第一句子大全 > 标签 > fail
每日一句英语 Day113——不怕不成功 就怕你根本不尝试

每日一句英语 Day113——不怕不成功 就怕你根本不尝试

Don"t be afraid to fail. Be afraid not to try.不怕不成功,就怕你根本不尝试。——Michael Jordan(迈克尔·乔丹)【相关单词短语讲解】【1】 be afraid to do sth. 害怕做某事Don"t be afraid to ask for advice about ordering the meal.点餐时可以大胆征求意...

2023-06-06 #经典句子

六个字的英文微小说 竟然如此煽情!意境远超你的想象

六个字的英文微小说 竟然如此煽情!意境远超你的想象

...·福克纳(William Faulkner)的一句经典名言:A novelist is a failed short story writer, and a short story writer is a failed poet.每个长篇小说家都是一个失败的短篇小说家,每个短篇小说家都是一个失败的诗人。确实,要描述一件事很容易,但要...

2014-12-26 #经典句子



...as you do not stop.步伐多慢无关紧要,只要你坚持不懈。12. By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.凡事预则立,不预则废。13. Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.努力过,失败过,没关系,屡战屡败,屡败屡战,每一...

2023-11-27 #经典句子

区分As though although:一句话就可说清楚

区分As though although:一句话就可说清楚

...t buy it.虽然我非常喜欢它,但我不买。Try as she might, she failed.虽然她试过了,但还是失败了。(注意:表语前的名词无形容词修饰时冠词要省略。)Hard as he tried,he still failed.(他虽然努力了,但仍然失败了.)Though he tried hard,he still f...

2023-07-08 #经典句子

“逃课”英语怎么说?千万别直译成:escape from the class!

“逃课”英语怎么说?千万别直译成:escape from the class!

...补习班。3、“考试不及格”用英语怎么说?正确表达:fail the exam考试不及格如果想直译“考试不及格”可能会感觉很复杂,其实它的英语表达很简单,因为当fail与exam或test等词连用时就有“没通过”的意思,所以可以用fail the e...

2013-04-26 #经典句子

英语否定句型大全 4 含否定词但意思肯定的句型总结

英语否定句型大全 4 含否定词但意思肯定的句型总结

...狗去。I never see him but I am happy. 我看到他就高兴。3. never fail to + V ...说明︰此句型意为“必定会…;一定会…”。fail 因包含“失败”的否定意义,故也属双重否定。She never fails to write to her parents every month.她每个月一定写信给她...

2023-08-11 #经典句子

十种会被考官fail的雅思作文开头 考鸭们可长点心~

十种会被考官fail的雅思作文开头 考鸭们可长点心~

... confidence. While those people who don’t have confidence, they all have failed.The solution to the traffic problem案例:I think to solve the traffic problem, very easy! For those who don’t obey the traffic rules, we should put all of them into prison. If we do that, I’m sure there will be ...

2013-08-11 #经典句子



...he terms of advertising, no regular advertiser dare promote a product that fails to live up to the promise of his advertisements. 【词汇突破】apart from 除开;相当于besides; in addition to 的意思。 promote 促销 Parliament:议会 live up to:不辜负,在翻译时...

2024-01-10 #经典句子

2021限量版搞笑对联 句句有趣 朗朗上口!

2021限量版搞笑对联 句句有趣 朗朗上口!

...on is not oftenThe second couplet: pass every exam every timeBanner: never fail02上联:朝朝暮暮有帅哥下联:年年岁岁不挂科横批:要啥有啥The first couplet: there are handsome men all the timeThe second couplet: do not fail every yearBanners: you have what you want03上联:...

2023-10-05 #经典句子

「考研英语二」英语写作常见误区 你中招了吗?

「考研英语二」英语写作常见误区 你中招了吗?

...正确:例2: The microwave oven that I bought from your store last week fail to work normally now.这个句子有个定语从句 that I bought from your store last week,因此大家很容易受到干扰。正确打开方式是:先不看从句,只看主语和谓语。the microwave oven是主...

