第一句子大全 > 标签 > Women
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...synchronized diving 3m springboard Men男子双人3米跳板* 10m platform Women女子个人10米跳台* 3m springboard Women女子个人3米跳板* synchronized diving 10m platform Women 女子双人10米跳台* synchronized diving 3m springboard Women女子双人3米跳板水上运动-游泳Aquati...

2011-02-17 #经典句子



...在这里先提前祝大家节日快乐!国际妇女节(International Women"s Day,简写IWD)全称“联合国妇女权益和国际和平日”(United Nations women"s rights and international peace day),在中国又称“国际劳动妇女节”、“三八节”和“三八妇女节...

2023-05-09 #经典句子

“妇女节快乐”为什么是Happy Women's Day?用英文称呼不同女性

“妇女节快乐”为什么是Happy Women's Day?用英文称呼不同女性

...天的正式名称哦,即为“国际劳动妇女节”(International Women"s Day,简写IWD),又称“联合国妇女权益和国际和平日”。随着,我国进一步对其简称为“三八妇女节”,在我国的司法解释中,年满十四周岁的女性既是妇女。那么...

2014-05-30 #经典句子



Why Words for Single Women Have Changed Through Time 单身女性身份标签流变不休为哪般Amy Froide 埃米·弗罗伊德In a recent interview with Vogue, actress Emma Watson opened up about being a single 30-year-old woman. Instead of calling herself single, however, she used the word...

2024-01-24 #大杂绘

深夜一个人看哭的句子 刺痛内心 动人心弦

深夜一个人看哭的句子 刺痛内心 动人心弦

...的信任,自然不愿意坦诚地对待女人。The reason is simple. Women who are always suspicious will make men very tired. Men are not trusted by women, so they are naturally unwilling to treat women honestly.爱情的来临总是让人心跳加速。面对让她们感兴趣的男人,女...

2022-12-27 #经典句子

三八妇女节给妈妈的祝福语 暖心唯美 送给妈妈的妇女节祝福~

三八妇女节给妈妈的祝福语 暖心唯美 送给妈妈的妇女节祝福~

...快乐!On the way of life, you, my dear mother, give me strength. Happy women"s Day!曾经,您再苦再累不说难,操劳了心田。三八妇女节,祝福您亲爱的妈妈Once upon a time, no matter how hard or tired you are, it"s hard for you. On women"s day, I wish you a happy mother!...

2023-07-23 #经典句子

酷拽且高冷的个性句子 字字犀利 值得一看

酷拽且高冷的个性句子 字字犀利 值得一看

...数,有车有房有存款,这对现在的人们来说是一种陋习…Women ask men to have all the betrothal gifts, cars, houses and savings, which is a bad habit for people now婚姻开放后,男女之间的爱与不爱,早已不再从初心开始。After the opening of marriage, the love...

2022-11-26 #经典句子

适合下雪天发的可爱句子 经典入心 招人喜欢!

适合下雪天发的可爱句子 经典入心 招人喜欢!

...al U不能给女人真正爱的男人,让女人惊慌失措。Can"t give women a man they really love, make women panic.许多人,在遇到那个正确的人之前,经历了一场错综复杂的失败。Many people experience a complex failure before meeting the right person.只有在看透了...

2022-11-25 #经典句子

2020高考英语七选五 语法和改错试题解析一

2020高考英语七选五 语法和改错试题解析一

...influence a woman’s lifespan more than it does a man’s.The study found women who lived to 90 were,on average,taller and had put on less weight since the age of 20 as compared to women who were shorter and heavier.1_____. However,men saw more benefit from physical activity than women.In 198...

2008-12-11 #经典句子

女人鼓励自己的励志句子 远离伤心 才会看到更暖的阳光!

女人鼓励自己的励志句子 远离伤心 才会看到更暖的阳光!

...对困境,学着历经风雨,让自己在漫长岁月中坚强生长。Women, you must learn to grow, learn to face difficulties, learn to go through wind and rain, and let yourself grow strong in the long years.3、女人,抓住了坚强,就要放手眼泪。女人,远离了伤心,才...

