第一句子大全 > 标签 > pillar
如此训练自己“读懂”英语:a pillar industry

如此训练自己“读懂”英语:a pillar industry

如此训练自己“读懂”英语:a pillar industry常年又长期身处非英语语言环境下,需要我们这样去训练获得“读懂”英语的能力,从而保证我们在英语语言环境下也罢,非英语语言环境下也好的英语“可持续性发展”和英语“终身...

2010-05-27 #经典句子



..., Hunan has also developed cultural and creative industries as an economic pillar.除了制造业,湖南也发展了文化以及创新产业作为经济支柱。Pillar 柱子,因为本句子都是在讲湖南的经济,所以可以意会为支柱的意思。A total of 43.75 million people have ...

2023-09-01 #经典句子

英语和汉语的一场是持久战 第22天

英语和汉语的一场是持久战 第22天

...的三大支柱:无条件的爱,价值感,终身成长。The three pillars of educating kids: Unconditional love. Sense of value. And lifelong growth.7同事之间讨论事情,请注意降低你的语调。Discuss problems with colleagues. Please pay attention to lower your tone.8和每一...

2023-06-11 #经典句子

锻炼口才的经典句子 记住了 演讲口才能力是苦练出来的

锻炼口才的经典句子 记住了 演讲口才能力是苦练出来的

目标是人生的精神支柱。Goals are the spiritual pillar of life.幸福握在左手,回忆握在右手,花开不败。Happiness in the left hand, memories in the right hand, flowers.如果你学会了闭嘴,你的人生就不会有遗憾!If you learn to shut up, you will have no regre...

2022-11-25 #经典句子



...30岁。6、Seeing much, suffering much, and studying much, are the three pillars of learning. 多见识, 多受苦,多学习,是知识的三大来源。7、An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening. 一日之计在于晨。8、Saying and doing are two things. 说与做是两回...

2023-06-08 #经典句子

特别干净的句子 温柔且治愈!

特别干净的句子 温柔且治愈!

...的支柱 每一次的打击 都是坚强的后盾。Every pain is a pillar of growth and every blow is a strong backing.十二,温柔的日落中央总要夹杂些诗和远方。There is always some poetry and distance in the center of the gentle sunset.十三,堤坝上有兜卖风筝的小...

2023-06-17 #经典句子

激励学习的谚语 经典励志 值得收藏

激励学习的谚语 经典励志 值得收藏

...佛争一柱香。People strive for spirit, fire for flame, Buddha for a pillar of incense6.星星使天空绚烂夺目,知识使人增长才干。Stars make the sky beautiful, knowledge makes a man talented7.黑发不知勤学早,白头方悔读书迟。Black hair does not know how to study ear...

2008-08-05 #经典句子

超级暖心的文案 发给你最爱的人看看吧

超级暖心的文案 发给你最爱的人看看吧

...,为了这个家庭辛苦劳作,老公你辛苦啦!The husband is the pillar of a family, for this family hard work, the husband you hard!为你奉上一株忘忧草,一只祝福鸟。给你带来欢乐与美满,愿你快乐到老。I offer you a nepenthes, a blessing bird. Bring you joy and...

2014-10-28 #经典句子

成熟治愈的文案 句句箴言 让人醍醐灌顶

成熟治愈的文案 句句箴言 让人醍醐灌顶

...ach other unprovoked conjectures, and don"t take memories as the spiritual pillar, otherwise, you can only delay each other.

2016-05-25 #经典句子

16首简单易学的英文歌 学英语首选

16首简单易学的英文歌 学英语首选

...似海And I discovered that my castles stand 恍然发现我的城池Upon pillars of salt, pillars of sand 基底散如盐沙乱似尘埃9Young and BeautifulLana Del ReyYoung And BeautifulLana Del Rey - Young And Beautiful - SingleI"ve seen the world 我已看遍世间繁华Done it all, had my cake ...