2023-05-05 #经典句子

两头落空 用英语怎么表达

两头落空 用英语怎么表达

...,两边不讨好”等,寓意:come between two alternatives, and so fail to fulfill either of them介于两个选择之间,因此无法实现其中任何一个fail due to difficulty in choosing between two alternatives由于难以在两个备选方案中进行选择而失败fail to achieve e...

2023-12-04 #经典句子

脑洞大开!陪娃读中国经典名著《西游记》 还能拓展这么多英文!

脑洞大开!陪娃读中国经典名著《西游记》 还能拓展这么多英文!

...输入这句的时候孩子跟我一起说:If you don’t try, then you fail by default, it means that you have already failed by not trying.If you try and fail, that’s better than not trying at all, because by not trying, you fail also.02读到白骨精的时候,唐僧误解了孙悟空给...

2022-12-19 #经典句子

人教版九年级英语Unit 4 考点总结

人教版九年级英语Unit 4 考点总结

...luence on most people.The film positively influences most people.考点9:fail的有关用法 常见的搭配有:fail sth(a test/exam)不及格 反义词:pass a test/examfail sb评定某人不及格/合格;使某人失望fail in sth未能做到某事;未做某事fail to do sth未能做到...

2023-09-23 #经典句子

家长辅导从零开始学英语 零基础英语入门 词性分类篇 连词 一

家长辅导从零开始学英语 零基础英语入门 词性分类篇 连词 一

...开,那么你就能看见博物馆在你的右边。2、但是butXiaoyu failed the exam, but she didn"t give up.小玉考试考砸了,但是她并没有放弃。We were supposed to go on a picnic, but it rained.我们本应该去野餐的,但是下雨了。3、否则、或者orWake up, or you ...

2023-01-08 #经典句子

早安正能量励志语录:与晨光赛跑 坦然面对 不要放弃!

早安正能量励志语录:与晨光赛跑 坦然面对 不要放弃!

...,那也没关系。It doesn"t matter if u try and try and try again, and fail. It does matter if u try and fail, and fail to try again.

2018-02-15 #经典句子

《中国新说唱》热狗获乌鸦嘴称号 一句话连着送走4个小兄弟!

《中国新说唱》热狗获乌鸦嘴称号 一句话连着送走4个小兄弟!


2019-02-12 #经典句子

神剧《权游》再回首 小恶魔的经典语录

神剧《权游》再回首 小恶魔的经典语录

...nklage)在个人演讲中说过的,与大家共勉:Ever tried,ever failed. No matter,try again. Fail again,fail better.屡战屡败,屡败屡战,纵然再败,愈加出彩。

2019-04-20 #经典句子

土狗英语语录:英文版“一着不慎 满盘皆输” 咋翻译?大佬翻译

土狗英语语录:英文版“一着不慎 满盘皆输” 咋翻译?大佬翻译

...赛。土狗:If the problem that is contingent on the overall situation fails to be tackled properly, it may result in defeat in the whole.*如果事关全局的问题处理不好,就可能导致整体失败。◎知识点*:1. "be contingent on/upon" v. 视……而定,决定于In effect, grow...

2019-04-17 #经典句子

唯美舒心励志的句子 一眼惊艳 总结的很精辟

唯美舒心励志的句子 一眼惊艳 总结的很精辟

...我去证明自己。Thanks for the dark night, I know that no matter how failed today, a new tomorrow is still waiting for me to prove myself.沉溺于过去的人,无法张开双臂拥抱今天。Those who dwell on the past cannot open their arms to the present.我不怕痛,我怕失去我的...

2022-12-01 #经典句子

简短优美的文艺句子 看完让你明白很多!

简短优美的文艺句子 看完让你明白很多!

...uth more brilliant.你可能会失败,但你不会一直失败。You may fail, but you won"t fail all the time.

2022-11-29 #经典句子