
非常哇塞的文案 让你喜欢的不得了!


一、和我谈恋爱吗?我带你去重点高中Are you in love with me? Ill take you to key high school 二、你一定会和喜欢的人结婚的 住心里的

友情提示:本文共有 1311 个字,阅读大概需要 3 分钟。


Are you in love with me? I"ll take you to key high school.

二、你一定会和喜欢的人结婚的 住心里的人以后也会住进家里的

You will definitely marry someone you like, and those who live in your heart will live in your home later.


When is a young girl tired to be my wife?


In the future, you will meet a person who is full of eyes and thinks about you every day.

五、自己过得开心时 会顺便爱一下其他人

I will love others when I am happy.

六、我的喜欢写在风里 从此整个世界都是你

Mine is written in the wind and the whole world has been you ever since.

七、要是有机会我想和你一起喝奶茶 一起听音乐 一起回家 吹晚风 一起走剩下的路

If I had the chance, I would like to drink milk tea with you, listen to music together, go home together, blow the evening wind together, and walk the rest of the way.


Vast love is the only thing I can give you.

九、嘴里的碎碎念念 希望变成身边的岁岁年年

The broken thoughts in my mouth hope to become the years around me

十、最好的那天太难挑选 不如就定义为相遇的那天

The best day is too hard to choose. It"s better to define it as the day we meet

十一、人活着不是为了爱与被爱而活人 是为了自己喜欢的事情而活爱是之一不是唯一

People live not to love and be loved, but to live for what they like. Love is not the only thing.


No definite love is no love.


Tired life needs a gentle dream and a loved one.


Take the most comfortable road and meet the best people.

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