
英语 put 的几个常用词组


今天我们一起学习几个由 put 组成的词组

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英语中,put 是一个非常常见的单词,由它组成原词组也很多,且都很常用。今天我们一起学习几个由 put 组成的词组。

1. put up with: 等于to tolerate, 是忍受的意思

例句1: I can’t put up with it any longer.


2. put across: 等于to explain something clearly. 清楚地解释。

例句2:A good teacher should know how to put across his ideas to his students.


3. put by: 等于 to save。 攒钱,存储

例句3:These apples were put by for the winter.


例句4:He tries to put by a little bit each week.


4. put off: 等于 to delay. 推迟

例句5:We have to put off our wedding until next year because of Covid-19.


例句6:Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.


5. put in: 等于 apply for something。申请

例句7:The company has put in a claim for damages.


例句8: I decide to put in for a job as general manager.


6. put through: 等于 to connect somebody by phone. 接通电话。

例句9:I asked to be put through to general manager.


7. put out:等于 to stop burning. 灭火。

例句10:It took 3 hours to put out the fire.



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