
唯美高级的情感文案 充满正能量 字字入心


In the face of hopeless things can only be away from, when give birth to hope, will only doomed forever 这些年里见过许多人,得出结论您才是我惟一最爱的人,并愿意使您终生幸福

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In the face of hopeless things can only be away from, when give birth to hope, will only doomed forever.


I have met many people over the years and have come to the conclusion that you are the only one I love and would like to make you happy all my life.


Sometimes a lie is just a protection, not knowing the truth is also a kind of happiness.


I love doing laundry and dishes, cooking, and definitely "fit in the kitchen."


I am not perfect, but at least I will be good to my good people.


"Do you want a dog?""What dog?"The single kind"


Happy: smile xi xi;Sorrow: come to me;I am a pistachio, send you a bouquet of nepenthes.


Love which is so complicated, can make you happy smile the most sweet that person, is the right person.

It is never too late to fall in love爱永远不会嫌晚。

It is never too late to fall in love.


It happened that the world only emotional efforts do not come


If they can"t be born together, they"ll be born together.


I didn"t expect him to be such a person, let me cold heart.

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