
唯美高级的情感文案 温暖有格调 现实在理!


After letting go, no longer have each others gentleness 她就像是一尊象牙雕刻的女神,大方端庄温柔姻静,让她成为如今校园最炙手可热的,清纯玉女的代表

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After letting go, no longer have each other"s gentleness.


She is like a goddess carved in ivory. She is graceful and gentle, which makes her the most popular and pure girl on campus today.


Memory is like falling in the palm of the water, whether you spread out or clenched, will eventually from the fingers, drop by drop, flowing clean.


No matter the ends of the earth, as long as you need me, I will "fly" back to you.


There is only one trouble when you are not full, and there are countless troubles when you are full


When you are in a bad mood, always ask yourself what you have instead of what you don"t have.


Meet the person you like, just like the rest of your life, drifting over the sea, finally see the land.


The buzz was only a temporary consumable


I used to like meat, but when I saw you today, I decided to go vegetarian, because, you"re my type.


If you do not know what is cherish, so I will tell you, from losing me to start.


You smiled and said to forget, but I can not find the courage to leave.


I don"t know if I can meet you in the next life, so I want to give you the best of myself in this life.

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