第一句子大全 > 标签 > cognitive
英语词句学习cognitive process认知过程

英语词句学习cognitive process认知过程

【英语词句学习】As children grow older, their cognitive processes become sharper.随着孩子们长大,他们的认知过程也变得越来越敏锐了。【核心词汇】cognitive adj. related to the process of knowing, understanding, and learning something 认知的,认知过程的awa...

2010-06-10 #经典句子



...一套。比如,不仅有文字叙述,还有配图。Consciousness and Cognition上的一篇论文告诉我们,附加一张图片,可以大大提升信息给人的“真实感”,即便这张图片没有提供任何证据来证明这条信息是真的。研究选取了32个“冷知识”...

2010-08-02 #经典句子

心理学术语中文 英文对照

心理学术语中文 英文对照

...ict多项仪——polygraph肤电反应——GSR(认知)评估——(cognitive appraisal)脸部回馈假说——facial feedback hypothesis(生理)激发——arousal挫折-攻击假说——frustration-aggression hy.替代学习——vicarious learning发展——development先天——...

2023-12-13 #经典句子

每日精选的个性签名 简短干净 值得收藏!

每日精选的个性签名 简短干净 值得收藏!

...别人对你的认知Growth is that you have surpassed the past people"s cognition of you. Growth is that you have surpassed the present people"s cognition of you依赖,是奋斗路上最大的绊脚石。Dependence is the biggest stumbling block on the road of struggle.想做的与喜欢做的,...

2016-02-25 #经典句子

英语学习 持之以恒

英语学习 持之以恒

...how complex cultural behaviour arose and what guides it in evolutionary or cognitive terms.翻译:从共性中过滤出独特性,也许能让我们理解复杂的文化行为是如何产生的,以及为什么在进化和认知方面引到了文化行为。句中单词:filter(n.过滤器;...

2023-05-01 #经典句子



...cles do, and the right mental workouts can significantly improve our basic cognitive functions.词汇 mentaladj. 内心的,精神的,思想的,心理的;significantlyadv.意味深长地;意义深远地;重要地;较大地cognitiveadj. 认知的;认识的结构分析 主句It turns out ...

2023-09-12 #经典句子



...Objectives:III. Teaching aids:IV. Teaching Strategies: Situational Method ,Cognitive Approach, Task-based Language Teaching Approach 1. 读前活动(Pre-reading) ---情境法(Situational Method)情境法也叫视听法。针对听说法脱离语境,孤立地练习句型,影响培养学生有效...

2023-10-18 #经典句子

语言发育迟缓的宝宝 通过早期的手势语言就能看出端倪 你知道吗

语言发育迟缓的宝宝 通过早期的手势语言就能看出端倪 你知道吗

...ses in early gesture lead to increases in spoken vocabulary[J]. Journal of Cognition & Development,2015,16 (2):199-220.4、Cartmill, E. A., Hunsicker, D., & Goldin - Meadow, S. (2014). Pointing and naming are not redundant: Children use gesture to modify nouns before they modify nouns in s...

2023-07-14 #经典句子

英语词句学习acquire professional competence获得专业能力

英语词句学习acquire professional competence获得专业能力

... professional competence 专业能力11. social competence 社交能力12. cognitive competence 认知能力【例句拓展】1. Many people have testified to his competence.很多人已证实了他的能力。2. The ability to write is a supreme test of linguistic competence. 写作能力是对...

2023-12-07 #经典句子

12个必须铭记于心的句子 有助于你变得更好

12个必须铭记于心的句子 有助于你变得更好

...,同心自我认知。Synchronous self correspondence, concentric self cognition.11、杏花含情凝视,君心从远方归来。Apricot blossom lovingly gazes, your heart returns from afar.12、事情与你无关。高高挂起。It"s none of your business. High up.

