第一句子大全 > 标签 > ship
天天英语|A ship is safe in harbor  but that's not what ships……

天天英语|A ship is safe in harbor but that's not what ships……

...我们学习这一句英文表达吧!51Talk一句话教你说早安▽A ship is safe in harbor, but that"s not what ships are for. 船停泊在港湾里固然安全,但这并不是船存在的初衷。该句出自威廉GT谢德 William G.T. Shedd。harbor英 ["hɑ:b] 美 [hɑrb]释义:n.海...

2010-06-13 #经典句子



...系,是处于句子意思表达的需要。比如,动词sink与名词ship之间的逻辑关系可以分别用现在分词sinking和过去分词sunken来表达,但二者意思不同,请看下例:1)the sinking ship2)the sunken ship妙语点睛:从表面上来看,这两个短语都可以翻...

2023-08-29 #经典句子

《鲁滨逊漂流记》双语小说连载-11 每日学习英语坚持轻松阅读名著

《鲁滨逊漂流记》双语小说连载-11 每日学习英语坚持轻松阅读名著

11I looked around the ship, and after a few minutes, I found some long pieces of wood. 我察看了这支船的四周,几分钟之后,我找到了几块长条的木板。I tied them together with rope.我用绳子把它们扎在一起。Then I got the things that I wanted from the ship. 然后...

2011-10-28 #经典句子

冲刺2022研究生!2019年考研 英语一 Text 4 长难句解析

冲刺2022研究生!2019年考研 英语一 Text 4 长难句解析

...请看:1. 单词和词组overturn v. 倾覆;推翻,撤销(判决等)ship v. 船运,运送;上市,把…推向市场have to v. 不得不;必须collect (sth) (for sth) v. 募集,募捐sales tax n. 销售税(某些国家的税种,由消费者负担)2. 拆分句子①标点符号:, ....

2010-10-15 #经典句子



30‘I am the captain of that ship,’ he said, ‘and these two men are my first and second officers.“我是船长,”他说,“这是我两个大副和二副。Last night there was a mutiny, and the seamen took the ship from me.昨晚发生了一场叛乱,水手们夺走了我的船。Now ...

2023-11-29 #经典句子

朋友圈励志的句子 句句犀利扎心 看完受益良多

朋友圈励志的句子 句句犀利扎心 看完受益良多

...像一艘船,每个人都应该做好掌舵的准备。Society is like a ship. Everyone should be ready to take the helm.年轻的时候,没有理由不去闯。即使你输了,我也会输得很漂亮。When I was young, there was no reason not to break in. Even if you lose, I will lose beaut...

2022-12-13 #经典句子

这些常被用错的英语口语 我打赌你肯定踩过雷!

这些常被用错的英语口语 我打赌你肯定踩过雷!

...最热CP,假如说这会儿你支持盾冬,你就可以这么说“I ship Stucky.”划重点了,这个“ship”大家知道为啥用在这里吗?首先,我们要做的就是把“船”这个释义从脑中删掉,作为俚语的“ship”常常被人用作支持某对影视剧里的CP...

2024-01-10 #经典句子

「口语」“一面之缘” 英文怎么说?

「口语」“一面之缘” 英文怎么说?

...】获取语音 AI 打分、服务号推送通知、完整课程列表like ships that pass in the night一面之缘、擦肩而过含义:Often said of people who meet for a brief but intense moment and then part, never to see each other again这个短语用来描述两个人有过一个简短而...

2013-10-05 #经典句子



... one thing. There was a strange monster in the sea, people said. Different ships saw it at different times in the Atlantic and in the Pacific. It was very big, very long, and it moved very fast. It threw water up into the sky, too. Perhaps it was a whale? Of course, some people did not believe in th...

2010-04-17 #经典句子

小学英语游戏 拼读单词列队比赛玩法

小学英语游戏 拼读单词列队比赛玩法

...,z)可以多拿几张。(3)游戏开始。教师说出一个单词,如 ship,或出示一张轮船的图片,两个小组中持 s,h,i,p 字母的学生应立刻站起来到讲台前按照顺序排好队。(4)当学生排好队后,该组剩余的学生要最快地拼读出来,比如...

