
可以使人放松情绪的漂亮短句 温暖有格调 值得分享!


Sad is not you and others good, but between you and me so long feelings, others so easily can replace my existence, for

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Don"t try to read people"s minds because you may be disappointed


Sad is not you and others good, but between you and me so long feelings, others so easily can replace my existence, for me, no one can like you, for you everyone can be me.


I thought the bird fly but the sea, is that the bird did not fly over the sea of courage, ten years later I found that not the bird fly past, but the sea of that head, had no waiting......


There is no such a love, will let me barren pain in sunny night cry.


What is lovelorn?People floating in love, which can not be gentle knife, endure the pain, pull out the knife, on the point of gold medicine, spread two legs, WE still in love can be strong floating!


Young rain song upstairs, red candle faint luo tent.In the prime of life, the river is wide and the clouds are low, and the wild goose is called the west wind.Now listen to the rain monk lu, temples have stars also.Joys at separation and sorrows always merciless.One step before, drip till dawn.


I forget which year which month which day I carved a face on which wall a sad smile staring at my face.


Sorrow is the heart not to die.


Chaos, scattered, everything is over, about love, MY ignorance of the severe.


Maybe the price of going too far is loneliness.


There is a kind of people too silly, camouflage before people, after people sad, what all like a person carry, all day let themselves hurt, but also care about how others think.


Give yourself a break and try to give love a way out.


I am not cold-blooded, not slow heat, just afraid of too much investment, leaving the time will be sad, the most afraid of feelings, is that I am more and more serious but you did not have the original enthusiasm.


I want to cry, but I don"t know how to shed tears.

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