
9月13日大作文参考范文 | 科学研究是浪费时间和金钱吗?


每场雅思考试之后,第一时间分享本场考试雅思A类大作文的范文权威解析。欢迎每周锁定。2018年9月13日雅思大作文题目 Some people think that scient

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“ Some people think that scientific research is a waste of time and money. To what degree do you agree or disagree?Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.”


本周考题要求大家讨论“科学研究是不是在浪费金钱和时间”。相信大家拿到题目,肯定就是一边倒地认为这个观点是错误的,因为科学研究是非常重要的,然后就开始寻找证明科学研究是重要的相关证据(也许能找出很多理由)。如果我们的考生这样写,写得再好,也不可能得到很高的分数,因为没有完整回答题目的问题,在 “task response”这一条上就会丢分。请大家一定要仔细阅读题目,搞清楚题目中所给的所有观点,然后在作文中对这些观点进行必要的回应(无论是赞同还是反对)。



Research is the most important activity to achieve scientific progress for a better future. To a great extent, scientific research is necessary and not a waste of time and money. The bottom line is that scientific research not only needs more funding, but also “smarter” spending.研究是实现科学进步、走向更美好未来的最重要活动。在很大程度上,科学研究是必要的,而不是浪费时间和金钱。底线是在科学研究方面,不仅需要更多的资金,还需要“更聪明”的支出。解析(1) 本段为开头段,回应题目中的两个观点:科学研究不是浪费时间和金钱,但要“聪明地”花钱。很多同学在雅思写作中使用一边倒的结构,比如在本题中仅仅讨论科学研究的重要性,却不顾及题目中“很多人认为科学研究是浪费时间和金钱”这个观点,这样写就没有完整回答题目问题,在评分标准中“task response”这项上可能导致丢分。(2) achieve 达到;实现(3) to a great extent 在很大程度上(4) bottom line 底线Scientific research, although being expensive and laborious, is the engine of human prosperity by endlessly seeking the truth to clear doubts and find solutions. To begin with, advances across virtually all fields of science show promise for solving puzzles about the nature of the world—from diseases and climate-change to the origin of the universe. For most scientists, the search for truth is the main motivation to a career characterized by long hours and personal sacrifice, but huge money is also required to carry out their research projects successfully. And this is why most people would agree that investments in scientific research pay off in the long run, while only a minority would argue that it is not worth the huge time and money put into it.科学研究虽然昂贵而费力,但却是人类繁荣的引擎,它无止境地寻求真理,以消除疑虑和找到解决办法。首先,几乎所有科学领域的进展都显示出有希望解决有关世界本质的疑惑-从疾病和气候变化到宇宙的起源。对大多数科学家来说,寻找真理是其职业的主要动机,其特点是长时间工作和个人牺牲,但是要成功地完成他们的研究项目也需要巨额的资金。这就是为什么大多数人都认为,对科学研究的投资从长远来看是有回报的,而只有少数人会争辩说,投入大量的时间和金钱是不值得的。解析(1) 本段讨论科学研究的重要性,以及投资科学研究的必要性。有些同学在讨论科学研究的重要性时,忘记了把它与投资联系起来讨论,这样也可能被视为跑题,因为本题的核心是讨论“科学研究是否值得投入精力和金钱”,考生需要直接回答这个问题。(2) laborious 辛苦的;艰苦的(3) prosperity 繁荣(4) virtually 几乎(=nearly)(5) origin 来源;起源(6) characterized by... 以......为特征(7) pay off 有回报;成功;值得(8) in the long run 从长远看

Nevertheless, the public needs to be convinced that money (along with time) is being spent wisely since pointless scientific research projects may burn through time and money, which leads to a meaningless waste in both, of course. To avoid that waste, scientists need to prove that their research projects are worth it, and that the spending is in an acceptable manner for scientific advancement. Unfortunately, the inefficiency or uncertainty at both government and university levels where research is being conducted sometimes do make people think that the investment in some unnecessary research projects is not “smart” enough, so to speak.




(2)to be convinced that... 确信......

(3)pointless 没有意义的

(4)inefficiency 低效率

(5)so to speak 打个比方

In conclusion, it is necessary to invest in research for scientific progress. But scientific research should be done wisely so as not to result in a waste of time and money. In all events, there would be no better tomorrow without scientific research today.



(1) 本段为结论段:对前面讨论的两个观点进行总结,并明确提出自己的观点。

(2) result in... 导致......

(3) in all events 无论如何


1. Scientific research, although being expensive and laborious, is the engine of human prosperityby endlessly seeking the truth to clear doubts and find solutions.


2. Advances across virtuallyall fields of science show promise for solving puzzles about the nature of the world—from diseases and climate-change to the origin of the universe.


3. For most scientists, the search for truth is the main motivation to a career characterized bylong hours and personal sacrifice, but huge money is also required to carry out their research projects successfully.


4. Unfortunately, theinefficiency or uncertainty at both government and university levels where research is being conducted sometimes do make people think that the investment in some unnecessary research projects is not “smart” enough, so to speak.


5.Scientific research should be done wisely so as not to result in a waste of time and money.



Research is the most important activity to achieve scientific progress for a better future. To a great extent, scientific research is necessary and not a waste of time and money. The bottom line is that scientific research not only needs more funding, but also “smarter” spending.

Scientific research, although being expensive and laborious, is the engine of human prosperity by endlessly seeking the truth to clear doubts and find solutions. To begin with, advances across virtually all fields of science show promise for solving puzzles about the nature of the world—from diseases and climate-change to the origin of the universe. For most scientists, the search for truth is the main motivation to a career characterized by long hours and personal sacrifice, but huge money is also required to carry out their research projects successfully. And this is why most people would agree that investments in scientific research pay off in the long run, while only a minority would argue that it is not worth the huge time and money put into it.

Nevertheless, the public needs to be convinced that money (along with time) is being spent wisely since pointless scientific research projects may burn through time and money, which leads to a meaningless waste in both, of course. To avoid that waste, scientists need to prove that their research projects are worth it, and that the spending is in an acceptable manner for scientific advancement. Unfortunately, the inefficiency or uncertainty at both government and university levels where research is being conducted sometimes do make people think that the investment in some unnecessary research projects is not “smart” enough, so to speak.

In conclusion, it is necessary to invest in research for scientific progress. But scientific research should be done wisely so as not to result in a waste of time and money. In all events, there would be no better tomorrow without scientific research today.(322 words)

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