
「内刊」托福口语task1 2结构的重要性



友情提示:本文共有 3211 个字,阅读大概需要 7 分钟。


1. Delivery (Fluency)

2.Language use (Vocabulary, Grammar and Pronunciation)3. Topic development (Logic)




Some teachers think that it is important for students to sit in assigned seats, that is, to sit in the same place every day in class. Other teachers think that students should be allowed to choose where they will sit, and they allow them to sit in different seats on different days. Which do you think is better? Explain why.

From my perspective, I prefer the latter option. One obvious advantage of it is that students are able to have discussions conveniently with other group members who are focusing on the same projects. Proximity do facilitate this kind of discussions.

It may enable students to establish relationship with more people in the same class. If the seat is fixed, a student’s social connection is very likely to be confined to those around him.

A typical case of it is that my nephew who was assigned to sit in the front row in high school, could not even name those sat in the back row after one semester.


Think of one place where you have never visited but where you would really like to go. Explain what it is that interests you about this place.

The place I would love to visit is Santorini. (It is a fascinating little island in Greece.

It is actually getting more and more popular among young people these days, especially newly-weds who tend to hold their weddings or spend their honeymoons there. )I guess they are drawn to this charming island mainly because it really looks like a romantic and poetic paradise, with the blue sea, the clear sky and the white attics.

You know, it is just a perfect place for you to take some amazing photos, rest your mind and spend some quality time with the love of your life. So it is definitely a must-go place for me and I would like to go there with my fiancé in the future.


One of your friends is often late for events and appointments, which makes others angry. You would like to help your friend. What advice will you give your friend to help avoid this problem in the future? Use specific details and examples in your advice.

Well, if one of my friends cannot do things on time, I would like to give some suggestions to him as follows.

Firstly, set an alarm as possible as he can. Once he has an important schedule, an alarm gives him a reminder on time not to be late.

And what is more, he can set the voice of alarm loud so that he will not forget. Secondly, ask somebody else to do things together.

As we all know, doing things together with others rather than alone is kind of like intangible force. To sum up, these are the two of the advice that I can give to him.





1.我们会发现,对于第一个回答,我们非常不确定他讲了几个点,更不用说要确定这几个点分别是什么。是因为什么呢?他没有明显的连接词,比如,also, what’s more, secondly等。



所以,讲话的结构会影响听的人的理解和记忆,这让结构这一个部分(也就是评分标准Topic development),特别重要。

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