第一句子大全 > 标签 > middle
还行吧 马马虎虎英语除了so-so 可以怎么说?fair to middling

还行吧 马马虎虎英语除了so-so 可以怎么说?fair to middling

...一般般,还行,过得去,马马虎虎的”习惯表达:fair to middlingfair 在这的意思是:(水平、质量)一般的,尚可的,不错的;middling:(大小、品质、地位等)中间的,普通的,中等的。这个习语是怎么形成的呢?一般认为它与农...

2011-11-12 #经典句子

口语中“in the middle of sth”是什么意思 你绝对猜不到!

口语中“in the middle of sth”是什么意思 你绝对猜不到!

...庭信步,这是他最舒服的状态。No,thanks ,I"m kinda in the middle of doing laundry.不谢了,我正打算熨衣服呢。这里需要大家注意的是“in the middle of sth”,不是字面意思在某某中间,而是指“正在忙于做某事”。I"m in the middle of learning...

2016-07-21 #经典句子

The five fingers英译英口语训练

The five fingers英译英口语训练

...的根源所在。1) 英译汉:thumb 大拇指;index finger 食指;middle finger 中指;ring finger 无名指;little finger 小指2) 英译英:如果你一时忘记了你想要表达的意思的那个用中文学来的英语单词,“换词说意”就成为语言能力的表现。...

2016-11-14 #经典句子



...年级:七年级文章类型:记叙文~美国中学英文原文In most middle schools and high schools in the USA, students are encouraged to join a club. These groups generally meet at the end of the school day for an hour or two. Students do not have to pay to join a club. If clubs need money ...

2023-11-04 #经典句子

冲刺2022研究生!2013年考研 英语二 Text 2 长难句解析

冲刺2022研究生!2013年考研 英语二 Text 2 长难句解析

...ond v. 向远处看culture war n. 文化战争open up v. 开放;供开发middle ground n. 中间立场;中间观点some pron. 有些人;有些事物2. 拆分句子①标点符号:, . ! : — 等②连接词:and, but, or, that, which......a. 首先进行标点符号拆分:这么长的句...

2022-11-25 #经典句子

“我很忙”英语只会说I'm busy?这些地道表达让你忙得与众不同!

“我很忙”英语只会说I'm busy?这些地道表达让你忙得与众不同!

... never complains.罗斯一直都很忙,但是她从不抱怨。04.in the middle of something这是一个非常地道的美式口语表达。字面意思是“在...中间”,当你忙着做事的时候,不正好是夹在这件事情的中间吗?in the middle of后面还可以加doing sth.有...

2020-07-13 #经典句子

黄文琪雅思口语|Part1难题:Perfume 香水

黄文琪雅思口语|Part1难题:Perfume 香水

...oc咽喉 + -ate动词词尾 同源词:faucal)6 top note 头香,前调middle note 中调,中段香韵base note 后调,基香调I saw a TV programme on perfume once and in Paris they take it really seriously. When they talk about it, they describe it as having notes. There are top notes, whi...

2023-09-06 #经典句子

14句特别伤感的句子 句句让人心疼 哪一句说的是你

14句特别伤感的句子 句句让人心疼 哪一句说的是你

...feel that I"m very powerful. I can leave all my words and heartache in the middle of the night on my own.4、有多少人在深夜里,哭着哭着就睡着了。How many people fall asleep crying in the middle of the night.5、我们都是孤独的人,脸上带着面具微笑,心里藏着谁...

2023-01-25 #经典句子

「新概念英语」Sally's first train ride 萨莉第一次乘火车!

「新概念英语」Sally's first train ride 萨莉第一次乘火车!

...车窗坐着,对她所看到的一切都要问个明白。]Suddenly, a middle-age lady got on the train and sat opposite Sally. "Hello, little girl," she said. Sally did not answer, but looked at her curiously. The lady was dressed in a blue coat and a large, funny hat. [突然,一个中年妇...