2022-12-24 #经典句子

写进备忘录的文案|将军不下马 各自奔前程

写进备忘录的文案|将军不下马 各自奔前程

...的自己。I am constantly reshaping my thinking, breaking my ideological cognition, repeatedly shaping myself, in exchange for an orderly conversation, clear thinking, mature and stable myself.月光晦暗,灯光晦暗,流云如网瓦解了夜晚的森严,世界就这样在眼前斑斓。The...

2007-07-07 #经典句子

适合雨天看的扎心句子 看痛了心 哭红了眼!

适合雨天看的扎心句子 看痛了心 哭红了眼!

...被追求的女性会情不自禁地与你联系。Under such an emotional cognitive concept, those women who are easy to be pursued can"t help contacting you.

2022-11-24 #经典句子

那些非常现实的句子 简短精致 值得收藏

那些非常现实的句子 简短精致 值得收藏

...的认知范围之内思考问题。People always think within their own cognitive range.成熟与幼稚的区别就是,要为自己的选择付出代价。The difference between maturity and childish is to pay for your choice.虽然计划永远赶不上变化,但也不能随遇而安,更不...

2023-01-07 #经典句子

这么深情动听的文案 只有温柔的你 才能配得上

这么深情动听的文案 只有温柔的你 才能配得上

...认知不同,所以才会出现偏差。It is only because of different cognition that there will be deviation.努力生活吧,明天依旧是美好的,让我们在这平淡的日子里做好自己。Live hard, tomorrow is still beautiful, let"s do our best in this plain day.生命是有限的...

2007-10-26 #经典句子

梦里都会感觉遗憾的句子 满是心酸 却又无能为力

梦里都会感觉遗憾的句子 满是心酸 却又无能为力

...,认知不同,所以才会有对错。Three different views, different cognition, so there will be right and wrong.生活枯燥无味,但是你也要可爱。Life is boring, but you have to be lovely.看过你善变的眼神,也经历过你善变的心,终究还是没有熬下去,这一...

2022-11-27 #经典句子

“没事 不用回我” 这句话背后的微妙动机丨文本关系

“没事 不用回我” 这句话背后的微妙动机丨文本关系

...elenberg, M. (2018). The social side of shame: approach versus withdrawal. Cognition And Emotion, 32(8), 1671-1677.Doron, G., Moulding, R., Kyrios, M., Nedeljkovic, M., & Mikulincer, M. (2009). Adult Attachment Insecurities are Related to Obsessive Compulsive Phenomena. Journal Of Social And Clinica...

2023-05-12 #经典句子



...大词的复现率,要扩大与目的语的接触。2. 加深认知度(Cognitive depth)。提高对英语单词的认知规律,利用音、形、义的联系,构词法,语法词形变化等规则,掌握有关英语词汇的内在规律,就可变“死记”为“活记”。3. 运用...

2023-09-26 #经典句子

适合发朋友圈的宝藏句子|活着就是希望 没有什么可以打倒你

适合发朋友圈的宝藏句子|活着就是希望 没有什么可以打倒你

...,背景音乐才变得有了更多的感触。You have to build your own cognition, your own values, only in this way, all love will be reflected in front of you.I know it"s impolite and even makes your story a lot more interlude, but it"s because of this that background music becomes more emotion...

2022-12-05 #经典句子

很有深度的人生感悟 句句有内涵 挑一句自己喜欢的吧

很有深度的人生感悟 句句有内涵 挑一句自己喜欢的吧

...常到路边翻垃圾桶,把钥匙全丢了。Then Taigong began to have cognitive impairment. He often went to the roadside to turn over the trash can。还忘了拿回几张纸条 用红白色的尼龙绳叠得整整齐齐,像是一个非常珍贵的宝贝。The note is neatly folded with red ...

2023-05-03 #经典句子



...termined, led Ericsson to conclude that the act of memorizing is more of a cognitive exercise than an intuitive one.主干识别: 句子的主语是this success和later research;谓语是led;宾语是Ericsson; 不定式短语 to conclude作状语;主干结构是:This success and later re...

2022-12-31 #经典句子