
英语写作素材 Stay away from your phone live your life



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Why do so many people on the planet right now medicate themselves, they medicate themselves with too much technology, they"re medicating themselves in front of that white screen, checking the smartphone a hundred and ten times every day. That"s not checking your technology, you know what that is, that"s an addiction, and an escape from what is.


And if you said to most people, did you know you"re addicted to your smartphone, did you know you"re addicted to your notifications, addicted to your television, did you know you"re addicted to your excuses, addicted to gossip, did you know you"re drinking too much alcohol because you"re addicted to it, did you know that this is all a flight from what is, because deep down inside the deepest unknown part of you knows that you"re in pain over potential unlived. They would fight you to the death.


Deep down inside I believe most people on the planet are heartbroken. Why? Because they"ve betrayed the visions, ambitions, values and mission in their heart, they"ve betrayed their talent by buying into the mass hypnosis that the world has sold them. And they"re 35 and they"re 45 years old, and they"re just no no, this is what everyone does, and they just check check check check check. For most people their misery is derived by their inability to sit quietly in a room by themselves, most of us are so distracted, they"re so over stimulated, they"re so interrupted, they don"t create the silent spaces where their genius can present to themselves, and just because 95% of the population does this, we think this is how we should live, and so I"m suggesting to you the mass of humanity the reason they"re doing this it"s a flight from pain that"s deep within their subconscious.


And why are they in pain, why do they need the medication of distraction, it"s because they don"t want to feel the pain, it"s uncomfortable, it takes bravery to feel the pain, and all I"m suggesting to you is if you have betrayed your potential, if you"re not bringing it on, if you"re not shining your light in the world, and if you"re not standing in the highest expression of your fullest talents, and not only doing a disservice to the world, you"re growing the pain.


Bring your potential, and your light to the world, and if you"re not doing that your pain is going to grow, your deep hidden sorrow will grow, and you"ll drink more alcohol, you"ll do more drugs, you"ll be more toxic in your workplace, you"ll be more passive-aggressive, or hateful, and if you"re wondering why the world has so much hate, checking your notifications, looking at your email, looking at SMS, looking at pictures of people"s breakfasts, it"s an addiction, it"s a dopamine addiction, start the process of breaking your addiction to distraction today.


If you look at most people on the planet they"re literally hooked to a white screen, they"re wasting their human potential, hooked into some social platform that"s creating empires for other people. Many people if not most people are now a form of artificial intelligence, they"re not living their brains potential, not living their physiological potential, not living their creative potential, they"re not living their human potential, are not living their economic potential. Why? Because they"re hooked to a screen, because most people are lost, most people are cooked. Turn off your phones, get serious about this, this is your life!


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