2013-10-10 #经典句子

每日精选个性签名 句句精致美好 赶快收藏起来吧

每日精选个性签名 句句精致美好 赶快收藏起来吧

...人而是你的精神支柱It"s not someone who loses, it"s your spiritual pillar你那份自信和美丽,连自己都爱不释手You have confidence and beauty that you can"t help but love yourself「二人相思同淋雪,亦算此生共白头」"They are both in love with snow, and they are also c...

2022-11-19 #经典句子

沉默不想说话的句子 现实虐心 深入人心!

沉默不想说话的句子 现实虐心 深入人心!

...。Let self-discipline become a habit, let yourself become your spiritual pillar, instead of relying on others.别人觉得你重不重要没有关系,在自己心里你永远都是那个长不大的孩子。It doesn"t matter whether others think you are important or not. In your own heart, you wi...

2022-11-27 #经典句子

一些优美又文雅的文案句子 句句走心 很触人心灵

一些优美又文雅的文案句子 句句走心 很触人心灵

...是你永远的支柱。这样的爱没有矫情And spirit is your eternal pillar. Such love is not affectable等候是一件困难的事。年少时Waiting is a difficult thing. When I was young只是一种由衷的感激It"s just a kind of heartfelt gratitude内心的忧伤The sadness of the heart...

2022-11-27 #经典句子

12条励志人生的句子 谁看谁受益 疼到骨子里!

12条励志人生的句子 谁看谁受益 疼到骨子里!

...能是空中楼阁。Architectural reasons, such as the lack of tenacious pillars, can only be castles in the air.

2022-12-21 #经典句子

暖心文案|一辈子太长不要将就自己 要学会离开和告别

暖心文案|一辈子太长不要将就自己 要学会离开和告别

...it, when the separation comes, the loss is not someone, but your spiritual pillar.可能你所有的爱情所有的慌张都是为他而来,如果你失去了他就代表了你的人生失去了希望。Maybe all the flusters of your love are for him. If you lose him, you will lose hope in your li...

2015-10-13 #经典句子

表达失望的心情句子 伤感入体 献给没人疼的自己

表达失望的心情句子 伤感入体 献给没人疼的自己

... a stranger and could not be explained尾生扶柱,至死方休Support the pillar at the end of life and rest until death昨天和昨天,美还是逃不过岁月的沧桑。Yesterday and yesterday, beauty still cannot escape the dignity of time.”“行,没关系,不用担心…”"Come on, it"s OK...

2023-07-12 #经典句子

甜到冒泡的温柔文案 惹人心动 拿去表白吧!

甜到冒泡的温柔文案 惹人心动 拿去表白吧!

... with me“我只需要这样一个精神支柱"I just need this spiritual pillar我对此完全置之不理。I totally ignore it.朝来入庭,孤客先闻。When I came to court, I heard it first.「没有人规定花必须长成向日葵或玫瑰。」"No one has stipulated that flowers must grow...

2022-12-22 #经典句子

高质量文案小说 让人印象深刻 看一眼就会爱上

高质量文案小说 让人印象深刻 看一眼就会爱上

...。You should take good care of yourself and let our children become the pillars of the country.在这个时候,我早已泪如雨下,这是他第一次叫我的名字,也是最后一个。At this time, I was already in tears. This was the first and last time he called my name.孩子很孝顺...

2010-11-24 #经典句子

让人受益终身的经典句子 言简意赅 适合收藏起来!

让人受益终身的经典句子 言简意赅 适合收藏起来!

...已疲惫不堪,还要受尽风雨。When the bridge breaks outside the pillars, there is no master.Twilight came, the plum blossom helpless, already exhausted, but alsothe wind and rain.阳台被风雨浸湿,黄昏时你不为自己哀悼。远知人去,静待芬芳。The balcony is wet with ...

2022-12-06 #经典句子



...s efforts will be dedicated to strengthening infrastructure, and basic and pillar industries.解析:“加强”和“振兴”意义相近,省略后者不译,更符合英语表达。例4、有必要在政治上和经济上注意改进老根据地的工作。It is therefore imperative, both po...

2023-07-20 #经典句子