第一句子大全 > 标签 > Coffee


...人情况适合年级:初二Finnish researchers say they have produced coffee in a laboratory that smells and tastes very similar to the real thing. The team reports that lab-grown coffee could be important as climate change continues to threaten traditional coffee farming.Scientists at Finland’...

2024-01-03 #经典句子



...ong-life milk 保久奶28.condensed milk 炼乳;炼奶 29.cocoa 可可30.coffee mate 奶精 31.coffee 咖啡32.iced coffee 冰咖啡 33.white coffee 牛奶咖啡34.black coffee 纯咖啡 35.ovaltine 阿华田36.chlorella yakult 养乐多37.ice-cream cone 甜筒 38.s...

2016-02-04 #经典句子



...来自咖啡XD03芬兰是世界上消耗咖啡最多(consumes the most coffee)的国家。也许是因为那里实在是太冷了,人们需要多喝点咖啡保持温暖。04也许有同学会察觉到喝了咖啡之后总想去洗手间——尽管咖啡因是一种温和的利尿剂(mild d...

2023-11-27 #经典句子



...咖啡”英文怎么说?1)如果是说咖啡的浓度要用 “strong coffee"strong 是”强劲“的意思一般这样的咖啡都特别苦e.g: I have to stay up tonight. Could you make me a strong cup of coffee?我今天得熬夜了,你能帮我冲一杯浓咖啡吗?这里的反义词是...

2017-07-28 #经典句子

Latte≠拿铁!烤鸭们 把你们喜欢的Coffee加入到雅思口语上吧~

Latte≠拿铁!烤鸭们 把你们喜欢的Coffee加入到雅思口语上吧~

今天这篇干货是继上次的《Tea or coffee》口语新题而展开的,因为很多佛山的烤鸭就是个咖啡迷,每天一杯那是标配。有没有同学试过在星爸爸信心满满地点了Latte之后结果拿到一杯港式奶茶?可能你对Latte有点误会了人家可只是...

2023-11-17 #经典句子

英语英译英阅读:realize dreams of prosperity(海南咖啡致富)

英语英译英阅读:realize dreams of prosperity(海南咖啡致富)

...。Okay.Let"s go!一、英语Hainan residents realize dreams of prosperityCoffee production in Fushan, Hainan province, has brought prosperity to farmers. China is known for its tea, but most residents of Fushan township on the tropical island province of Hainan have become accustomed to starting th...

2023-06-16 #经典句子

学语法不求人 both either and neither用法大全

学语法不求人 both either and neither用法大全

...th = the two children) 两个 孩子都结婚了2. Would you like tea or coffee? Either is ok, (either = tea or coffee) 哪个都可以3. A: Do you want to go to the cinema or the theatre?B: Neither. I want to stay at home, (neither = not the cinema or the theatre)哪都不去I like both books v...

2014-09-29 #经典句子

喝咖啡时 “加糖”英语该怎么说?add sugar?

喝咖啡时 “加糖”英语该怎么说?add sugar?

...,类似一些餐厅英语都可以用语借鉴。1.I would like a cup of coffee, please.2.I’ll have a cup of coffee.3.I want a cup of coffee.....(很多说法都有,这里就不多列举了)二.尺寸和口味OK,现在咖啡师知道你要一杯咖啡,但是你要的口味还有尺寸都...

2013-05-17 #经典句子



... 蒸馏水long-life milk 保久奶condensed milk 炼乳; 炼奶cocoa 可可coffee mate 奶精coffee 咖啡iced coffee 冰咖啡white coffee 牛奶咖啡black coffee 纯咖啡ovaltine 阿华田chlorella yakult 养乐多essence of chicken 鸡精ice-cream cone 甜筒sundae 圣代; 新地ice-cream 雪...

2016-11-22 #经典句子

“咖啡”的90种英语表达 千万不要只会说“coffee”!

“咖啡”的90种英语表达 千万不要只会说“coffee”!


2011-09-12 #经典句子



...料是新闻。新闻的主要内容是介绍了土耳其咖啡:Turkish coffee.Turkish:土耳其的;Turkey:土耳其;turkey:火鸡。这篇新闻的题目是:Turkish coffee:a drink,a fortune-telling tool,a prenuptial test.(摘自英文新闻标题)土耳其咖啡是一种饮品,一个...

