
英语 精读 之 雅思8 Land of the rising sum D 译文


At the beginning, the pupils put solutions to the homework on the board, then the teachers comment, correct or elaborate as

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Land of the rising sum


Lessons all follow the same pattern.


At the beginning, the pupils put solutions to the homework on the board, then the teachers comment, correct or elaborate as necessary.


Pupils mark their own homework: this is an important principle in Japanese schooling as it enables pupils to see where and why they made a mistake, so that these can be avoided in future.


No one minds mistakes or ignorance as long as you are prepared to learn from them.


After the homework has been discussed, the teacher explains the topic of the lesson, slowly and with a lot of repetition and elaboration.


Examples are demonstrated on the board; questions from the textbook are worked through first with the class, and then the class is set questions from the textbook to do individually.


Only rarely are supplementary worksheets distributed in a maths class.


The impression is that the logical nature of the textbooks and their comprehensive coverage of different types of examples, combined with the relative homogeneity of the class, renders work sheets unnecessary.


At this point, the teacher would circulate and make sure that all the pupils were coping well.


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