
深夜独自伤神的情感文字 治愈伤心 快乐爆棚


I look forward to seeing you every night before I go to bed 钱那么靠谱的东西 都有假的 何况人说的话呢 ????Money so rely on th

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Dear, you today in my mind to run a day, tired not tired?


I look forward to seeing you every night before I go to bed.

钱那么靠谱的东西 都有假的 何况人说的话呢 ????

Money so rely on the thing have false, how much less what the person says????


Waiting for a boat at the airport is like waiting for you where I first met you. Ridiculous.


Sometimes thinking of you is a simple happiness, because I am really blessed to be able to think of you like this.


The sea breeze is salty, the sea fog is salty, the sea water is salty, I want to brew a sweet life in this salty world.


Happiness has been separated from me for a whole century, I will never touch the distant.


"May I lie to you?""...??""I don"t like you"


Be sure to visit different places


I"ve seen you cry, I"ve seen you laugh, but the last thing I want is to see you belong to someone else!


I"m not a good actor to smile and watch you be happy.


While our dream is confronted with the reality, you always feel painful.Pain knocks you down, or you trample on it


I have a long, long story to tell you. It will take a lifetime.


Time is life, gratuitous waste other people"s time, actually is tantamount to murder.

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