2023-09-15 #经典句子



...rs old.3.性别:I am a girl/ boy.4.所在学校和班级:I am at…Middle School,I am in Class…,Grade…5.联系方式(电话号码、QQ号码、邮箱等):My telephone number is…可拓展内容:生日、出生地、职业、兴趣爱好等。【易错点提示】★1.代...

2023-05-19 #经典句子



...axPalindrome = lettersAndDigits.slice(i - j, i + j +1); // j steps before, middle, and j steps after}}// try the case that the palindrome has two middlesif (i < len -1&& str[i] === str[i +1]) { // if two middles are the sameif (maxPalindrome.length= 0&&// cannot pass the start index (inclusive)i + j...

2023-01-23 #经典句子



... a,把左手小拇指放在a上,ring fingeris on s,无名指放在s上,middle fingeris on d,中指放在d上,and index fingeris on f.食指放在f上。Place your right hand so that your pinky is on the semicolon,把右手小拇指放在分号上,ring finger is on l,无名指放在l上,mid...

2016-06-29 #经典句子



...、be动词之后3.either 意为“也”,用于否定句的句末三、middle centre(center)1.middle 指线或面的中心位置,也可指时间或事件的中心2.centre(center) 指圆或球体的中心,不用于细长的物体,也不用于指时间,通常与“the”连用四、find 和...

2011-02-19 #经典句子

5个关于方向的短语 破英语也能找到好方向

5个关于方向的短语 破英语也能找到好方向

...惊讶他是月光族,因为他总是到处乱花钱。be caught in the middle中文常说的「左右为难」英文不用 left 跟 right 来表达,而是直接说 be caught in the middle,就是夹在中间不知道该如何是好,可以形容「陷入其他人之间的争执」,无论同...

2015-06-15 #经典句子



.... This boy is my cousin. He is my uncle"s son. His name is John. He is a middle school student. He likes English very much. This girl is me. My name is Linda. I am eleven. I am also a middle school student. I love my family.短文语音(推荐你自己也张嘴朗读)逐句译文:这是...

2023-08-19 #经典句子



...荣boom of economy37. 富裕中产阶级的出现emergence of the affluent middle class38. 国内旅游traveling within China39. 出国旅游traveling abroad40. 国庆节假日the National Day holiday41. 旅游消费the consumption of tourism42. 中国的创新 innovation43. 发达国家developed co...

2007-03-27 #经典句子

人教版新目标英语七年级上册单词读法 用法详解——第1单元

人教版新目标英语七年级上册单词读法 用法详解——第1单元

...,分别是名、中间名、姓。名:first name=given name中间名:middle name=second name姓:last name=family name例如:Bob Adam Green 鲍勃·亚当·格林其中Bob是first name,Adam是middle name,Green是last name。细心的同学会发现,英美人名除了比中国人名多...

2023-08-10 #经典句子

考研英语单词 阅读 作文冲刺期那些你必须知道的高分备考技巧!

考研英语单词 阅读 作文冲刺期那些你必须知道的高分备考技巧!

...。下面师兄举个例子:“During the past generation,the American middle-class family that once could count on hard work and fair play to keep itself financially secure has been transformed by economic risk and new realities.”将其改成最简句,也就是学会找句子中的主谓宾...

2023-08-15 #经典句子

展示你愿望的句子 简约真实 句句走心!

展示你愿望的句子 简约真实 句句走心!

...得睁开眼睛,全是依靠自己的人,而自己却无人可依靠。Middle aged people often have this loneliness when they are middle-aged. They feel that they open their eyes and rely on their own people, but no one can rely on them.你们说今晚的月亮很美,我嘴角上翘,眼睛...

2023-01-05 #经典句子

关于爱情的感悟句子 成熟有魅力 不可错过

关于爱情的感悟句子 成熟有魅力 不可错过

...任,一家之言,一家一户都要钱供。In a word, when people are middle-aged, they have families and responsibilities on their shoulders. According to the words of every family, every family wants money.你们要明白,他之所以这样做,是因为他对你没有眷恋。他并不在...

2022-11-20 #经典句子