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短语动词 turn around 它不仅只有“转身 ”的意思

短语动词 turn around 它不仅只有“转身 ”的意思

#英语短语动词#本章节介绍的是短语动词 turn around,它主要有以下几个用法。一、turn around/round 或 turn sb/sth around/round,意为“转身,使翻身,翻转”,例如:Please turn around and let me have a close look at your bullet wound.请转过身来,让我...

2007-03-16 #经典句子

you know随便看看英语怎么说?

you know随便看看英语怎么说?

随便看看英语怎么说:look around 释义:(四处) 转转; 参观;随便看看音标:英[lk rand] 美[lk rand]public timeline 释义:随便看看;公共时间线;公共时间轴音标:英 [pblk tamlan] 美 [pblk tamlan]having a look释义:看一下,看一眼;看一看音...

2019-07-16 #经典句子

如何用英语表达模糊的概念 about around sevenish的用法

如何用英语表达模糊的概念 about around sevenish的用法

...,大概有一百个在那个盒子里,还有30在这个盒子里。2. aroundhe is around twenty.他大概二十左右I leave work at about 6 most days.我通常是6点左右下班Shall we meet at around five? 我们5点左右见面吧我知道你们早就已经知道了around 和about了,但...

2023-11-29 #经典句子



...ng my time, I got nothing to do. 我空耗着时间无事可做I"m hanging around, I"m waiting for you. 我坐立不安地四处徘徊,期待着你的出现But nothing ever happens, and I wonder. 但是你终究没有出现,我诧异郁闷I"m driving around in my car. 我驾着我的车四处游...

2022-11-15 #经典句子



...ir arms against their former allies. 他们对以前的盟友动武“Turn around” meaning – Phrasal Verbs with TURN. “转身”的含义 - 带有TURN的短语动词。Turn around 转身Meaning: Physically rotate horizontally 360 degrees 物理上水平旋转360度Example: Turn around once or ...

2017-06-20 #经典句子

英文美句D163:当真理还正在穿鞋的时候 谎言就能走遍半个世界

英文美句D163:当真理还正在穿鞋的时候 谎言就能走遍半个世界

A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes. 当真理还正在穿鞋的时候,谎言就能走遍半个世界。【相关单词短语讲解】1. around the world(1) She travels around the world as if money is no object.她漫游世界,好像钱不是...

2022-12-20 #经典句子



...ve clean water whenever we want,but this is not the case for many people around the world.32.That"s around one in 10 people in the world. If we drink dirty water,we can catch diseases from the bacteria and become ill. Every year over 500,000 children die from diarrhea(腹泻)from dirty water...

2023-09-16 #经典句子



You can"t sit around and wait for others to arrange your life; if you want something, fight for it yourself. 你不能等待别人来安排你的人生;自己想要的,自己争取。—— 宫崎骏 《猫的报恩》【相关单词短语讲解】1. sit around闲坐着;无所事事:If you s...

2022-12-20 #经典句子

Emma英语-25 跟 WRAP 有关的短语和习语Phrasal Verbs & Idioms

Emma英语-25 跟 WRAP 有关的短语和习语Phrasal Verbs & Idioms

... Now we can just enjoy the weekend!好了,下一个动词短语。 "wrap around" 或者 "wrap round".Have you wrapped up that project yet, or are you still working on it? Okay here"s another phrasal verb它的意思非常字面,指把某物放在某物周围。当使用这个动词短语时你...

2017-07-10 #经典句子



大家都知道Monkey是猴子Around是围绕那你知道“Monkey around”是什么意思吗?“猴子围绕”?当然不是!那是什么意思呢?一起学习一下吧。Monkey around ≠ 猴子围绕其实,“Monkey around”的意思是:鬼混;胡闹。例句:Would you quit monkeying arou...

2011-07-01 #经典句子



...e dark circles/rings under one’s eyes”或者“have dark circles/rings around one’s eyes”。是不是看得有点晕?没啥大不了的,下面让严爸来帮大家分析分析:要想技艺精,严爸来点津:学习这个表达的关键是要理解“黑眼圈”的定义以及找...

2023-08-13 #经典句子

英语常用俚语90句 让你轻松说出地道口语!

英语常用俚语90句 让你轻松说出地道口语!

...脑筋的事物5. work one’s butt off 很努力地(做一件事)6. push around 驱使(某人)7. brush off 不理; 默视8. boss around 颐指气使9. Oh, boy! 乖乖! 哎呀! 真是!10. bound to 必定11. all set 都准备妥当12. dirty work 卑鄙的工作; 讨厌的工作13. cop 警察14. spook...

2014-03-12 #经典句子

玩手机 英语怎么说?

玩手机 英语怎么说?

...,我建议你使用“play on”会比“play with”更好一些。Mess around on your phone“mess around”的意思是“消磨时光、浪费时间、无所事事”的意思,这个说法也很像中文里所说的一直玩手机的概念。与之相似的还有一个说法叫做“play aro...

2024-01-01 #经典句子



...词是nosed。例句:a dog with a good nose嗅觉灵敏的狗Dogs nosed around in piles of refuse.一群狗在垃圾堆上嗅来嗅去。和nose有关的短语当你想形容某人的鼻子很笔直,你就可以用短语straight nose来表示。当nose是动词时,有这样一个短语:nose ...

2009-02-11 #经典句子




2016-06-06 #经典句子



...。2. come round表示“苏醒,清醒”,英式英语中亦写作come around。近义词有revive,regain consciousness,come to等。When someone who is unconscious comes around or comes round, they recover consciousness.3. 除此以外,come around/round还可指“拜访,探访”,如...

2007-12-08 #经典句子

英语词汇篇 - 我想大约会是在冬季

英语词汇篇 - 我想大约会是在冬季

...词汇。下面我们就来看一下。最常用的两个词是 about和 around。about/around(used with a number or quantity) approximately例句:The pagoda is about/around 30 meters high.塔高约 30 米。That boy is about/around the same size as me.那个男孩儿和我的尺寸一样。也可...

2012-06-26 #经典句子

成熟经典的现实文案 句句走心 深刻有道理

成熟经典的现实文案 句句走心 深刻有道理

...实现,最后聚在一起,就是收获。Sometimes, you need to turn around, separate your goals, achieve them alone, and finally get together, which is the harvest.不要在意别人的嘲笑。爱情背后说三道四,心眼好不到哪里,所以没有必要去收获那些人的肯定。Do...

2019-07-14 #经典句子



...t Emory University investigating how an infant, who has no problem walking around the grocery store in her onesie, develops into an adult that fears public speaking for fear of being negatively judged.这是一个需要很多研究的大问题。 但是揭开这个问题的第一步, 是从逐渐...

2023-11-27 #经典句子



...下列句型,每空填一词)1.The teacher said ,”The earth goes around the earth. (变为间接引语)The teacher told us the moon ___ ___ the earth.2. Jim has never been to London, ___ ___ ?(完成反意疑问句)3. Can you tell me how I can get there?(改为简单句)Can y...

2023-08-31 #经典句子