第一句子大全 > 标签 > Viewing



2016-07-04 #经典句子

中秋节的英语单词 你会吗?

中秋节的英语单词 你会吗?

...佳节快乐,月圆人圆事事圆满。An inter-mining Mingyue for your viewing,weave a cool autumn you covered,as appropriate pieces of glass Moon Palace drunken your heart,and do a blessing Zhong Yuan your dreams.采一轮松间明月供你观赏,织一件秋日的凉爽为你披上,斟一...

2023-12-04 #经典句子



...章第四段最后一句话 They found that more on-demand entertainment viewing on tablets instead of TVs and desktop computers could cut energy consumption by 44% 可知,tablets比TVs和desktop computers 耗电量低,故 tablets 是最省电的.A项意为"机顶盒式电视机".B项意为"...

2023-08-09 #经典句子



...t may be all around you, yet be invisible. But if you change your angle of viewing a little, then it will reflect light more beautifully than any other object around you.-- Lelouch Lamperouge, "Code Geass"幸福像玻璃一样,平时从未察觉,但它确实存在的证据就是——稍微改...

2022-12-02 #经典句子

高雅优美的英文句子 句句文艺范 选一句发朋友圈吧

高雅优美的英文句子 句句文艺范 选一句发朋友圈吧

...试着自己取悦自己呢?6、In the labyrinthine city,we get used to viewing similar sceneries,walking the same roads,arriving at the same destinations.The custom makes people’s life unchanging.Custom offers you an ineffable sense of safetyas well as some kind of unexplainable solitude.And yo...

2023-01-01 #经典句子

文脉民俗与context中的folklore: 一网打尽的英语短句和例句大全

文脉民俗与context中的folklore: 一网打尽的英语短句和例句大全

...俗文化视野中的通俗小说文本创作2.The Mirror of Folk Customs--Viewing Folk Culture from the Perspective of Genre-painting of the Song Dynasty民俗“镜像”——由宋代风俗画看宋代民俗文化3.On the Exploitation of Folklore and the Role of the Subject;论民俗文化开发...

2024-01-30 #大杂绘

小时候胖 长大就会瘦?这句话骗了多少人

小时候胖 长大就会瘦?这句话骗了多少人

...8;10(6).[16] Tahir MJ, Willett W, Forman MR. The Association of Television Viewing in Childhood With Overweight and Obesity Throughout the Life Course. Am J Epidemiol 2019;188(2):282-93.策划制作策划:Murphy | 监制:Feidi插画:宇某 | 制图:小羊肖恩封面图来源:站酷海洛

2023-11-22 #经典句子



... “Who Wants to be an Astronaut?” Whether that will make for compelling viewing remains to be seen.大部分将出售给富人。但在五月份,探索频道宣布其中一名乘客将成为名为“谁想成为宇航员”的新真人秀比赛的获胜者,这是否有助于吸引观众还有...

2023-06-23 #经典句子

四大视角 万字长文 欧盟MuMMER项目之商场服务机器人深入解读

四大视角 万字长文 欧盟MuMMER项目之商场服务机器人深入解读

...cal planner 的算法图示。图源:Khambhaita, H., and Alami, R. 2017. Viewing Robot Navigation in Human Environment as a Cooperative Activity. In International Symposium on Robotics Research (ISSR 2017), 18p.另一个较新颖的研究是 [18],该文提出的算法不仅要让机器人作为...

2023-08-31 #经典句子

学英语克服职场中年危机 难?掌握9个技巧 考级升职加薪

学英语克服职场中年危机 难?掌握9个技巧 考级升职加薪

...consumption.(第一段,以及全文主旨)d. Kinetoscope parlors for viewing films were modeled on phonograph parlors.(第二段的细节,并非段意)e. Thomas Edison"s design of the Kinetoscope inspired the development of large screen projection.(第三段并没说明是EDISON的发...

2023-07-04 #经典句子