第一句子大全 > 标签 > aptitude
跟人生高度相关的三个英文单词 altitude attitude & aptitude

跟人生高度相关的三个英文单词 altitude attitude & aptitude

...度的,不是你的才能,而是你的态度。Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.我深以为然, 一个人的做事做人的态度决定着你的人生的高度,没有一个成功的人是靠着傲慢、轻视、无理来走上巅峰的。这句话有三个英...

2010-01-14 #经典句子

英文美句D128:能者达人所不达 智者达人所未见

英文美句D128:能者达人所不达 智者达人所未见

...也插不上嘴。——《汉英大词典》【拓展:genius, talent, aptitude, gift 都表示(天资,天赋)的意思,它们有什么区别?】geniusn. 天才,天赋语气较强,可指天赋极高者,也可指天赋的特殊才能与智力,强调高智商,含具有独特的...

2022-12-20 #经典句子



...用的句子,希望你能用到。 1、It"s your attitude, not your aptitude, decide your altitude. 决定你高度的,不是你的才华,是你的态度。 2、two heads are better than one. 三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮。 3、constant dropping wears the stone. 滴水穿石...

2023-05-01 #经典句子

TutorABC英语提醒:2019 CATTI三级笔译报名时间将近 该如何备考

TutorABC英语提醒:2019 CATTI三级笔译报名时间将近 该如何备考

...家十分关心的问题,毕竟由人事部组织主办的CATTI(China Aptitude Test for Translators and Interpreters),也就是我们常说的翻译资格考试,可是十大黄金证书之一,可谓是翻译考试界的“爱马仕”。近期,人事部公布了2019年CATTI三级笔译...

2023-11-03 #经典句子

12句正能量句子 句句如金 催人泪下

12句正能量句子 句句如金 催人泪下

...高度的不是你的才华,而是你的态度。Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.8、你手心没有痣,所以我不会记得你。Your palm has no mole, so I won"t remember you.9、生活总是这样,人不可能处处满足,但我们必须充满激情地生...

2023-02-04 #经典句子



...的“全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试”,英文全称是China Aptitude Test for Translators and Interpreters,简称为CATTI,也就是常说的翻译资格考试。手持一份全国统一编号的《中国人民共和国翻译专业资格(水平)证书》,无疑是许多想从...

2023-06-27 #经典句子



...、diversity 多样性,差异23、intellectual 智力的,聪明的24、aptitude 天资25、eradication 消灭,扑灭,根除26、evaporated 浓缩的,脱水的27、filter 过滤28、grasp 抓住,理解29、legacy 遗产,遗赠30、obscure 模糊的31、obsess 使痴迷32、spider 蜘蛛...

2024-01-18 #经典句子

常用66个成语翻译成英文 多记一点让你更加666

常用66个成语翻译成英文 多记一点让你更加666

... oriented; people foremost60.因材施教teach students according to their aptitude61.欲速则不达Haste does not bring success.62. 优胜劣汰survival of the fittest63.英雄所见略同Great minds think alike.64.冤家宜解不宜结Better make friends than make enemies.65.一言既出,驷马...

2018-01-10 #经典句子

本文再次证明语言是活的 学习英语要掌握语法 但不能拘泥于语法

本文再次证明语言是活的 学习英语要掌握语法 但不能拘泥于语法

...and grammatical rules are not enough.(18) To be considered for college, an aptitude test must be taken.(19) To become a champion swimmer, shoulder muscles must be developed while young.(20) Being Christmas, the government office were closed. (Since it was...)分析与总结:上述诸例均说明...

2023-08-31 #经典句子



...vWhat is intelligence, anyway? When I was in the army I received a kind of aptitude test that all soldiers took and, against a normal of 100, scored 160. No one at the base had ever seen a figure like that and for two hours they made a big fuss over me. (It didn"t mean anything. The next day I was s...

2023-10-21 #经典句子



...st)、成绩测试(achievement test)、潜能(或素质)测试(aptitude test)及诊断测试(diagnostic test)。如果按考试方式来分,测试通常可以分为分离式测试(discrete-point test)和综合性测试(integrative test)。另外还有其它分类方法,...

2023-09-10 #经典句子



...确率;孩子的相对弱项。2. 高中升顶尖大学SAT( Scholastic Aptitude Test) 起始于1926年, 最初来源于一战时美国军队用来从学生中挑选士兵的智商测试, 用来衡量每个人内在智能,与学生来自的阶层与家庭经济条件无关,接下来被当...

2023-09-10 #经典句子



...记得你这周参加的那个职业能力测验吗?You know that career aptitude test you took this week?是的 亚当在他考卷上画了个阴道Yeah, Adam made his sheet look like a vagina.他的父母一定很骄傲吧His parents must be proud.额 结果出来了Well, the results came in.我...

2011-12-09 #经典句子

「板泉中小·英语乐园」100个中国成语的英文翻译 果断收藏!

「板泉中小·英语乐园」100个中国成语的英文翻译 果断收藏!

...人为本People-oriented.87因材施教Teach students according to their aptitude.88欲穷千里目,更上一层楼To ascend another storey to see a thousand miles further; Ascend further, were you to look farther.89欲速则不达Haste makes waste.More haste, less speed.90优胜劣汰Survival of ...

2020-04-30 #经典句子



...以人为本 people foremost因材施教 teach students according to their aptitude欲速则不达 Haste does not bring success优胜劣汰 survival of the fittest英雄所见略同 Great minds think alike一言既出,驷马难追 A real man never goes back on his words招财进宝 Money and treas...

2023-06-27 #经典句子

奥鹏21秋中医大《大学英语 上》在线作业-1(100分)非免费答案答案

奥鹏21秋中医大《大学英语 上》在线作业-1(100分)非免费答案答案

...B、playedC、playD、playing正确答案:第35题,Your attitude, not your aptitude, will () your altitude.A、underlineB、imagineC、determineD、reward正确答案:第36题,- Have a sweet dream, Honey!- ().A、Thank you all the same.B、Yes, I will.C、The same to you.D、My pleasure.正确答案...

2020-11-19 #经典句子



...选拔性考试(Selected Test),竞赛则属于学习能力考试(Aptitude Test),这些测试手段是有严格的区分的。不能不考试,但也不能频繁考试、滥用考试。另外,小学阶段还要注意,慎重使用选择题型。第九,不要直接教学。(Don"t T...

2022-11-20 #经典句子



...。)·painting英 [pent] / n.(一幅)画;绘画作品He shows a great aptitude for painting.(他在绘画上表现出很高的才能。)·angry英 [gri] / adj.生气的,愤怒的If you do that again, I""ll get angry.(你再那么着,我就火了。)·said英 [sed] / v.(say的过去式)...

2023-08-14 #经典句子



...can be accepted by a college in the US is his/her scores on the Scholastic AptitudeTests. √19、The Commonwealth of Nations includes all European countries. ×20、Critics of the affirmative action programs are of the opinion that this results in reverse discrimination. √21、The first English p...

2008-07-02 #经典句子

英语国家概况翻译 第二部分

英语国家概况翻译 第二部分

...校 -- Comprehensives schools take pupils without reference to ability or aptitude and provide a wide-ranging secondary education for all or most of the children in a district.Reuters路透社 -- It was founded in 1851 by the German, Julius Reuter. It is now a publicly owned company, employing over ...

2019-08-18 #经典句子