在台湾 汪文斌:搞“台独”死路

...s in the Taiwan Straits recently, sending serious wrong signals to "Taiwan independence" forces and threatening peace and stability in the region."Who is guilty of coercion? The international community knows the answer very well," Wang said.Reunification across the Taiwan Straits is the trend of his...

2024-01-18 #经典句子



...stematical management. 有极强的系统管理能力。3. Ability to work independently,mature and resourceful. 能够独立工作、思想成熟、应变能力强。4. A person with ability plus flexibility. 有能力及适应力强。5. A stable personality and high sense of responsibility. 个...

2023-09-22 #经典句子



...自信。希望你不惧风雨!活出自己!早安!Without economic independence, there is a lack of self-esteem;Without thinking on the independent, the lack of autonomy;Without personal independence, there is a lack of self-confidence.I hope you are not afraid of the wind and rain! Live your...

2023-07-12 #经典句子



In English, we can connect a completesentence (an independent clause) with anincomplete sentence (a dependent clause). We call this a complex sentence. In order tomake a complex sentence, we must use asubordinating conjunction (there are toomany to remember, but here are a fewcommon ones: after, bec...

2023-06-03 #经典句子

深夜适合发朋友圈的暖心文案 如水清澈 带给你不一样的感受

深夜适合发朋友圈的暖心文案 如水清澈 带给你不一样的感受

...们只是孤立的。 People who blindly reject dependence and want to be independent are rarely truly independent. At best, they are isolated.舍不得一份不再精彩的感情,舍不得一份虚荣,舍不得掌声。 Reluctant to a no longer wonderful feelings, reluctant to a vanity, relucta...

2018-05-28 #经典句子



...句话,你也可以用这句很正确的废话来劝人或安慰人了。Independence,名词,独立性。taking control of,控制;取得对“...”的控制。这里take使用了动名词“+ing”的形式,与前面的"independence"形成并列,莫妮卡用列举的方式描述了瑞...

2023-01-23 #经典句子

难过意难平的文案 话语中夹带着苦涩 难过无助

难过意难平的文案 话语中夹带着苦涩 难过无助

...立,就缺乏自尊、思维独立、自主和自信。Without financial independence, there is a lack of self-esteem, independence of thought, autonomy and self-confidence.你不用回去看谁诅咒了你。如果一只疯狗咬了你,你一定要蹲下把它咬回去吗?You don"t have to go...

2023-11-30 #经典句子

适合朋友圈的高赞短句 走心有内涵 值得收藏

适合朋友圈的高赞短句 走心有内涵 值得收藏

...,不要依赖任何人。Girl, if you can, let yourself be financially independent and have an independent personality. Don"t rely on anyone.

2023-10-01 #经典句子



...sing traffic.错例4:Alack of job opportunities restrict school leaver"s independence, either forcing them to remain at home and forcing them to move back home.缺乏工作机会限制了离校生的独立性,迫使他们留在家里或者搬回家里住。用将来时态,将会,表意愿...

2024-02-03 #大杂绘

可以激励人心的励志短句 积极向上 元气满满

可以激励人心的励志短句 积极向上 元气满满

你是独立的个体,没有任何人可以破坏你的独立性,You are independent individuals, and no one can destroy your independence,你与这个人,现在与将来,都不再有任何交集。You and this man, now and in the future, have no more intersection.让生命中的每一天都充满...

2022-12-30 #经典句子



... struck a deal with a group of companies limiting the number of hours that independent contractors can be on call.(最后一段最后一句)。分析:这是一个复合句。句中的so ...that...引导结果状语从句。从句中limiting the number of hours that independent contractors can ...

2023-09-12 #经典句子

激励你努力学习的句子 精辟透彻 点醒无数人!

激励你努力学习的句子 精辟透彻 点醒无数人!

...世界,就不会纠结一个男孩爱不爱你。If you are financially independent and have seen the world, you will not be confused about whether a boy loves you or not.6.你总说梦想遥不可及,却不肯早睡也不愿早起。You always say that dreams are out of reach, but you don"t wan...

2022-11-17 #经典句子



... better condition early. Last but not the least, you should get used to an independent living soon. You have to cultivate a habit of independent living style. The earlier you rely on yourself, the quicker you can get a self-motivated university life.That"s all my suggestions. Hope you have a worthy ...

2010-05-14 #经典句子

不会烂大街的个性签名 总有一句适合你!

不会烂大街的个性签名 总有一句适合你!

...he arrangement.11、精神独立加经济独立,你就无敌!Spiritual independence plus economic independence, you are invincible!12、既当不上神灵,做个野兽也好。Better be a beast than a god.13、在谷底也要开花,在海底也要望月。In the bottom of the valley to bloom...

2012-03-17 #经典句子