
北师大版高中英语必修第一册U1L2 Understanding and Coping with


suffer sfr vi & vt 遭受痛苦suffer from 身体或精神上遭受痛苦He often suffer from headache these days 这些天他常遭受头痛的困扰

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cafe /kfe/ n. 咖啡馆,小餐馆

Do you know why I chose this cafe?


downtown /dantan/ adv. 向/在城镇商业中心区

Should we live downtown or in the suburbs?


stress /stres/ n. 压力;忧虑;紧张

Katy could think clearly when not under stress.


suffer /sf(r)/ vi. & vt. 遭受(痛苦)

suffer from (身体或精神上)遭受(痛苦)

He often suffer from headache these days.


reduce /rdjus/ vt. 减少;降低;缩小

The skirt was reduced to £10 in the sale.


expert /ekspt/ n. 专家,行家

Don"t ask me—I"m no expert!


frank /frk/ adj. 坦率的,坦诚的

to be frank 坦白说,坦率地说

To be frank, I have a better job offer.


editor /edt(r)/ n. 编辑,主编

Her father was the former editor of the Saturday Review.


remove /rmuv/ vt. 移走;去掉

He removed his hand from her shoulder.


entirely /ntali/ adv. 完全地,彻底地

I entirely agree with you.


position /pzn/ n. 职位;位置

Where would be the best position for the lights? 这些灯装在什么位置最好?

military /mltri/ n. 军队,武装力量

The military was/were called in to deal with the riot. 已调来军队平息暴乱。

due to 因为

This can be due to several reasons.


absolutely /bslutli/ adv. 正是,当然

‘Can we leave a little early?’ ‘Absolutely!’


stressed /strest/ adj. 焦虑的,紧张的

Work out what situations make you feel stressed and avoid them.


extent /kstent/ n. 程度

It is difficult to assess the full extent of the damage. 损失情况难以全面估计。

thus /s/ adv. 因此,因而,从而

He is the eldest son and thus heir to the title.


tension /tenn/ n. 紧张;焦虑

The tension between the two countries is likely to remain.


organise /"ɡnaz/ v. 组织,筹划

The question is how to organise such a discussion effectively.


in other words 换句话说

In other words, he should be an excellent man.


function /fkn/ n. 功能

The function of the heart is to pump blood through the body.


seek /sik/ v. 求;请求

On important issues, they seek a second opinion.


feature /fit(r)/ vt. 以……为特色,是……的特征

The latest model features alloy wheels and an electronic alarm. 最新款式的特色是合金车轮和电子报警器。

typical /tpkl/ adj. 平常的,一贯的;典型的

A typical working day for me begins at 7:30.


professional /prfenl/ adj. 专业的,职业的

He dealt with the problem in a highly professional way.



1. But more often than not, it’s due to pressure from work or study. 但是通常来讲,这是由于工作或学习的压力。

due to 由于,因为。如:

The accident was due to careless driving.


2. I"m a new senior secondary school student. 我是一名高中新生。

senior secondary school为英式英语,美式英语为senior high school。

3. Being a doctor means I have to make correct decisions all the time, which puts a lot of pressure on me. 作一名医生意味着我总是要做出正确的决定,这给我带来很大的压力。

put pressure on sb 给某人施加压力。如:

My boss usually puts extra pressure on me. 我的老板常常给我额外的压力。

4. Although being a doctor keeps me very busy, with little time for leisure, I have no regrets as I love solving problems and I get to help people recover from illnesses and injuries. 虽然作医生使我每天非常忙碌,没有空闲时间,但是我不后悔,因为我喜欢解决问题,我能帮助人们从疾病和伤痛中康复。

recover from 恢复健康,康复。如:

He is recovering from a heart attack.


5. On the plus side, I get to travel a lot to different countries for matches and of course, hearing people cheer you on is great! 从好的方面来说,由于要参加比赛,我得去许多不同的国家。当然,听到人们为你欢呼简直太棒了!

(1)on the plus side 在有利的方面。如:

On the plus side, his courage helps him keep walking towards success. 从有利的方面来说,他的勇气帮助他不断走向成功。

(2)cheer on sb 为某人加油。如:

A big crowd had gathered around to cheer on the racers.


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