第一句子大全 > 标签 > Workshop
Idiom Workshop:英语词组全书

Idiom Workshop:英语词组全书

Hillary Clinton"s visit seems to have averted or at least delayed the situation on the penninsula coming to a head.你知道这里的come to a head是什么意思吗?还有come to a dead end?come to a standstill?明明每个单词都认识,但就是不敢确定词组的意思对不对?!不...

2017-08-14 #经典句子



...Github repo下载AGNews数据集(https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp-workshop/tree/master/tutorials/Certification_Trainings/Public)。! wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp-workshop/master/tutorials/Certification_Trainings/Public/data/news_category_train.csv! wget http...

2022-12-06 #经典句子

缤FUN英语/社交英语 Social English

缤FUN英语/社交英语 Social English

...,让对方有空间可以继续讨论。例子:How"s the essay writing workshop?It was really great. The workshop helps me refine the way I structure my essay, and now I know how to avoid one-liner paragraphs. But I really need someone to comment on my writing...有关学习或公司/工作的...

2014-07-24 #经典句子

初中英语小知识in加时间 在不同时态中 翻译的差异

初中英语小知识in加时间 在不同时态中 翻译的差异

...概念英语2册的课文原文里的一句话:In a few years the small workshop had become a large factory which employed seven hundred and twenty-eight people.上面这句话,in a few years值得我们注意。之前我们在学习过,in加时间段,表示“在一段时间之后”,比...

2023-05-29 #经典句子



...的员工勤奋、协作、诚实、开明2、开会时常用语Seminars/Workshops 研讨会Dialogue 1A: What did you learn at the workshop you went to yesterday? Do you think it was worth the investment to go?B: Yeah, I really got a lot out of the session. The workshop topic was resolving personnel...

2024-01-15 #经典句子

ACL 2018:Attention 机制占主流 中文语法检错测评引关注 | ACL 2018

ACL 2018:Attention 机制占主流 中文语法检错测评引关注 | ACL 2018

...时间内,共计八场 tutorial,三百多篇论文展示,十五场 workshop,涉及机器翻译、机器学习、问答系统、信息提取、语义分析等多个方向的研究。毫无疑问,这是一场 NLP 领域的年度盛会。今年的观众群体一如往昔,从学界的教授...

2014-04-09 #经典句子



...网 AI 科技评论:您是 Closing the Loop Between Vision and Language Workshop 的组织者之一,28 号我们去看的时候非常火爆。为什么要举办这个workshop?今年第三届 workshop 相比前两届有哪些变化?王鑫:对,这个 workshop 今年已经是第三届了,...

2011-01-08 #经典句子

蒂姆的英语课 06 “have to ”

蒂姆的英语课 06 “have to ”

Hi. I"m Tim and this is my Pronunciation workshop. Here I"m going to show you how English is really spoken.嗨,我是蒂姆,这是我的英音课堂。在这里我会教给你英语是怎么说的。It"ll help you to become a better listener and a more fluent speaker. Are you ready? Come on, fol...

2018-08-30 #经典句子

蒂姆的英语课- 07 嵌入式 /r/ 发音 The intrusive -r

蒂姆的英语课- 07 嵌入式 /r/ 发音 The intrusive -r

Hi, I"m Tim and this is my pronunciation workshop. Here I"m gonna show you how English is really spoken.嗨,我是蒂姆,这是我的英音课堂。在这里我会教给你英音是怎么说的。It"ll help you become a better listener and a more fluent speaker. Come on, let"s go inside.这会...

2013-07-12 #经典句子



... saw many workers cutting metal.(定语)We were found cutting metal in the workshop. (定语)This lathe is used for cutting metal.(宾语)Before cutting metal you should carefully clean the machine.(宾语)The student cutting metal in the workshop works very hard.(定语)Cutting metal,the workers ar...

2023-09-07 #经典句子

有声英文绘本 | 来和孩子一起诠释友谊:What Friends Do Best

有声英文绘本 | 来和孩子一起诠释友谊:What Friends Do Best

...赞同。One morning, Ralph and Alice popped by and found Winston in his workshop looking very pleased with himself."I"m going to build something BIG!" Winston told them. And he showed them a drawing. "That is a REALLY big," said Alice. "Are you sure you can build it all by yourself?""Of course!" sa...

2018-12-23 #经典句子



...地面积 ...它的总面积是五千平方米。This is one of our five workshops.workshop: 车间这是我们五个车间中的一个。This is the shop where your engineers are going to be trained.这就是你们的工程师要来接受培训的那个车间。I"ll take you to the assembly shop.as...

2017-01-17 #经典句子



...worked for...在包里瓦利(印度孟买郊区)的修车厂工作the S.T. workshop in Borivali.他每天都带着我去上班He took me with him to work everyday.让我在修车厂里玩And left me to play in the garage.从那时起我就知道如何修理坏东西I know how to repair broken things...

2020-03-24 #经典句子

2021年高考英语语法填空好题天天练 不上辅导班也能获得高分

2021年高考英语语法填空好题天天练 不上辅导班也能获得高分

...common house” with a kitchen and dining room, meeting room, and maybe a workshop of library or music room. About 25 co-housing communities41 (build) in recent years, and 150 more are planned.A co-housing complex is a place 42 residents(居住者) shop, cook, and eat together. Children have oth...

2023-07-15 #经典句子



...C.电视机D.摄像机参考答案:AWe ____ the tools before we left the workshop.正确答案:C关注市场开发、产品开发、创新以及合并等内容的战略是稳定战略。()参考答案:×世界上最大的大洲是[ ]A.亚洲B.非洲C.大洋州D.南极洲列表比较...

2019-02-24 #经典句子

考研英语二跟哪个老师 作文复习我有2点经验要谈!

考研英语二跟哪个老师 作文复习我有2点经验要谈!

...式。类似的词还有saf,police,cattle等。错误例子②:Our workshop has ordered some new equipments from Japan.(equipments-equipment)分析:不可数名词使用错误。 equipment是不可数名词,没有复数形式。类似的词汇还有 advice, information, furniture等...

2023-08-19 #经典句子



...跟读材料有哪些:发音材料推荐一:《American Pronunciation Workshop》推荐指数:★★★★★首推Paul Gruber大叔的这套视频,全英文讲解,一共16集,几天就能听完,简单方便,可以让初学者在最短时间内,最直观的了解美式发音的夸...

2023-06-27 #经典句子



...探究——以北师大版新教材选择性必修U8 Literature Viewing Workshop为例”。这些成果均为总课题组引领下团队全体成员集体研究智慧的结晶。专家点评环节,首都师范大学赵连杰教授做了专业引领性的点评与指导。赵连杰教授从课题...

2016-07-04 #经典句子

开艺术特展推自有文创潮牌 上话打造全国首家开放式剧场

开艺术特展推自有文创潮牌 上话打造全国首家开放式剧场

...中,“LoopWave-环状潮”提出了“开放式协同创作”(Open Workshop)的概念,不同领域的艺术家在上海朱家角共同完成了一次长达近三个月不间断的艺术驻地创作计划(Artist In Residency ),展览由装置、新媒体交互装置、声音艺术、...

2015-05-10 #经典句子



...的新机制 ACL Rolling Review,它适用于所有 ACL 系列会议和 Workshop 的投稿与审稿流程。这种滚动审稿机制将在今年 11 月 7 日举行的 EMNLP 2021 大会上首次得到应用。AI协助审稿在一些AI 顶会的审稿工作中,主办方使用了 Toronto Paper Match...

2023-10-23 #经典句子