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探究 gkzy+cdzk+net 网站的特色和优势


2024-02-04 #大杂绘

第五人赛采访 Weibo教练语出金句犀利评价:赢了对面 输给自己

第五人赛采访 Weibo教练语出金句犀利评价:赢了对面 输给自己


2007-12-04 #经典句子

Weibo选手86祸从口出 一句“夏季赛冠军本该是iFTY的”引热议

Weibo选手86祸从口出 一句“夏季赛冠军本该是iFTY的”引热议


2013-06-26 #经典句子

英汉双语:禁烟新招法 幽默且接地气

英汉双语:禁烟新招法 幽默且接地气

...titute, with slogan writing "No girlfriend/boyfriend if you smoke" [Photo: Weibo]西安交通工程学院张贴了一个禁烟告示,上面写着“吸烟找不到对象”A college in Xi"an has been gaining a lot of attention on social media in China for posting signs with amusing slogans to disc...

2008-01-11 #经典句子

看到忍不住流泪的伤心小句子 温柔治愈 让人难以忘怀

看到忍不住流泪的伤心小句子 温柔治愈 让人难以忘怀

...确实,没有努力,我越来越不开心了。Looking through the old Weibo, I found that there were not many emotions I deleted, but from the rest of Weibo, I really changed a lot. Think carefully, life is not as unfair as you think, but you gradually get used to the comfortable life and then ...

2022-11-11 #经典句子

冰激凌来自大便 乔布斯语录藏在便签!emoji背后还有这些秘密

冰激凌来自大便 乔布斯语录藏在便签!emoji背后还有这些秘密


2018-12-03 #经典句子



...ing, amount, word, etc. that is equivalent to sth else”。通常,提到Weibo时候会介绍为中国版的Twitter,常见的有几种说法:Weibo, China"s Twitter-like service (SCMP)Weibo, the Chinese equivalent to Twitter (NPR NEWS)Twitter-like Weibo (Reuters)Weibo, a Twitter-like platform (...

2018-12-21 #经典句子

读报刊学英语:“李家有女 人称子柒”—精读笔记

读报刊学英语:“李家有女 人称子柒”—精读笔记

...舞人心的人物Vlogger Li Ziqi gets ready to film a video. [Photo/Sina Weibo account of Li Ziqi]【语言点】inspirational:providing inspiration 启发灵感的;鼓舞人心的e.g. an inspirational leader 有感召力的领袖e.g. But to be inspirational you don"t have to save lives or win ...

2023-08-29 #经典句子



...Fancy carp。例句:The fancy carp images have been widely reposted on Weibo. 锦鲤图片在微博上疯传。

2023-11-14 #经典句子

2019年10个流行热词!高频词汇 实用英语句子学习!

2019年10个流行热词!高频词汇 实用英语句子学习!

...ent 正是声明they made an official announcement about their marriage on Weibo.他们在微博上公布了婚讯。10. 真香So delicious 真香“真香”是指一个人已经完成了对某件事从拒绝到喜欢的甜蜜打脸过程。今天的学习就到这里啦!每天我都会为大家...

2023-01-04 #经典句子

那些偷偷摘抄下来的句子 触动心弦 值得收藏!

那些偷偷摘抄下来的句子 触动心弦 值得收藏!

...u will never disturb the happiness of others. That"s the principle. Buckle weibo 如果你哭,我的脸总是湿的;如果你难过,我的心总是苦的。 If you cry, my face is always wet; If you are sad, my heart is always bitter. 那个男孩死了,老死不相往来。 The boy is dead ...

2022-11-21 #经典句子

体贴温暖的温情小句子 温柔治愈 现实又无奈

体贴温暖的温情小句子 温柔治愈 现实又无奈

...手。In ancient times, we didn"t call, send short messages, chat online, Weibo, cross the ocean and get stuck in the road. If I miss you, I will climb two mountains and walk five miles to hold your hand.那些你放不下的人,有的已经消失在你的面前,有的已经消失在你的脑海...

2023-12-19 #经典句子

一些霸气冷艳的文案 句句独特 选一句做个性签名吧!

一些霸气冷艳的文案 句句独特 选一句做个性签名吧!

..."s all gone.QQ不是滴滴,微信不是微博QQ is not Didi, wechat is not Weibo离山离海的去爱谁也不会感动No one will be moved to love from the mountains and the sea而且我没有当穷人And I"m not poor有很多人喜欢你,但是真正想娶你的只有我Many people like you, but I...

2022-11-19 #经典句子

网文作者被黑客盗号改文 万分惭愧停更

网文作者被黑客盗号改文 万分惭愧停更


2017-11-22 #经典句子

黑客因网文作者写太烂盗其账号 帮改文更新修防火墙

黑客因网文作者写太烂盗其账号 帮改文更新修防火墙

...着盗她号了。对这事儿你怎么看呢?参考链接:[1]https://weibo.com/6871390978/KFoBji3tM?referflag=1001030103&type=comment#_rnd1635818764878[2]https://www.zhihu.com/question/495765417— 完 —本文系网易新闻网易号特色内容激励计划签约账号【量子位】原创内...

2016-01-04 #经典句子

唯美伤感的句子 心酸无奈 看得心都快碎了!

唯美伤感的句子 心酸无奈 看得心都快碎了!

...that girls" so-called weight loss is just a matchmaking, they also post on Weibo and wechat moments.偶发性你涵容旁人,只是因为你还想让她俩长出在你的生活中。Occasionally, you"re holding people back, just because you still want them in your life.结婚的时候记忆给我...

2023-02-05 #经典句子

「晚安」干净唯美的治愈系句子 优雅清新 句句暖心!

「晚安」干净唯美的治愈系句子 优雅清新 句句暖心!

... will post a circle of friends at two or three in the morning, and post on Weibo over and over again, and I do n’t want to say "good night" to you. This is the dignity that I finally think I am!因为彼此忙碌,而不联系的我们,让我有那么一瞬间的错觉,就好像我们远隔...

2023-09-01 #经典句子

能治愈伤心的温情小句子 懂你的心 不缺乏雅致!

能治愈伤心的温情小句子 懂你的心 不缺乏雅致!

...not a star, but also a half-time celebrity on the Internet. I also went to Weibo to leave a message, expecting others to come back. Have you ever used such a gentle tone to your father and mother? Really, liking someone begins with value and ends with character.最后一次见面,苍白的画面...

2022-11-11 #经典句子

带着忧伤的情感文案 满是委屈 走心又深情!

带着忧伤的情感文案 满是委屈 走心又深情!

...,寻找自己内心的部分,很迷茫。There are people like me; In Weibo, looking at other people"s words, looking for their inner part, is very confused.坚强太久意味着写在脸上的沉默。跨过岁月的河,人生就像成熟的果实,越来越低调。低调反应的本质,...

2012-06-05 #经典句子

讲文明 识礼仪——南昌县三江镇开展“转作风树形象”文明礼仪培训会

讲文明 识礼仪——南昌县三江镇开展“转作风树形象”文明礼仪培训会

...width:0px;text-decoration-style:initial;text-decoration-color:initial;"> ="weibo-text"style="text-align:left;color:rgb(21,21,21);text-transform:none;line-height:1.43rem;text-indent:0px;letter-spacing:normal;font-family:sans-serif;font-size:18.75px;font-style:normal;font-weight:400;word-spacing:0px;w...

2023-12-07 #经典句子