


There is a flower called lavender , its flower language is waiting for love, the emergence of this flower represents

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There is a flower called lavender , its flower language is waiting for love, the emergence of this flower represents love and commitment.


Give a forget-me-not, that do not forget me, to always remember the friendship between us, it represents eternal love and eternal memories.


There is a kind of flower called the sky star . Its flower language is that I am willing to be a supporting role. I love you secretly. I bring the sky star to give you, but I still feel that the sky star is inferior to you.


Gardenia quietly pregnant with flower buds, from winter to summer , a symbol of eternal love and unknown waiting.


Iris has a hidden flower language : desperate love that can not be asked for.


Blue demon Ji said that she secretly loves you but can"t open her mouth . Every day she thinks about you. Will you think of me.





我不知道该怎么形容你,我只知道你和我见过的所有人都不一样。I don"t know how to describe you. All I know is that you"re different from everyone I"ve ever met. 温柔的好天气,总是和你一样,让人止不住心动。Gentle good weather, always like you, p...

2022-12-22 #经典句子



...ant to wear a white veil one day, and then run to you with joy. 我不知道怎么形容你,我只知道你跟我见过的所有人都不一样。I don"t know how to describe you. All I know is that you"re different from everyone I"ve ever met. 生活应该是美好又温柔的 , ...

2014-02-07 #经典句子



...t get sick. 如果你觉得你泡的到我,大可以试试,我会让你知道什么叫心想事成。If you think you can get me, you can try and I"ll let you know what may all your wishes come true is. 虽然你是我的优乐美,但是垃圾桶才是你最终的归宿。Although you a...

2022-12-03 #经典句子



...u mean to say you don"t know but you do know. 所谓长大,就是你知道那是什么事;所谓成熟,就是你知道后故意说不知道。Have met your luck, it"s a pity that didn"t keep you. 有遇见你的运气,可惜没留住你的本事。 Your hobby is your direction, your ...

2011-06-25 #经典句子



随身的行囊装些快乐。Pack your bags and have some fun. 风吹日晒,自由自在。The wind is blowing and the sun is free一种生活过久了,总想出去走走。A kind of life is too long , always want to go out for a walk. 旅行是治愈坏心情的良药,音乐也是。Travel ...

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2016-12-30 #经典句子



...ath too hard , and I became a sand sculpture. 别沮丧了,虽然你不曾拥有一场说走就走的旅行,但至少还有一个说胖就胖的体型。Don"t be depressed, although you haven"t had a trip to go, but at least there is a body that says fat is fat. 图文来源网络,...

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好好爱自己,别否定自己,你特别好,特别温柔,特别值得。Love yourself well, don"t deny yourself, you are particularly good , especially gentle, especially worth it. 一个人踮起脚尖靠近太阳的时候,全世界都挡不住她的阳光。When a person stands on ...

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