
唯美高级的情感文案 充满正能量 治愈自己内心!


How many secrets are hidden by those painters in oil paintings that can be gazed upon in a long time with sadness and silence 去到你的城市 吹过你吹过的风,算不算相拥

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How many secrets are hidden by those painters in oil paintings that can be gazed upon in a long time with sadness and silence.

去到你的城市 吹过你吹过的风,算不算相拥。

Go to your city and blow the wind you blow, is not hug.


I just want you to care more!


Giving up doesn"t mean you"re weak, sometimes it means you"re strong enough to let go.


"You"ve been running through my head all day. Why aren"t you tired?"

我有一点点甜 一点点可爱 还有很多很多喜欢你。

I have a little sweet a little lovely and a lot like you.


Life is either this or that, but it"s not what you want it to be.


Tired of being a fairy, want to be your wife.


Let people who don"t have much to do with your life


Believe that they are very strong, but not too late to meet;Met, but too late to be familiar with;Familiar with, but still say goodbye.


Choose to escape, is your best way, then I choose to leave.


It is raining again today. I am very happy and happy that you are by my side.

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