2015-10-24 #经典句子

治愈你的脸盲症 一句话区别开plan  plant  plane  planet

治愈你的脸盲症 一句话区别开plan plant plane planet

...:by plane ; by air ; on the plane; take a plane/ fight ; fly坐船: by ship/ boat; by water/ sea; on a boat/ ship; take a ship/ boat驾车: by car; on/ in the car; drive a car骑车: by bike; on the bike; ride a bike步行: on foot; walk

2023-12-06 #经典句子

如何有效提高你的英语发音 How to Improve Your Pronunciation

如何有效提高你的英语发音 How to Improve Your Pronunciation

... and "b*th". Let me do a more safe for work version, let"s do "sheep" and "ship".我之前在我的 YouTube 视频中提到过人们对单词 beach 和 b*th 之间的混淆。让我举一个更安全的例子,就拿 sheep 和 ship 来说吧。These two sounds, /i/ and //, they sound similar and th...

2023-06-16 #经典句子



...旅行。小贴士 :参考词汇1. 甜食 sweet food2. 奖学金 scholarship(三)【词根+词缀】攻克核心词汇【衍生词 scholar】scholar n. 学者;奖学金获得者scholar单词源于school,school在衍生词时,将中间双写的‘oo’简写成一个"o"即为schol词根...

2023-08-29 #经典句子

「新概念英语」A trip to Australia 一次旅行 Mike有啥变化?

「新概念英语」A trip to Australia 一次旅行 Mike有啥变化?

...he trip.[迈 克:他们是我旅行时认识的人。]MIKE: That"s the ship we travelled on.[迈 克:这是我们所乘的那条船。]SCOTT: What a beautiful ship![斯科特:多漂亮的船啊!]SCOTT: Who"s this?[斯科特:这是谁?]MIKE: That"s the man I told you about. Remember?[...

2016-02-11 #经典句子

客户来自日本翻译成The client is from japan 这句话怎么错了?

客户来自日本翻译成The client is from japan 这句话怎么错了?

...也许,我们可以今天把货物运出去。原句:Perhaps, we can ship your order today.3、货物延误了,我们正在查它什么时候到。原句:The shipment has been delayed and we are checking when the shipment will arrive.4、全部你所需要的信息都附上了。原句:All...

2023-08-18 #经典句子



...的交通工具是:by bike,by bus,by plane,by train,by subway,by car,by ship.他们不能单独使用,前面必须要有动词。例如:She goesto school by subway.她乘地铁去学校。We cometo school by car.我们乘小汽车来学校。需要特别强调一下步行的表达:on foot-...

2023-01-11 #经典句子

「每日英语短文」The Leap(跳水)

「每日英语短文」The Leap(跳水)

...y was traveling around the world by sea. His father was the captain of the ship.从前一个十二岁的男孩通过航海环游世界。他的父亲是一名船长Now, the ship was sailing home at last.现在,这只船正在最后回家的路上航行。It was a pleasant day. All the passengers w...

2011-08-06 #经典句子

使用完全倒装语序的条件 再也不会被考语序的选择题难倒

使用完全倒装语序的条件 再也不会被考语序的选择题难倒

...。In the eastern part of New Jersey lies the city of Elizabeth, a major shipping and manufacturing center.伊丽莎白市,一个重要的航运和制造业中心,坐落于新泽西州的东部。句型结构:这是一个完全倒装句,主语是the city of Elizabeth, 因为主语带有同...

2023-05-05 #经典句子



...de Leon.庞塞·德莱昂[西班牙探险家]Says he found Ponce de Leon"s ship.他说他找到了庞塞·德莱昂的船Or sailed on it. No, I told you,还乘那船出海过 不 我告诉过你 Ponce de Leon died 200 years ago.庞塞·德莱昂死了两百多年了Aye, but he died searching f...

2023-11-24 #经典句子

轻夏点起幻想的句子 映着街头 有我也有你

轻夏点起幻想的句子 映着街头 有我也有你

...是船客我是船。The wind set sail across the river years, you are a ship I am a ship.细细闻着花香,一刹那的芬芳,透着花见看见你。Fine smell of flowers, the moment of fragrance, through the flowers to see you.风过水淌,缘总不尽,人却不留。The wind through the...

2022-12-31 #经典句子