
温文尔雅的情感文字 句句懂你 快乐爆棚


With a smile in the heavy heart, but let the sadness hidden in the bottom of my heart into tears 我觉得你特别像一款我最喜欢的游戏

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With a smile in the heavy heart, but let the sadness hidden in the bottom of my heart into tears.


"I think you look like one of my favorite games.""What game?"My world."


Please come to me, my hug fits you well.


Fortunately, love is not everything, but everything is not love.


The familiar feeling of being left behind, not wanting to say too much, afraid of voice shaking, afraid of tears in his eyes.


Our weakness is that when we have it, we do not know how to cherish it, but when we look back, our love is ashes.


I retreat in the solitude of heaven and earth without you, for you to adhere to an empty city, conjugality previous life dream, dream a few sorrow.


Some people will hate you for your flaws, but there will be others who will love you for who you are.


Walking in the memory of the beach, pick up the past only color shell, this is the only fun after you left me.


You asked me how much I loved you.I cannot answer, because you must first tell me how long your life is.


With one mind, the earth turns to gold.


This heart is corroded by you to fill your shadow, not corroded to the part is filled with acacia for you.You know what?

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