第一句子大全 > 标签 > Truth
权宜 Truth英语短句 例句大全

权宜 Truth英语短句 例句大全

权宜,Truth1)Truth[英][tru:θ][美][truθ]权宜英文短句/例句1.overswayed by expediency and self-interest为权宜和私利所左右2.an extemporaneous policy decision.一个权宜的政策决定3.a temporary expedient权宜之计,临时办法4.This was for the time only.这只是一时的...


ICCV 2021|阿里达摩院视觉实验室提出SSCS:基于支持集的交叉监督的Video语言定位

ICCV 2021|阿里达摩院视觉实验室提出SSCS:基于支持集的交叉监督的Video语言定位

...练强大的视频编码器。对于未剪切的视频,前景(Ground Truth)和背景(Background)会出现一些共同的视觉实体,例如图1中的人和瓶子,但原始对比学习可能会丢掉前景和背景之间的相同部分,包括视觉这些实体,这就是实体互斥...


智慧源于勤奋 伟大出自平凡|英文名句赏析

智慧源于勤奋 伟大出自平凡|英文名句赏析

...l of a truck or running a business or bringing up a family. They teach the truth by living it.”— James A. Garfield,20th U.S. President句型分析There are 【men and women (who make the world better) just by being the kind of people (they are)】.It really matters 【very little whether...


写好名词性从句 记住这几点就够了

写好名词性从句 记住这几点就够了

...是一名优秀学生,这是一个事实。That he is good student is a truth.主语 (That he is a good student)+动词 is + 怎么样 a truth而如果我们把它放在宾语的位置,它就变成宾语从句。这位老师觉得他是一位好学生。The teacher thinks that he is a good s...


让你一眼就心动的文案 适合发说说

让你一眼就心动的文案 适合发说说

...的真实。——网易云音乐热评《拆》 A long time ago, lies and truth bathed in the river. Lies first wash well, put on the clothes of the truth and leave, but the truth will not wear the clothes of lies. Later, in people"s eyes, only wearing real clothes of lies, but it is difficult to a...


有哪些励志的句子 通透睿智 人见人爱

有哪些励志的句子 通透睿智 人见人爱

...两可的外交语言代替!The so-called gaffe is actually saying the truth by accident. People should not tell lies, because it takes ten or more lies to tell a lie, but sometimes people cannot tell the truth completely. If the truth doesn"t work, use diplomatic ambiguity instead!女人喜欢一...




...看见的习惯用语。Let‘s go!1.Nothing could be further from the truth 事实并非如此没有事情能远离事实,nothing could be further from the truth,一般用于对于别人的言论,刚说过的话语进行否定。例如说:I want to make it clear that nothing could be fur...


关于夜晚的文案 深夜落泪!

关于夜晚的文案 深夜落泪!

一,说实话都是在黑夜里崩溃的俗人。To tell the truth, they are all vulgar people who collapse in the dark.二,好像就是这样 越在意什么 越失去什么。It seems like this. The more you care about something, the more you lose something三,熬只要狠点心 时间长...


新概念英语第一册Lessons49~50 tell是告诉 那tell tales呢?

新概念英语第一册Lessons49~50 tell是告诉 那tell tales呢?

...省略与前一分句中相同的谓语动词和宾语。3.To tell you the truth=To tell the truth,老实说,说实话它常常用于句首,作句子的附加成分,表示说话人对所说话语的态度:eg:To tell you the truth,I don"t like his new car at all.给你讲实话,我一...


9月13日大作文参考范文 | 科学研究是浪费时间和金钱吗?

9月13日大作文参考范文 | 科学研究是浪费时间和金钱吗?

...and laborious, is the engine of human prosperity by endlessly seeking the truth to clear doubts and find solutions. To begin with, advances across virtually all fields of science show promise for solving puzzles about the nature of the world—from diseases and climate-change to the origin of the u...


历史因果命名理论 Historical causal naming theory英语短句 例句大全

历史因果命名理论 Historical causal naming theory英语短句 例句大全

...in his Naming and Necessity, which holds that both the necessary posterior truth and the contingent priori truth are in existence, to defend the modal logic in theory.克里普克在《命名与必然性》中提出了历史的因果命名理论 ,并认为存在必然后验真理、偶然先验真...


命题逻辑 propositional logic英语短句 例句大全

命题逻辑 propositional logic英语短句 例句大全

...content and paves the way for the understanding of logical connectives and truth values. To illustrate the practical application of propositional logic, a compilation of English short sentences and example sentences can be compiled to demonstrate how this logic is used in everyday language and reaso...


伤感心酸句子:你不是次品 活得太真 容易让人寒心!

伤感心酸句子:你不是次品 活得太真 容易让人寒心!

...course.spend some time with yourself each day,reconnecting with your inner truth.三、一旦你意识到真相是不能传授给大众的。对真理的追求会使你走上孤独的道路。弱者互相依靠。很少有人有力气独自行走。Once you recognize the fact that truth isn"t taught...


中科院 华为等斩获最佳长论文 ACL 2019奖项全部揭晓

中科院 华为等斩获最佳长论文 ACL 2019奖项全部揭晓

....org/abs/1906.02448在训练时,神经机器翻译(NMT)利用 ground truth 词作为预测时的上下文,推理时则必须从头生成整个句子。这种带不带标注上下文的差异导致误差的累积。此外,单词级别的训练要求生成的序列与 ground truth 序列严...


讽刺扎心文案合集|你只是涉水而过 不代表你拥有这条河

讽刺扎心文案合集|你只是涉水而过 不代表你拥有这条河

...钱站起来说话,所有真理都低眉顺眼。In today"s society, the truth is prickly, the truth is poisonous, so lies run rampant, when money stands up to speak, all truth is low.有的时候不能指望别人理解你的委屈,毕竟感同身受这种东西,这个世界是不存在的!...


德彪文学:傲慢与偏见的开篇语 写满了对婚姻的讽刺

德彪文学:傲慢与偏见的开篇语 写满了对婚姻的讽刺

...讽刺,在小说的开篇便展露无遗。我们来看原文:It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife. 这句话,有三个要点:一,单身男子特别有钱。in possession of a good fortune。上面几种译本...


「经典语录」纪伯伦:当你的快乐或悲伤变得很大 世界就会变得很小

「经典语录」纪伯伦:当你的快乐或悲伤变得很大 世界就会变得很小

...you,you gazed into me and saw your image.Then you said,"I love you."But in truth you loved yourself in me.当我站在你面前的一面明亮的镜子里,你从我身上看到你的影象.于是你说:我爱你事实上你只是爱在我身上的你.10.There are only two elements here,beauty and ...




...来说)一个忠诚的朋友是一笔无法用金钱来衡量的财富。Truth remains truth even if no one believes,lies remains lies even if everyone believes.无论有人相信与否,事实永远是事实,谎言永远还是谎言。Never care for the one who ignored you in your bad times....




...真相,但又接受不了真相带来的刺激。Always like to dig the truth, but can not accept the truth to bring excitement.七、开场不经意,突如其来,散场不得已,人山人海。Opening inadvertently, suddenly, the end of the scene had to, people mountain people sea.八、自...


「神仙文案」人的一生是万里河山 来往无数过客

「神仙文案」人的一生是万里河山 来往无数过客

... eliminated the possible.Whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.除了不可能的,剩下的,即使再不可能,也是truth(事实)Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave and impossible to forget.真正伟大的朋友很难找到,很难离开,也不可...
