


The most rare thing is not to meet, but to meet again 我不想成为你的整个世界,只要是你世界里最美好的事物就好

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The most rare thing is not to meet, but to meet again.


I don"t want to be your whole world, as long as it"s the best thing in your world.


If you can"t catch up, don"t chase it, put it down, and delete it if you can"t get used to it.


The most indispensable thing in the world is the glass heart. If you are too sensitive, you will hurt yourself.


Don"t let cowardice deny you, don"t let laziness delay your youth.


Look up. Don"t waste the moon.


If you live seriously, you can find the candy hidden in life.


I have been very satisfied with the world : there are sunsets , there are stars, and you.


The world is a mess and you are clean, you can hang on my heart, be my star and moon.


What can bring you happiness is not only falling in love , but also the achievements of hard work.


Running is very tired , math is very difficult , listening to classes is very sleepy , a lot of homework , but to survive these days is have a bright future.


You are my today, and all tomorrow.


Become a star, angular and radiant.


Our little flaws, let us find the right person.





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