第一句子大全 > 标签 > balance
张艺兴最喜欢讲这3句话 最后一个好撩人!

张艺兴最喜欢讲这3句话 最后一个好撩人!


2023-12-27 #经典句子

New Balance 型号讲解篇!鞋盒上的数字&英文字母代表什么意思?

New Balance 型号讲解篇!鞋盒上的数字&英文字母代表什么意思?

有人说,一个合格的型男这辈子一定要有双New Balance,因为它穿起来无比舒适、坚持英、美制造的高品质,更重要的,它是复古慢跑鞋中的经典。不过,关于NB鞋盒上那串神秘的英文数字组合到底是什么意思?难道型号MS574BK真的...

2014-01-31 #经典句子



...项”有关的短语还有:cash on delivery 货到付款outstanding balance 未付款项penalty /"penlti/ charges 违约金NO.3balance /blns/余额余额可以用“balance”来表示。例句:Jack checks his bank balance every month.杰克每个月都要查账户余额。A: How much is m...

2013-06-21 #经典句子

“付尾款”冲上了热搜 但英语可不是说tail money

“付尾款”冲上了热搜 但英语可不是说tail money

...款千万别翻译成tail money或者tail pay,它的英文通常可以用balance来表达,来看看在字典里的解释:1. MONEY OWED 所欠的钱: the balance of a debt is the amount of money that you still owe after you have paid some of it 〔债务的〕余款:The balance is due at the en...

2023-10-21 #经典句子




2023-11-24 #经典句子



...同时也参考“阴柔的”。Elegant: Used to describe wines of grace, balance and beauty. 优雅:用于形容葡萄酒的优雅,均衡且美好。Harsh: Used to describe astringent wines that are tannic or highin alcohol. 粗糙的:用于形容涩味葡萄酒的单宁或高酒精含量高...

2014-11-21 #经典句子

一些精辟有道理的文案句子 句句深刻 希望能给你启发

一些精辟有道理的文案句子 句句深刻 希望能给你启发

....温-衡,你的温确实是温-衡,可衡却是云-衡。Temperature - balance, your temperature is indeed temperature - balance, but balance is cloud - balance.温柔到骨子里的简短句子,暖心大方,值得收藏备忘录里的温柔句子,干净走心,很值得一看结合你此...

2022-11-14 #经典句子



...ns:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on how to balance academic study and extra curriculum activities.You have to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.名师范文:As the saying goes ‘work, love and play are the great balance wheels of man"s being’, t...

2008-08-06 #经典句子

me-time是什么意思?享受独处 英语怎么说|雅思口语素材

me-time是什么意思?享受独处 英语怎么说|雅思口语素材

...anted. 陪伴自己是一种特权,我认为这理所当然。Regain the balance of social time and me-time. 恢复/重获社交时间和独处时间的平衡Schedule some me-time 安排一些自己的时间solitude is an important tool to bring balance into one’s life. 孤独是使生活平衡...

2023-12-02 #经典句子



...要求先交1个月的租金,并且还要外加500美元的定金。03.balance 尾款balance due/account due/due 尾款,款账相信会有人知道account due的意思,但没几个知道,原来balance due也能表示尾款,很多时候,其实你说due别人也能理解是"尾款"的意...

2024-01-01 #经典句子



... credit card(信用卡)2. withdraw money(取钱)3. more than(超出)4. balance(余额)现在可以用英语句子表达英语“透支”了:这不是告诉你英语单词,是训练你的英语说话能力。1.Well,透支 means to overdraw in English.2. 透支 means You withdraw more money t...

2023-05-05 #经典句子



...... I find it important / critical to do sth.I find it important to have a balanced diet.have a balanced diet 有平衡的饮食结构第一个句型是超级万能句型,需要积累的内容是:1. 形容词 2. 动词/动词短语我们列举了一些形容词&动词词组: adjective - 形容...

2023-09-09 #经典句子



... need to keep our classroom clean. 我们需要保持教室的干净.27. a balance of yin and yang阴阳平衡28. for example例如=such as29. too much yin太多的阴, 阴气太盛too much + 不可数名词太多的… much too +形/副实在太… 极其,非常(too moch/much too两者意思只...

2008-07-26 #经典句子

《创3》鹿晗当众cue张艺兴 听到这句话 黄子韬笑容说明一切

《创3》鹿晗当众cue张艺兴 听到这句话 黄子韬笑容说明一切


2023-08-05 #经典句子

适合双11过后发的逗比句子 沙雕有趣 赞爆你的朋友圈

适合双11过后发的逗比句子 沙雕有趣 赞爆你的朋友圈

...ter double 11, I found my eyes seem to be nearsighted, why can"t I see the balance of Alipay even when I open my mobile phone?这一个双11,我悟出了一个道理,那些单身的就好好的过节吧!千万不要学着别人过什么双11了,不然你可能就会变成一个没钱的单...

2022-12-06 #经典句子

「新高考英语」有关时态与语态 多练才能会的习题!

「新高考英语」有关时态与语态 多练才能会的习题!

...im out。选词填空选词publish, composer, periodically, establish, balance, brush up onnot hesitate to do, (be) known as, a photographic memory, jump to one"s feet,11.Ludwigvan Beethoven is regarded as one of the greatest ________ in thehistory of music.12.Roots& Shoots is an insti...

2022-11-18 #经典句子



...不明。【误】If the humans want to live well, we must keep nature in balance.【改】If the humans want to live well, they must keep nature in balance.4、比较级错误常见错误:more and more + 形容词比较级;形容词原形+than。【误】With the advancement of science and tech...

2008-05-01 #经典句子

2021冀教版八年级英语下册Lesson 17 Save the Tigers教学设计

2021冀教版八年级英语下册Lesson 17 Save the Tigers教学设计

... 1.我要 掌握 单词和短语: century, courage, brave, reason,--- in balance, in danger--- 2.通过学习,我要学会 运用所学知识谈论 动物并 知道 怎样保护动物。 过渡语 :Ibelieve everyone can achieve your goal? Can you ?Let ’sbegin . 二、先学环节 ( 15 分钟...

2023-05-13 #经典句子




2023-12-06 #经典句子



How to Balance Work and LeisureJust as the old saying goes, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”, which illustrate the importance and necessity of keeping a balance between work and leisure. However, in today’s fast-paced work culture, it’s difficult for most people to successfully ...

2024-01-08 #经典句子