2022-11-25 #经典句子

夫妻之间的语录 句句经典 句句入心

夫妻之间的语录 句句经典 句句入心

...If you have only one expression, the other person may feel too simple, and women definitely have more than one emotion. 3. 少年别低头别屈服别懦弱别爱人,记住我会回来。姑娘别胡闹别哭泣别害怕别忘记,记得我永远在。Don"t bow your head, don"t be huge, don"t be ...

2023-07-19 #经典句子

让人静心的感悟人生的句子 所有的现世静好 背后都是咬牙坚持

让人静心的感悟人生的句子 所有的现世静好 背后都是咬牙坚持

...话语权和控制经济权的战争。Marriage is a war between men and women for the right to speak and control the economy.对家庭稳定有利的是有趣的,对捍卫婚姻不利的是无聊的。What is good for family stability is interesting, and what is bad for defending marriage is bori...

2022-11-11 #经典句子

因为这句话 让《哈利波特》作者跟男主角隔空开骂?

因为这句话 让《哈利波特》作者跟男主角隔空开骂?

...字是用来形容「有月经的人」这个族群的,并示意就是「Women」一字。怎料此言一出,立即引起不同的声音批评她的言论是针对跨性别族群,除了指她恐跨症(transphobia)外,也指她是一名「TERF」。「TERF」的全写是 Trans-Exclusionar...

2022-12-24 #经典句子



...的一面镜子。1975年著名社会语言学家Robin Lakoff引入了 “women’s register” (女性语域)这个概念,她观察到,美国女性为了缓和谈话或者为了减弱表达观点时的侵略性,会出现以下这些特征:Tag questions使用很多反义疑问句“This ...

2023-09-11 #经典句子

三八妇女节暖心祝福语 句句精选 祝女神节日快乐!

三八妇女节暖心祝福语 句句精选 祝女神节日快乐!

...e of life; Draw a heart-shaped circle to encircle love; I wish you a happy Women"s Day and a happy life!一千朵玫瑰给你,要你好好爱自己;一千颗幸运星给你,让好运围绕着你。妇女节快乐!One thousand roses for you, want you to love yourself well; One thousand lucky ...

2023-11-21 #经典句子



...时候了Paragraph 1:A HORMONE CALLED relaxin helps loosen up pregnant women’s hips. Without it, the pain of delivery would be unbearable. 一种叫做松弛素的激素可以帮助孕妇放松臀部。没有它,分娩的痛苦将无法忍受。Its job done, however, relaxin lingers in female ...

2023-05-20 #经典句子

超走心句子 伤感无助 哭红了双眼!

超走心句子 伤感无助 哭红了双眼!

...能拒绝女人的温柔。Man is a rational animal, but he can"t refuse women"s tenderness.男人在女人温柔的引诱下,就不值一提。Men are not worth mentioning under the gentle temptation of women.男的是火星,女的是金星。男女在情感上的思维差异注定了男女相...

2022-11-29 #经典句子

点燃朋友圈的句子 满腔热血 句句激励人心!

点燃朋友圈的句子 满腔热血 句句激励人心!

...,只有一小部分女性是靠自己活得充实。The vast majority of women who have failed in love for several years are difficult to really get out of sadness quickly, and only a small number of women live by themselves.女人不想做什么?其实,她要的“多一点”,懂得就会...

2023-09-05 #经典句子

智慧源于勤奋 伟大出自平凡|英文名句赏析

智慧源于勤奋 伟大出自平凡|英文名句赏析

“There are men and women who make the world better just by being the kind of people they are. It really matters very little whether they are behind the wheel of a truck or running a business or bringing up a family. They teach the truth by living it.”— James A. Garfield,20th U.S. President句...

2023-09-19 #经典句子

可以写在同学录上的温柔句子 文艺大方 越看越爱

可以写在同学录上的温柔句子 文艺大方 越看越爱

...有一小部分女性是靠自己充实而生活的。The vast majority of women who have failed in love for several years are difficult to really get out of sadness quickly, and only a small number of women live by themselves.妇女什么都不想?事实上,她要的“更多”,懂得了就...

2022-11-23 #经典句子