2011-06-20 #经典句子

英语必备句型 百日特训1

英语必备句型 百日特训1

...os on the table.5. Her home is not far from here.6. He drank two cups of coffee. 7. They are Japanese. 8. What is the price of the computer?9. I usually do my homework in the evening.10. Some policemenare standing over there.1. 地板上有一些衣服。下列汉译英中正确的是 _____...

2023-07-20 #经典句子

第六届陆家嘴金融城国际咖啡文化节启动 “最受欢迎咖啡馆”新鲜出炉

第六届陆家嘴金融城国际咖啡文化节启动 “最受欢迎咖啡馆”新鲜出炉

...店铺氛围都成为DECADE在咖啡爱好者眼中的标识。Punchline Coffee&Roaster地址:上海市四平路1024号1幢1层102-104室Punchline Coffee&Roaster店内咖啡豆均由主理人亲自挑选烘培,确保每一杯出品都能让客人品味到咖啡的艺术和纯粹,每一口匠...

2019-07-24 #经典句子



...房东到图书馆还书.Tracy来电话留言:1)咖啡屋(Bolton Coffee)见面取消,2)此事已告知Susan3)尽快回电.我们此篇作文分为两部分,第一部分为准备外出及所办事宜.第二部分为Tracy来电话留言.重点短语与句型:go shopping 购...

2023-07-01 #经典句子

视频丨“对话”最可触摸 最有味道的咖啡风情 2021上海静安世界咖啡文化节浓情开幕

视频丨“对话”最可触摸 最有味道的咖啡风情 2021上海静安世界咖啡文化节浓情开幕

...区人文相融共美的生活味道。5月28日上午,以“bittersweet coffee home风味卓越地·静安咖啡家”为主题的2021上海静安世界咖啡文化节在兴业太古汇北广场和吴江路浓情开幕。作为上海咖啡文化周系列活动之一,今年的静安咖啡文化...

2023-06-19 #经典句子

want to do want doing和want done使用区别及口语want的礼貌问题

want to do want doing和want done使用区别及口语want的礼貌问题

...nt在口语中的使用,如你在餐馆向服务员说:I want a cup of coffee!此时人家可能心里刚好不爽,可能就会把咖啡甩到你漂亮的脸上,你可以这样说:May I have a cup of coffee?orWould you please make me a cup of coffee?

2009-04-01 #经典句子

西餐厅实用英语 你应该知道的 常见西餐及饮品的地道说法

西餐厅实用英语 你应该知道的 常见西餐及饮品的地道说法

...荷包蛋,煎蛋饮料(beverage)Non -alcoholic 无酒精的Hot drink:coffee(espresso,cappuccino,regular coffee,decaffeinated coffee)Tea(tea with milk,sugar or slice of lemon, Chinese tea)Hot chocolate热饮:咖啡(意式浓咖啡,卡布奇若,普通咖啡,低音咖啡)茶(加奶...

2019-09-20 #经典句子

英语冷知识 人命中也能挖出很多有趣好玩的知识 一起看看吧

英语冷知识 人命中也能挖出很多有趣好玩的知识 一起看看吧

...!1. A cup of Joe(一杯咖啡)这个短语的意思也就是a cup of coffee。最初由于纽约的一家公司Martinson’s Coffee创始人的名字Joe Martison而来的,据说是因为当时临近街区都因这间咖啡店而弥漫着芳香,因此人们习惯性的把咖啡称之为a cu...

2023-05-27 #经典句子

「今日英语短文」Cat Café

「今日英语短文」Cat Café

...neiro, Brazil. Giovanna Molinaro is the founder of the café. People drink coffee with pictures of cats. They buy biscuits which look like a cats foot, too.The cats stay in another room. They lie around and relax. The Gato Café is a place for abandoned cats and dogs, too. Abandoned animals do not h...

2023-05-13 #经典句子



...张文慧开始了第5小段的朗读:“All I want is a proper cup of coffee made in a proper copper coffee pot, you can believe it or not, but I just want a cup of coffee in a proper coffee pot. Tin coffee pots or iron coffee pots are of no use to me. If I can"t have a proper cup of coffee in a ...

2023-02-02 #经典句子