第一句子大全 > 标签 > Stuck


...文: 不知不觉中我也感觉到累,英文: Sometimes I was a little stuck-up俚语"stuck-up 自大的,傲慢的,不理人的" Ex: Look like some stuck-up rich folks.这看似"冷漠"的词如果稍稍换个介词,意思就会有天壤之别。如: be stuck on: 迷恋上,贴在……上...

2023-08-11 #经典句子



你得过“stuck song syndrome”单曲循环综合症吗?这指的是一首歌或一段旋律在脑海里不停回响的现象。如果你想用英语向他人描述这样一段音乐,应该怎么说?学习用五个英语句子描述一段“挥之不去的旋律” ↓1. It’s an earworm....

2022-12-16 #经典句子

少儿英语教学——小猪佩奇英语知识点:The Playground

少儿英语教学——小猪佩奇英语知识点:The Playground

...不再。如,我不再是婴儿了 I am not a baby anymore.(2) Peppa is stuck in the tire. 佩奇卡在轮胎里出不来了。卡住 stick, 它的过去式和过去分词都是stuck. Be stuck in 被卡在…里,表被动。如,小狗被卡在瓶子里了 That dog is stuck in the bottle.(3) Pe...

2015-04-20 #经典句子

「今日英语短文」Man Behind An ATM - 自动取款机后的男人

「今日英语短文」Man Behind An ATM - 自动取款机后的男人

...英文水平的提升。Level 1:A man is working behind an ATM. He gets stuck. His phone is in his car. He cannot call for help. This happens in Texas.The man has a pen and some paper. He writes notes and pushes them through the machine. People read the notes. Most people think that this is a joke...

2009-09-12 #经典句子



...都有过类似的体验,而这样的现象用专业名词解释叫做“stuck song syndrome”(单曲循环综合症)。例句:① I don"t know how to get rid of earworms. 我不知道怎样才能摆脱这些洗脑歌。② I can’t get this earworm out of my mind!我没法忘记那首洗...

2023-05-20 #经典句子

英语对话时 卡住了该怎么办 Stuck in English Conversations

英语对话时 卡住了该怎么办 Stuck in English Conversations

... worried about joining English conversations. You"re worried about getting stuck, forgetting your words, feeling embarrassed about making mistakes.你们其中好多人一直在和我说你们很担心加入英语对话。你们担心说话卡壳,担心忘记要说什么,担心会因为犯错感...

2023-10-23 #经典句子

美国留学申请如何创作托福独立写作背景句 应对策略解析!优弗

美国留学申请如何创作托福独立写作背景句 应对策略解析!优弗

...ovide us with material help as well as spiritual encouragement when we are stuck in frustration and adversity,play an indispensable role in the life of every social individual.我们来细致分析一下这个句子,内容方面,我们通过并列结构将朋友的作用一一列举,展现...

2023-10-26 #经典句子

英语课要迟到了 怎么向英语老师请假 果果AI推荐

英语课要迟到了 怎么向英语老师请假 果果AI推荐

...or arriving late. 对不起,我来迟了。最常见的迟到理由I got stuck in traffic. / I"m stuck in traffic. 我遇上了大塞车。My train/bus/MTR is delayed. 我乘搭的火车/公共汽车/地铁有延误了。I had a family emergency. 我家中发生了急事。I forgot to bring my sma...

2023-06-14 #经典句子

英语句子“pigs might fly”不是“猪可能飞”的意思

英语句子“pigs might fly”不是“猪可能飞”的意思

...ig”作“野猪”讲时,也是一个可数名词。“to bleed like a stuck pig”意思是“血流如注”他的双手血流如注。His hands are bleeding like a stuck pig.肮脏的人,贪婪的人“to make a pig for oneself”意思是“大吃大喝”,“过分放纵自己”他喜...

2023-05-27 #经典句子

八月 致自己的句子

八月 致自己的句子

...现实过不去,因为你还要过下去。欢迎你八月!Don"t get stuck with the past, because it"s over, don"t get stuck with the reality, because you have to live on. Welcome to August!愿你阳光里像个孩子,风雨里是个大人,愿你想要的明天都如期而至。七月再见...

2023-06-14 #经典句子




2019-10-08 #经典句子

「晚安」朋友圈里的高情商句子 净雅唯美 句句干净动人!

「晚安」朋友圈里的高情商句子 净雅唯美 句句干净动人!

...erson can really sweep away the dust in your life, so that even if you are stuck in the valley, you can see the slowly shining starlight as soon as you look up.你说不想耽误我,怕没有以后,怕以后还是会分开,怕分开连朋友也做不成,怕这怕那的,却唯独不怕失...

2023-05-10 #经典句子



Regret is more like wine stuck in our throats than ever.后悔莫及就像塞进我们喉咙的酒。Regret is more like wine stuck in our throats than it used to be.悔恨比过去更像是酒卡住了喉咙。Sensitive little girls and little boys who don"t pay attention to details are always miss...

2023-02-02 #经典句子

英语不规则动词过去式 过去分词表 一次性全收录 小初高都有用

英语不规则动词过去式 过去分词表 一次性全收录 小初高都有用

...ad 40 制造 make made made 41 站 stand stood stood 42 粘贴,刺 stick stuck stuck 43 拼写 spell spelled/spelt spelled/spelt 44 吐唾沫 spit spat spat 45 明白 understand understood understood 46 处理 deal dealt dealt 47 弯曲 bend bent bent 48 寻找 seek sought sought 49 带领;领...

2011-12-19 #经典句子



...此唐老大的团队必须打败赛芙来拯救唐老大。5.You"re not stuck because you can"t, you"re stuck because you won"t.你不是不能挣脱,你只是不愿意挣脱。-《心灵小屋》麦肯在丧女后的悲痛中,接到一封来自上帝的邀请信,他随信到访小屋,寻...

2023-01-30 #经典句子



...e all flights had been canceled due to the snowstorm, many passengers were stuck at the airport.→All flights having been canceled due to the snowstorm, many passengers were stuck at the airport.②Since the number of private cars is increasing sharply in recent years, bicycle riders find it hard t...

2023-01-04 #经典句子



...卡在喉间进退两难想说却难以启齿。There are things that are stuck in your throat like fish bones that you can"t say.错爱,是喜欢却不合适的鞋,穿了脚疼,扔了心疼。The wrong love, is like but not the right shoes, wear the foot pain, threw love dearly.以前的我...

2022-10-22 #经典句子

10个如沐春风的签名小句子 暖暖的 很贴心!

10个如沐春风的签名小句子 暖暖的 很贴心!

...便不卡,多欢笑,忧郁不扰。Let it go, the heart will not get stuck, make more laughter, melancholy do not catch you.纵是一叶浮萍,心有所归,有所盼,便不再孤苦。Longitudinal is a leaf duckweed, the heart has returned, has hoped, is no longer lonely.甜以待己,宽...

2023-08-18 #经典句子



...,这话我撂在这了,你自己想办法爱上我。I like you, I"m stuck with these words, you find a way to fall in love with me.白茶清欢无别事,我在等风也等你。White tea Qinghuan is nothing else, I"m waiting for the wind and waiting for you.别急,等等我,等我足够...

2014-01-11 #经典句子

励志千言 有温度内涵的哲理短句(每日更新)

励志千言 有温度内涵的哲理短句(每日更新)

Don"t allow the past to keep you stuck. Learn from it, let go, and move on.不要让过去让你停滞不前, 要从中吸取教训,放手,然后继续前行。If you want to improve your self worth stop giving other people the calculator.如果你想提高自己的价值, 就不要再...

2023-01-08 #经典句子