
英语写作素材 Don't Quit


Youve probably heard this before that tough times dont last forever but tough people do That held true when you first hea

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You"ve probably heard this before that tough times don"t last forever but tough people do. That held true when you first heard it and it still holds true today. There will come a time in your life where you may cry and feel like your soul is dying. Those days when you struggle, want to give up, and don"t want to face the world. These are the days that define you. Don"t quit.


Difficulties come to make you strong, but that"s only when you make a decision to go on, and you stand by it. Abraham Lincoln said, I"m not concerned that you have fallen and concerned that you will rise. Giving up as human nature brought about by fear, fear of, what if I fail and try, and then fail again. Wouldn"t it just be easier to just quit? But here is what is wrong with that. When you give in to that fear, you sentence yourself to a lifetime of failure, a lifetime of regret, a situation where you lose faith in yourself and in humanity. Don"t do that to yourself.


You must understand that difficult times will come. There"s absolutely nothing you can do about that. What you can do, however, is decide what you"re going to do with the times. Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it, so you must decide to make a commitment to face it and deal with it, because at the end of pain is success.


Name what it is that is holding you back. It may be fear. It may be procrastination, a relationship, self-doubt, or even depression. Whatever it is, identify it. You know you can, if you think deeply about it. Now write it down. This will put into perspective what you have to deal with. The big picture of your life will begin to become clear when you start paying attention to the tiniest details. Start with identifying what is holding you back.


Next, you have to let go of your anger and hate from the past. This is to help you heal yourself. You cannot be happy and productive if you hold on to old hurts. Let go of relationships and situations that are out of your control. Don"t try to force it. You"ll only end up hurting yourself some more. Your mental health is important, as it guides every other aspect of your life, your physical life, your spiritual life. They all become better when you maintain a healthy mental state. Let go of your past hurt.


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