
在内心委屈时看的治愈文案 温柔又文雅 有感而发


She said she couldnt find anyone to love, so she would rather live a life without a fixed place From this quiet town to

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Lost, it doesn"t belong to me, but I don"t want to lose you at all.


She said she couldn"t find anyone to love, so she would rather live a life without a fixed place. From this quiet town to the next busy city, she never waited for the traffic lights to come and go freely. Conscience is the most impartial judge for everyone. You can deceive others, but you can never deceive your own conscience.


There"s always a name that makes your mouth turn up, and then tears come down.


Every time I think about you, I have to remind myself that if you want to chat with me, you would have already spoken.


Efforts are made so that when you see something you like, you don"t have to worry about your wallet, let alone other people"s faces. Working hard has nothing to do with your gender and whether you are single or not. Working hard is to make yourself more independent. Only when you are financially independent can you be independent in personality, and only when you live independently can you be independent in thought.


Don"t wait until my heart dies without waves and starts to rise.


I passed by your heart, not because I didn"t want to stay, but because you refused to accept me.


It"s not love anymore, it"s just that two people who love each other have changed their hearts, and love no longer belongs to each other.


If one day you like someone else, you must tell me.


I don"t expect anything, I just want you to be happy and not sad.


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