第一句子大全 > 标签 > Slang


200 Trendy Internet Slang Words You Need to Know 英语中你需要知道的200个流行的网络俚语List of 200 commonly used Internet Slang Words and Acronyms you should know. 列出200个你应该知道的常用网络俚语和首字母缩写。English Internet Slang Terms 英语网络俚语List...

2020-01-11 #经典句子



...学过的英语“用起来”:1.Okay.Got you.A no-brainer is an English slang, or informal English.2.When you say:Something is a no-brainer,you mean Something requires/needs little or no mental effort to do ,or to finish.3. No-brainer means anything requiring little thought or effort.4.The Engl...

2007-09-07 #经典句子

谈论金钱的英文俚语 Slang Phrases for Conversation Wealth

谈论金钱的英文俚语 Slang Phrases for Conversation Wealth

...表达。And they can vary quite a bit between countries, we use lots of slang and informal expressions, lots of idioms as well.So we"re gonna get started today with some expressions for wealth when you or when someone has a lot of money and a lot of these expressions are really useful when talking ...

2017-04-03 #经典句子

mighta coulda 这些英式俚语中的缩略形式你会用吗

mighta coulda 这些英式俚语中的缩略形式你会用吗

...use these in exams, unless you are specifically asked to use reductions or slang language.你绝对不能在正式场合,或正式写作任务,尤其是不要在考试中使用使用这些词,除非你被特别要求使用缩写或俚语。I would say that the most important part of this, is t...

2023-05-21 #经典句子

看美剧 学英语:通过电视剧学习的益处

看美剧 学英语:通过电视剧学习的益处


2016-03-19 #经典句子

基础英语写作 词语的选择「Diction」 如何选择词语也是值得考量的

基础英语写作 词语的选择「Diction」 如何选择词语也是值得考量的


2023-12-03 #经典句子

牵牛花的英文 竟然这么污?!

牵牛花的英文 竟然这么污?!

...com)的定义说得挺有趣:No, we’re not talking flowers here. The slang morning glory is much less innocent: it’s the experience of waking up with an erection.不,我们谈论的并不是花,morning glory 在俚语中有点污:指的是清晨起来时 erection 的体验…这个 ere...

2023-12-21 #经典句子



...cause the number "1" resembles a "bare stick", which is a Chinese Internet slang for a single man who doesn"t marry and thus can"t add "branches" to the family tree.The four "1"s also abstractly refer to the demographic group of single people. The holiday has ironically also become a popular date to...

2015-11-05 #经典句子



...的表达更加地道。在备考雅思的时候需要特别准备British slang的相关内容吗?雅思重视的是沟通,也就是意思的准确传达,因此考试中最常见的都是英语学习者比较常用的表达方式。对俚语的理解与否并不会在很大程度上影响你的...

2011-05-11 #经典句子

科研方法|论文中英文大小写 数字与标点的正确撰写方式

科研方法|论文中英文大小写 数字与标点的正确撰写方式

...引号内。如:The word ‘bread’, for example, has both standard and slang meanings.The witness said, ‘I distinctly heard him say, “Don"t be late,” and then heard the door closed.’END来源:语言学研究网转自:英文写作教学与研究声明:本文转载仅仅是出于传...

2023-06-23 #经典句子

English is Fun|“what's up”到底应该如何回应?10个英语问侯句

English is Fun|“what's up”到底应该如何回应?10个英语问侯句

...了,突然偶遇让你着实兴奋了一把7. yo,what"s good - this is slang that started in the 80s and 90s because of hip-hop but is still used today it is a cool way of greeting someone-“哟,你好么”,和what"s up差不多的意思,它源于80和90年代的hip-hop潮流8. look who ...

2013-05-06 #经典句子

话不多的人 如何备考雅思口语?

话不多的人 如何备考雅思口语?


2012-07-13 #经典句子

英文写作 多用“高级”词汇?还是恰当最妥帖!

英文写作 多用“高级”词汇?还是恰当最妥帖!


2023-06-26 #经典句子



...audiences like a self-consciously tough style, peppered with old-fashioned slang, and the plot is famously complex, even for a mystery, and actually has several loose ends that never get resolved, but it doesn’t matter.诚然,对于现代读者来说,这本书有一股过于刻意的粗犷风...

2007-08-16 #经典句子

我可能学了假英语!明明单词都认识 放一起就不会翻译了

我可能学了假英语!明明单词都认识 放一起就不会翻译了

...名。18.Dressing room 化妆室假英语:试衣间或者更衣室 ※ Slang is nothing but a dressing-room where the tongue having some bad action to perform, disguises itself. 黑话只不过是语言在要干坏事时用来改头换面的化装室。19.Busybody 爱管闲事的人假英语:...

2024-01-03 #经典句子



...意味着“在激动人心的追逐场景之前移除材料”。Da Man (Slang) Da Man(俚语)Meaning: An accomplished or skillful person. Generally used in the compliment 含义:一个有成就或有技巧的人。一般用于表示称赞 – “You da man!”“你这个大男人!...

2023-11-04 #经典句子



...们会回答,对,我们是情侣关系。It"s a nice one. It"s quite slang.很实用的短语,在口语中很常用。Number four, you might have heard this before.第四,你可能以前听过这个。It is to be head over heels in love.就是"to be head over heels in love"。And this just m...

2017-08-18 #经典句子



...formal language. Academic writing is formal in tone and should not include slang, idioms, or conversational language.没有分析的描述。不要简单地重复参考文献中的想法或论点。相反,分析这些论点并解释它们与你的观点之间的关系。Description without analysi...

2024-01-20 #经典句子

Emma英语-25 跟 WRAP 有关的短语和习语Phrasal Verbs & Idioms

Emma英语-25 跟 WRAP 有关的短语和习语Phrasal Verbs & Idioms

..."re extremely excited or happy about something.It"s quite informal, it"s a slang word but very useful if you"re speaking with Australians.他听到这个消息会非常开心的。我妈妈听说我会在墨尔本过圣诞节非常开心。It"s usually spelled r-a-p-t. He"ll be rapt to hear the news...

2017-07-10 #经典句子

英语口语:别再只用yes表示同意了 这些词可以更好的表达

英语口语:别再只用yes表示同意了 这些词可以更好的表达

...了!Amazing!太赞了!Awesome!棒极了!Hella! (A piece of American slang that I had to throw in)哈哈!(我不得不加上一句美国俚语)A: I just passed my audition!A:我刚通过试镜!B: Fantastic! I knew you could do it!B:棒极了!我就知道你能做到!A: Woo! I ju...

2023-12-12 #经典句子